Chapter 87 (How'd I Get a Girl Like Her?)

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"Hey, I'm done." I had put my phone back in the waistband of my shorts. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't care." Katsuki looked at me, but froze and his cheeks turned pink.

"Katsuki? What's wrong?" I walked over to him and peered at his face. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Tch. I feel fine." He quickly looked away and sat on the couch.

"If you say so. I'm going to get something to eat you want anything?"


-Time Skip-

I entered the common room with a bowl of spicy curry and a bottle of strawberry milk. "Katsuki, will you move over please?" No response. "I have no qualms about sitting on you."

He looked up at me with that smirk that makes me weak-kneed. "Oh yeah?"

"Yep, no qualms whatsoever." When he still didn't move, I set my stuff on the coffee table and sat in his lap. "You're really comfortable. I think I'll stay right here." I picked my curry back up and took a bite.

"What are you eating?"

"Spicy curry. Want a bite?" I held up my spoon in offering. "I might not end up eating it all."

With a look at me, he took the spoon into his mouth and took the curry from it. "That's not bad." He looked at the bowl then at me.

"I can get you some if you'd like." I went to get up but Katsuki wrapped his arms around my waist. "Do you not want any?" I placed a hand on his arm after placing the bowl down.

"I don't want to let you go." I felt him nuzzle his face into the spot where my neck and shoulder meet. (He's adorable!)

"How about we share this bowl then? Okay?" Grabbing my milk and the bowl of curry, I set my milk next to me.

"Fine." Katsuki kissed my shoulder so gently, I could have easily imagined it. I held up the spoon and he took the curry.

"I'm glad you like it." I smiled as he chewed. "It always makes me so happy to see others eat the food I make."

After a few more bites we had finished our bowl of curry and I had finished my milk. "Get up for a moment."

"If I'm getting up, I'm gonna take care of the dishes. Then let's go to my room. I'm sleepy after eating."

-Time Skip-

I plopped onto my bed and rolled over. Making room for Katsuki. "I won't bite. Too hard." He rolled his eyes and laid down next to me.

I laid my head on his chest and pressed my body against his, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He was so warm and comfortable that I found myself nodding off after a few minutes. I pulled the blanket over me and sighed. "I'm happy, Katsuki. Genuinely happy." After that, I fell asleep.


The blonde boy played with Kita's kitten while he waited for her to finish her shower. When she did finish, she grabbed his attention. "Hey, I'm done. What do you wanna do?"

"I don't care." Katsuki looked over, but became a little flustered. (She's so damn hot. The way those bright multi-coloured eyes of hers seem to glitter and how they stand out against her tanned skin is hypnotizing; yellow streaked golden hair make her appear exotic. The way water dripped down her face from her still wet hair. Those shorts she's wearing, clinging to her hips nicely. The tank top hugging her chest and torso, making her curves stand out even more. The scars covering her body give her a warrior princess type look. How'd I get a girl like her?)

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