Chapter 95 (Means a Lot to Us)

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I held Sakura and Baby to my chest as I readied the water. "Good babies, don't scratch me." I placed both of them on the shower floor and got in, shutting the shower door behind me. The fox and the kitten did NOT seem happy, but they weren't attacking me, so that was a plus. I let my kitten smell the soap before I rubbed it into her fur, she sneezed. Repeatedly. "Quit it, you're being overdramatic." I did the same for Baby. They were pretty calm, until I stopped paying attention to them in order to wash myself. "Ouch, you little fuckers! My ankles aren't fucking scratch toys!" I dumped water onto their tiny bodies. "If you don't knock it off, I'll let little kids play with you." Sakura's eyes got really big and she backed as far away from me as she could. I swear I could almost hear her thoughts. 'Nope, no sticky fingers in my fur.'

Surprisingly, the two stayed quiet the whole time. Unsurprisingly, I had ended up with scratches and bites. "You'll get used to it in time." Baby and Sakura sat on my shoulders as I walked into the kitchen.

-Time Skip-

"What smells so good?" Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari had wandered downstairs.

"You guys like omelettes? I made some for everyone." I turned around with some plates. "You little shits, get off the counter!" Chasing the fox and the kitten off the counter with a spatula, while wearing an apron, seemed to amuse the boys.

"Since when do you wear glasses?" Sero and Kirishima grabbed a plate and sat down.

"I'm supposed to wear them whenever I study or have to read something. I don't like them very much. But if any of you tell anyone else, you saw me wearing these, I'll kick all three of your asses to America and back."

"Got it!" I placed the glasses in my apron pocket and began putting omelettes on plates.

"Why'd I get dragged into it?" Kaminari huffed.

"Where'd you go this morning?" Warm arms found their way around my waist.

"Morning love." I whispered to him and rubbed his cheek. "I needed to take the animals out. And it was bath day." I put down the spatula and turned to face him. "I made some breakfast, if you want some. There's enough for everybody."

"Thanks." Smiling as I grabbed Sakura and Baby, I took them upstairs to get them settled for the day.

"Hey, extras. Anyone know when beast girl's birthday is?"

"12 December, but come on man. You can't even remember your own girlfriend's name?" Kirishima spoke around a large mouthful of food.

"He remembers. Nicknames are just his thing. Kacchan? Are you planning something for Yagi?" Deku poked his head around the corner.

"I don't know yet. She told me something last night. About her childhood."

-Mini Time Skip-

"Awwww! That's so sweet!!" After I had explained the fruit bowl thing, pinky and round cheeks squealed.

"If you need any help, I'd be happy to help." Kirishima smiled.

"I'm sure we'd all be willing to help you. Kita's a member of 1-A, and she means a lot to us." Specs spoke after he swallowed the last bite of his food.

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