Chapter 107 (Exactly What We Know)

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I curled up in my bed under my covers, sobbing.

*Knock Knock*

A knock at the door made me curl further under the blankets. "Kita, I'm coming in."

I ran to the door and jumped at him, wanting nothing more than to be comforted like a small child. "Uncle Shota!"

"Whoa?! What happened?! Why are you crying?" I didn't say a word, I just cried harder and buried my face in his shirt. "Kid..." He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my head.

~No one~
Aizawa walked down the hall with Kita wrapped in a blanket. She ended up crying herself to sleep. It hurt the pro hero to see his niece like that, especially since he promised Miya he would protect her daughter. (Just what happened today to upset her so bad?)


Aizawa sensei called my name, so I got up to answer my door. My teacher stood there holding what looked like someone wrapped in a blanket.

"What do you want me to do with that?" He handed them to me and I saw that it was my girlfriend. "Why the hell is her face all red and puffy?"

"Something happened today that really upset her. But she wouldn't tell me what and ended up crying herself to sleep. I need you to look after her tonight. Do NOT let her be alone."

"Yes, Aizawa sensei." The teacher walked away and I shut my door. "What happened to you, Kita? Who upset you?" I kissed the top of her head and laid her on my bed. (We can get ready for bed when she wakes up.)

-Time Skip-

Kita began to stir at my side. "Katsuki?"

"Hey, baby." (What the hell did I just say?!) I tried to pretend that I didn't just call her baby and helped her to her feet. "Let's get ready for bed. I heard you had a tough day."

"It was awful, Katsu." Kita buried her face in my chest.

"You're okay now, Kita. I promise."

I stood next to Uncle Shota and Gramps as they spoke to Sir Nighteye's sidekicks. Nevada suddenly perked up and looked ready to run. I followed her gaze and noticed Kirishima enter the building.

"Hey, Kita!" Nevada stared at the red haired boy. He hesitated to come any closer. "Nevada, be good. Stay there." The dog charged and jumped on him knocking him over.

"Damn it, Nevada! Can't you give him a break?" I pulled my dog off my friend and helped him to his feet. "Sorry, Kirishima."

"Thanks to the intel provided by all of you..." Sir Nighteye began speaking to everyone. "...We're making great strides with the investigation." Kirishima and I stood next to each other. "The small organization known as Shie Hassaikai is plotting something. I've called you all to this discussion... share with you exactly what we know."

*Hello. I'm sorry for the short chapter, but I promise I'll make it up to you. Happy reading.*


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