Chapter 90 (Not Cut Out for Ultimate Moves)

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"My quirk isn't cut out for ultimate moves." I looked around at my classmates working hard. I won't lie to myself and say I'm not upset, because it won't get me anywhere. So, while the teachers were distracted with the other students, I just goofed around and wrestled with the dogs.

"I see you're hard at work, Kita."

"Oh!" I plopped onto the floor. "Dad, I don't know what to do." I looked around again. "Everyone here is so awesome and their quirks are too! I mean look at Ida. His reciproburst is amazing, the name sounds cool and it's a boost of speed! Then there's Mina and her move I think she called it kersploosh. But she shoots acid! All I can do is be sarcastic and headstrong."

"Come now, Kita. Your quirk is just as special as everyone else's. I've heard you howl to summon the dogs. Try doing something with that."

"Howling isn't an ultimate move, Dad. It's a noise I can make. What if I'm part of that dying breed? The heroes without ultimate moves. Couldn't that work?" I looked up at him, hoping.

"I know you doubt yourself, kiddo. But you are more than you think. I've seen you train with the dogs. I've seen how hard you work, how far you've come."

"I know you say that. But I don't have any ideas."

"You can do anything you put your mind to. I've witnessed it a few times. Like, when I told you that you wouldn't be able to climb that tree in the back yard. You were outside for hours, trying to figure out how you'd climb it. And you did. Sure you had scratches all over your body, but you climbed the tree."

"Fine. I want to show you something, but you can't laugh at me." I stood up and howled for my dogs that ran off, more specifically Nevada.
She came running and I crouched down. She jumped onto my back and I stood up quickly right as she jumped again. With a bark she landed on one of the platforms Cementoss had created when he formed our training grounds.

"Can you do it with all three dogs? Or just Nevada?" Dad had been watching intently.

"I can do it with all of them, but it's a little easier with Nevada because her paws are a little smaller and fit on my back better. Well done, Nev." I pulled a treat from a pouch on my side. "I want to start incorporating Sakura into my 'Bestiary', but she's still so small."

"She's also just a cat. What could she do?"

"If I get her used to it, I could put a cam collar on her and send her to look around. Then we'd know exactly what we were dealing with, before anyone goes in and gets hurt."

"Kita. Your mother was able to summon animals. Maybe you can too. Have you ever tried?" I looked him in the face.

"No, I haven't. But do you see any animals that I could summon?"

"That's the point. Come with me." I sighed but obediently followed.

-Time Skip-

Dad and I now stood outside. "What's your plan?"

"Think of an animal that you have seen and touched before." My mind was swimming with thoughts of different little critters. "Remember the way it felt. What it looked like. How it smelled. How it sounded."

~Big blue eyes, Pointy nose, Chasing mice, And digging holes. Tiny paws, Up the hill. Suddenly you're standing still. Your fur is red, So beautiful. Like an angel in disguise.~

"I'm glad you're singing again, but quit fooling around, Kita. I'm trying to help--"

"Dad! I did it! Look!" I proudly held up a little fox and shoved it in his face.

"You did, you really did! That's awesome!" Inspecting the little guy, Dad smiled at me, proudly. "He's a little small, even for a fox. But you did it. Which means your training will now be to find and hold animals whenever you can."

"I can't believe it, I got more of Mama's quirk." I was beyond ecstatic. "Wait... How do you take care of a fox?"

"You're not keeping it."

"What?! Why not? What else am I going to do with him?" I hugged the fox to my chest tightly, making him give little squeaks. "How precious does he sound? You can't say no to him."

"Yes, I can. Foxes are difficult and smell bad. They make messes and chew through everything."

Spartacus, Renegade, and Nevada all barked. "So did they as puppies."

"Kita, I'm not changing my mind."

"What if I make a home for him? I can find out what foxes need and then get it. I'll let him roam around, but still have a place for him to sleep if the weather gets bad. Please, Dad?"

"You're almost as bad as your mother. She wanted to keep every animal that she summoned, it was ridiculous. But if you make him a shelter, take care of what he needs, and make sure he's healthy, then knock yourself out."

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