Chapter 106 (Just Hold on a Little Longer)

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I walked down the street with Mirio and the dumb broccoli, tuning them out. Until a little girl came dashing out of an alley; she ran right into the green haired moron. He got on the ground to look her over.

The Shie Hassaikai's boss himself came out of the shadows. "Sorry for any trouble my daughter caused, hero." Chisaki continued walking toward the girl. "She tends to get excited while playing and hurts herself. It's a real problem."

"Did you forget to wear your hood and mask again? They must not have gotten the right size for you!" Mirio quickly shoved broccoli's mask up and over his head.

"We're the ones who should apologize!" Mirio bowed. "That fabulous mask you've got there... You must be with the Hassaikai! You guys are kinda famous around here."

"Yeah. Don't mind the mask... I'm just sensitive to dust and grime."

"I've never seen you two before. Newcomers to the hero business? You're both so young." (So, he hasn't noticed me yet...)

"That's right! We're all nerves about being such newbies! Stand up, buddy! Gotta face the unknown future on your feet!" Mirio was slightly panicked.

"And which agency are you working for?"

"We're students, actually! It'd be might presumptuous for a couple of fledglings like us to claim any association with an agency... Just getting the chance to see what's what during our internship."
Mirio began to walk away, looking at us behind him. "Well, we've gotta make our rounds across the entire neighbourhood before lunch! Let's go!"

"Your daughter..." (Hmm?) "...seems scared." (Well, shit.)

"Only because I just got done scolding her."
Mirio got after the green haired boy. "Let's go."

I tried to think of a plan to get out of this mess. (I am so going to kick his ass when this is over!)

Suddenly Chisaki sighed. "It figures that a hero would be sensitive to such subtleties. Very well." He turned around and began walking toward the alley. "It's a bit embarrassing, really. I'd rather not be overheard. Could you come this way?" Broccoli stood up with the little girl in his arms. "I've actually been concerned about Eri lately."

I grabbed the little girl from the green haired dumbass and kicked him. I began to whisper to her. "Hi, sweetie. My name is Kita, but my hero name is Bestia. Is that man mean to you? Did he make all those owies on you?" Eri nodded. "I know how scared you must be. But my friends and I promise we'll rescue you. Do you see my doggies, Eri?" She nodded again. "I need you to remember them, okay? I need you to remember my friends too. Because we're going to save you from him. Just hold on a little longer."

Suddenly fear made Eri tense up. I tripped my classmate and stopped our senpai. "What are you doing?"

"Okay, Eri. I think it's time you go back to your daddy. Okay, sweetie?"

Eri gave me a hug and whispered, "Okay, Kita. I promise I'll hold on."

"That's a good brave girl." A sad smile crossed my face, as I held her in my arms.

"Hmm? Was All Might's daughter here the whole time?" He looked me over with suspicion until Eri grabbed his hand. "Oh...? Done throwing your tantrum?"

"Um... Eri...?"

"Yes, it's always like this. Sorry for making you listen to our problems." Chisaki bowed his head. "Didn't mean to trouble you." He walked deeper into the alley. "Good luck..." He turned his back to us. "...with the job."

"Wait...!! Why..."

"Don't follow." Mirio grabbed broccoli and stopped him. "Didn't you notice that sudden bloodlust? That's what lured the child over to him. Push him too far, and he'll be that much harder to catch. We need to follow Sir's directive."

"You goddamn, idiot! What the hell were you thinking?!" I swept his legs out from under him. "If you really want to be a fucking hero, you need to focus! It's time you start taking the role of successor seriously!" I grabbed his hood and pulled him to his feet. "Eri is absolutely fucking terrified of that man, but she was more terrified of whatever he was planning to do to us!" I fell to my knees sobbing. "You almost ruined everything, broccoli!"

"Yagi..." I could feel the boys looking at me, probably in shock.

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