Chapter 103 (The Big 3)

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"I wanna go now!" The dark haired male had been asked to introduce himself, but appeared to be having trouble. He turned his back and faced the board.

"That's Amajiki Tamaki, the flea. And I'm Hado Nejire. We came here today to talk to you about work studies. But hey, hey, hey. What's with that mask? You got a cold? Or is it just for fashion? Ohh, is that Todoroki I see back there?! Hey!! How'd you get that burn, anyway?! Hey, Ashido. If you broke those horns, would they grow back? Can they move?! Tell me!"

"She's all over the place... It's cute!"

"Just like a kindergartner. Or Kita!"

"I resent that, Mina!"

"Hey, hey, can you support your body weight with that tail, Ojiro? Hey, hey, tell me. I wanna know!"

My head was spinning. "How about you all take me on?!"

"Wait what? Is that a good idea?"

"Seems rational to have them feel the full weight of our experiences firsthand?! Don'tcha think so, Eraserhead?!" The tall blonde boy looked at Uncle Shota eagerly.

"Do as you like."

-Time Skip-

I sat atop a high rocky platform, Sakura and Baby Red on my shoulders. The dogs on a different platform just below me. "Anybody seen Kita? She disappeared after she finished changing." Momo looked around the gym.

"It doesn't matter where she is right now." Uncle Shota stood on the side. "Kita doesn't trust that she'll be able to control the beast."

"Kita? As in All Might's daughter? I was hoping to see her quirk in action and if she was really as small as she seemed at the Sport's Festival." Hado was pouting.

"Go play." I told the dogs to go, and they didn't need to be told twice. Nevada went barreling straight for Kirishima. Spartacus walked to Jiro and Renegade walked to Ida.

"Oof!" A flurry of red and white tumbled across the ground.

"Where'd these doggy's come from?" Nevada smelled Hado's hand before letting the upperclassman pet her.

"Part of Kita's quirk."

"You could come and introduce yourself at least." Uncle Shota gave a knowing look to the rocky platforms.

"I really don't want to." I scooted backward. "Maybe after the exercise?"

-Time Skip-

I jumped down from my spot after the mock battle was finished. "Here I am, the daughter of Yagi Toshinori and Yagi Miya. Daughter of the symbol of peace and the summoning hero. Yagi Kita, hero in the making." Baby Red and Sakura were on my shoulders, and the dogs had sat at my feet. "Nice to meet you."

Hado bounced over to me and began poking at me. "You really are tiny! How did someone so tiny, take down the hero killer?" I twitched.

"The hero killer is a rather sensitive topic for me. So drop it."

"I heard you keep Stain's mask tied around your bat. Is it true?"

"I'm serious, please drop it."

"Come on! Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

"I don't want to talk about him."

"You know you want to tell me!"

"I said..." I swung my arm, hitting her across the face. "...DROP IT!" Hado flew backward.

"Kita, fight it! You're in control, not her!"

I clawed at my head, the beast screaming. "No! Stay away from me! Please!" I ran out the door and as far from the school as I could.

~No One~
"Hey, Eraser Head, shouldn't someone go after her?" Mirio looked at the doors, through where the girl disappeared.

"The only person that can handle the beast isn't here at the moment." The teacher sighed.

"Maybe I can handle it?" The blonde tilted his head.

"She isn't to be taken lightly. Kita and the beast share a body, you can't fight the beast, without hurting Kita."

"I'll go, Aizawa Sensei!" Without waiting for a response, Kirishima ran out of the gym.

A trail of scratches and claw marks lead the red haired student toward a particularly large tree.

"Kita? It's me, Kirishima!" I sniffled. "Hey, why are you crying?"

"I hurt one of our senpai's." I felt someone climbing my tree. "How am I supposed to be a hero, if I can't control my temper? What if Hado Senpai had been a scared defenseless little girl?"

"You weren't the one that hurt Hado Senpai, the beast did. There's a reason you passed the exam, Kita." A strong hand landed on my shoulder. "Because you are a great hero. You're always so smart and the first one to pick up on when something's wrong. You genuinely care for others, whether you know them or not. The beast is just a part of you. The part that represents when you've been pushed too far. I know it's none of my business, but maybe you could try listening to her. Instead of fighting her. Maybe she's so violent because nobody listens to her?"

"Maybe. Thanks for coming, Kirishima." I bumped my shoulder against his.

"That's what friends are for." He bumped my shoulder back.

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