Chapter 93 (Yeah, She's Mine)

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"Time to get up. You need food." I was woken by a gentle hand on my shoulder. "It's dinner time. And I'm sure the animals need let out."


"Yeah?" He continued gently stroking my shoulder.

"I don't wanna walk." I heard him sigh. "Oh, yeah. The other students will be out and about." He stood and opened his door.

"That's not it. I just remembered you're still not wearing any pants. And that shirts kind of see through." He came back over and picked me up, still wrapped in a blanket. "I guess I'll have to carry you." I tried not to smile too wide as he held me. I curled more into him and closed my eyes. "Don't you fall asleep again."

"But why? You're warm, comfortable, smell good, and make me feel safe."

"I'll let you fall back to sleep after you've eaten dinner."


The entire way downstairs, Kita stayed in my arms. "What do you want to eat?" I looked down and she seemed lost in thought. "Hey. What do you want?"

"Hm? Oh, some fruit please. Preferably grapes."

Entering the kitchen went pretty much as I expected:
"What's that?"
"Why are you carrying Kita?"
"She so cute!"
"What's going on between you two?"
"Are you dating?"

"Get out of the way, we both need to eat and she's tired." I looked around for someone I trusted enough to hold Kita, while I got us some food. "Weird hair, take her for a moment."

"Sure man."

I smiled as I held Kita, all wrapped in a blanket and being snuggly. I couldn't help but to rock her. "I gotta ask, are you dating?" Bakugo searched through the main fridge.

"Yeah, she's mine. So everybody better back off!" He pulled the grapes from the fridge.

"There's a bowl behind you, it was going to be for me, but I'll grab a different one." The blanket began falling off of Kita's head. "Hey, Kaminari, pull the blanket back up."

"She looks so calm and peaceful." I pulled the blanket up. "It's a relief to see her like this. Because, usually, she looks so stressed and worried about everything. But I do have to say, her quirk suits her. She managed to tame the most beastly creature of them all, Bakugo."

"Shut it dunce face!"

Kita giggled. "You guys shouldn't tease him so much."

"But it's so much fun."

"Shut it idiots. Bring her upstairs for me."

I set the bowls of food on my side table. "Alright, hand her over, now."

Kirishima set Kita back in my arms. "You want me to take the animals out?"

"...y-yeah... yes please."

"She said yeah." Once Kirishima left I sat on my bed still holding her. "I got you grapes. There were only green grapes though."

"You're so sweet." Kita sat up and happily popped the grapes into her mouth. "I've always loved grapes. Well, ever since I can remember that is. My mom used to make me little bowls of fruits. She'd cut a watermelon and scoop out everything, then put different fruits in it. She always used grapes, strawberries, raspberries, kiwis, melons, and the watermelon." She laid her head against my chest.

"You liked her doing that for you?"

"Yep. I was always excited when we had summer family get togethers, Thanksgivings, birthdays, Christmases, and school graduations." Kita wore a nostalgic smile. (I'll have to talk to Aizawa and All Might...)

"Let me know when you finish, and you can go back to sleep."

(I can't believe I have him. He was so rude when we first met, but he's become so sweet and caring. I think he's always been like this, people just can't get past the explosive walls he put up.) "How did I get you?" I looked it Katsuki's beautiful ruby orbs. "I just don't understand. I'm headstrong, foul-mouthed, sarcastic, and hotheaded. What's to like?"

"That's exactly what I like. You don't need anyone to protect you and there's never a dull moment with you around. You're loud, fun-loving, quick-witted, and you keep everyone on their toes. You protect those you love and those who can't protect themselves. Your ambitions and ideals are never a secret."

"Okay, okay, you're gonna make me blush!" I giggled and put a hand over his mouth. "I'm gonna go back to my room to get some sleep." I tried unwrapping myself from the blanket, but a pair of warm arms held me down. "Katsuki? I have to sleep in my own room or Uncle Shota will get mad at me."

"Just say you fell asleep and you ended up staying."

"I don't lie. But if I fall asleep now, then it won't be a lie." I smirked and flopped backward into a laying down position. "Goodnight."

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