Chapter 91 (Baby's Shelter)

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I sat in the courtyard, thinking about what kind of shelter Baby would need. "You're gonna be so loved. I can't wait until the girls see you." I pet his soft head, then watched him play with Sakura.

"Hey." The voice made me smile. I set my sketchbook down and stood.

"How're your ultimate moves coming along?" Katsuki came over and wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in the nape of my neck. "You'll never guess what I did today." I pulled away from him and grabbed Baby. "I summoned this little cutie."

He pet the little fox, scratching behind his ears. "That's actually cool."

"Dad said I could keep him, if I build him a shelter, get the supplies he needs, and keep him healthy. For now, I'm calling him Baby." I set the fox back down, and laid on the grass. "Join me."

He looked a little uncertain, but laid next to me anyway. "What do you have planned for his home so far?"

I rolled over and looked at the side of his face. "I'm thinking about getting some wood and making a doghouse sort of thing. Or I could just make another tent." I reached a hand out and began playing with my boyfriend's hair.

"Not a bad idea, but what about windy days? His tent would be blown away."

"True. I know what to do then."

"Hey, Kita! I found the stuff you asked for, it's all in this box. What's this all for?"

"Perfect timing, Kirishima!" I sat up and grabbed Baby. "This is what it's all for."

"A fox? He's cute."

"Will you take him, Sakura, and the dogs inside? I need to get to work, but I can't keep an eye on them all and work at the same time. Mina and Yaoyorozu would most likely happily take Baby and Sakura from you."

"What about the dogs?"

"Jiro and Spartacus love each other, Renegade really respects Ida, and I'm sure Nevada is missing her puppy. Please?" Kirishima took Baby and Sakura from me, then I had the dogs follow him inside. "Thank you so much."

"Kita." I turned to Katsuki, but he was right behind me. I jumped on him, wrapping my arms and legs around him. He looked into my eyes. "You're something else, beast girl." His eyes went from mine down to my lips.

(He would be my first kiss...) "But I'm your something else." He smirked. I leaned forward like I was going to kiss his cheek, but turned and pressed my lips to his. (SHIT! What did I just do?!) I let go and turned to the box of things. (Please don't say anything...)

(She kissed me! It was so soft, it probably wasn't even considered a kiss. But still!) My face burned as I watched Kita work, she was good too. She started by digging a hole and making it into a burrow. Then she built the shelter over it, a waterproof canopy sheet nailed around that.

"This way, the wood won't get soaked and/or rot." She smiled at her project. "Katsuki, how does it look?"

"Good. He'll like the burrow." I wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head. "You want to head inside now?"

"What do you want to do?" She looked up at me with her bright big beautiful eyes and thick lashes.

"Doesn't matter to me. I just want to be with you." (I really thought this side of me disappeared years ago...)

"Okay, then I'm going to shower and we can lay with each other."

"Come to my room when you're ready." I wrapped my other arm around her waist and held her to me.

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