Chapter 101 (With a Near Perfect Score)

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My shoulder was being gently shaken. "Hey, Yagi. The second part of the exam is about to start."

Groaning, I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "Inasa?" The tall boy was squatting in front of me, he smiled when I called his name. "Thank you for letting me take a nap."

"Hey, Deku! You seen beast girl?"

"I'm here, Katsuki." Inasa stood up straight and watched as the blonde approached. "Glad to see that you passed."

"Of course I did. Who do you take me for?"

"Shiketsu's headed our way." I stood and we all looked at the students coming over.

"Excuse me, Bakugo?"

(So fluffy!) At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to jump on the fluffy student. But someone grabbed me by the collar and held me back. Looking behind me, I saw Kirishima shaking his head. I pouted.

"Shishikura... The shifty-eyed one... He came after you, right?"

"I crushed him."

"I thought so...! He was probably terribly rude to you. You must have been offended. He has a bad habit of trying to force his values on others. He couldn't contain himself after seeing someone as notorious as yourself." He looked at me pouting and held an arm out. I giggled as I pet it. "We'd really like to build a good relationship with Yuuei going forward. So please accept our apology." They turned and walked away.

"You happy now?"

"Yep!" I nodded.

-Time Skip-

"Please! Help, it's my grandma!" I stopped in my tracks and looked around, a small girl was on her knees next to an elderly woman trapped underneath a collapsed wall.

"You'll be alright, help is here!" Climbing over fallen pillars, I made my way over to them carefully. The little girl looked up at me. Other than a few scrapes, she seemed okay. "Hey there, sweetie. I'm going to get your grandma out. But first I need to get you away from here. Can you stand?"

"No, my ankle hurts."

"Alright, now she might seem a little big and scary, but don't be afraid. Nevada is going to help you. Nevada, come!" At the sound of her name, my dog came to me. "Get this girl to the first aid station."

With the girl taken care of, I turned to the old woman. "Ma'am, your granddaughter is safe and on her way to the first aid station. I need to know if you can grip anything."

"My legs are trapped, not my arms!"

I sighed to keep my temper in check. "Good, I'm going to dig as much rubble away from you as I can. Then I need you to grab onto this and don't let go. Spartacus and Renegade are going to pull you out." I began digging.

"Now boys!" The woman came out easily. "I'll get you to the station."

~No One~
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Kita leapt into the air and smashed her bat down against Gang Orca.


"You need to get your heads in the game! This is no time for fighting between us! Inasa, I recognize your feelings toward Endeavor, but put them aside for now! Todoroki, grow the fuck up and get the stick out of your ass! We all know you aren't your father, so stop acting like him!" The small but fierce girl gestured over to a student resting against Midoriya. "Your bickering nearly got Shindo burned!"

"Where were we?" Gang Orca recovered from the blow to his head, sending Inasa, Todoroki, and Kita flying.



"Ugh..." I woke up with a pounding headache.

"Easy, Kita." A familiar voice spoke from my left side.


"I'm here, kiddo."

"What happened? Is the exam over? Did I pass?"

"With a near perfect score."

I felt the tears falling down my face. "I did it."

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