Chapter 99 (Provisional Exams)

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Kirishima was full of excitement, cheerfully bouncing around. As my red haired classmate was yelling 'Plus', a very tall guy came running over and yelled along 'Ultra'. Successfully startling me.

"It's bad manners to intrude on another group's huddle. Inasa." Three other people came over, wearing Shiketsu High's uniform.

"Ah, you got me!" The first guy, Inasa, froze. Then, very mechanically, he gave an awkward bow. "I AM SO... ...VERY... ...SORRY!!!" *SLAM* "I JUST ALWAYS WANTED TO TRY SAYING IT!! PLUS ULTRA!! I FREAKIN' LOVE YUUEI HIGH! IT IS TRULY AN HONOR TO COMPETE ALONGSIDE THE FINE STUDENTS OF YUUEI!!"

"Oh my gods! Are you alright?!" I pulled out my handkerchief and rushed to him, then I pulled on his arm so he was at my level. "You're bleeding, please sit still." Putting some disinfectant on the cloth, I gently wiped away the blood, and put a bandaid on the wound. "Why did you slam your head into the ground like that?"

"Come on, Inasa, let's go."

Without another word, they all walk away. "Hey, Uncle Shota. Don't look now, but Ms Joke is coming." My uncle tensed like a frightened cat.

"Eraser! Kita!"

I looked away, pretending I didn't know her. "Sorry, you're on your own today!"

I noticed a group of kids standing just a bit away. Three boys and one girl. The tallest was a handsome young man with dark unruly hair and dark eyes. The girl was blonde with blue eyes.

"Come on over, you guys!"

The tallest rushed and grabbed broccoli's hand, shaking it. "My name's Shindo! Yuuei's had it rough this year, right? The hits just keep coming." The guy, Shindo, ran between my classmates and shook each of their hands. "But you still have your hearts set on becoming heroes. That's awesome!!"

I looked at him, unsure how to feel. Sure, he was good-looking, but his aura didn't match his behaviour.

"Best of all, here's Bakugo and Yagi, who were at the heart of that whole Kamino mess! You've got the strongest will of all."

"You really are tiny!" I was suddenly picked up and I squeaked. "Oh, too cute!" The blonde girl was holding me like a teddy bear. "We didn't get to see you in the festival, but I hear you're crazy strong!"

"Could you please put me down? You're making my dogs anxious." As if just noticing the three giant canines, she gasped and let me go. "Sorry, but you're just so small."

-Time Skip-

"Seriously? Balls? I brought three giant dogs to the biggest ball party of their lives."

"Uh... the event's at a stalemate... Not a single examinee has passed yet... Oh, right. Just letting you all know that I'll be doing play-by-play announcements from the broadcast booth."

(He's kind of obnoxious...) Jumping from tree to tree, I watched for examinees from below when I came across a group of four. Three girls and a boy, I clicked my tongue so the dogs hid.

"Pay attention! Someone else is here!"  They backed up against each other.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. "Beastly Summons!" A pack of rats came from the undergrowth, scaring the girls away. "Now, my babies!" Spartacus, Renegade, and Nevada each tapped a ball to the boy's sensors. "That's the way!"

I dropped the next three balls, but something was coming toward me from behind, and I had just enough room to swing my bat. Three buzzer noises indicating someone was out sounded. "I told you, you shouldn't have lined them up."

"Teach you to creep on a lady!" I snapped my fingers, telling the dogs the next set was ready.

"Come back over here, pretty rats!" I recalled the rats, chasing the three girls back my way. "I'll take one, you can have the other two!" The dogs tagged out one of the girls.

*BEEP BEEP* "You've passed, so please proceed to the reception room." I jumped down from the tree and made my way to said reception room.

"Our first examinee has passed!"

"Come along, my babies."

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