Chapter 98 (You Carry Too Much by Yourself)

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Four days of ultimate move training and I'm over it. Uncle Hizashi, Uncle Shota, and Dad were a big help to me though. I was planning to go see Stain again too.

I held my bat, looking at Stain's mask tied around it. Well, my mask, I guess. Nobody knew about it yet, so, with a deep breath, I exited the changing room to show it off.

"Yagi?! Is that--?!" Ida was practically in my face.

"Stain's mask? Yes." I sighed. "But it was a gift to him from my mother, so he gave it to me. Now it's mine."

"You saw him?!"

"Yes. I had to thank him for saving my life, because I know he hadn't been yet."

"You know what he did, correct?!"

"I'm aware of what he did to your brother, but he still saved me. Which is why, instead of wearing the mask, I have it tied around my bat. I agree with his perspective on heroes today, but I do NOT agree with what he's done to change it. I'm sure you're brother is an amazing person and an exception, as are a few others, but most heroes today are fake." I flipped my hair and climbed up a couple meters.

Spartacus, Renegade, and Nevada followed me. I looked up and noticed a chunk of cement falling from above my dad. "Dad, watch out!" I rushed to get him out of the way, but a green blur passed above my head. (Broccoli?)

The dumbass kicked away the cement and landed next to my father. "Are you okay, All Might?"

Dad looked at broccoli with pride. "Yeah."

"THAT'S ENOUGH, CLASS A!! TKL is supposed to be ours this afternoon!" Vlad King's voice boomed throughout the building.

"Uncle Shota, may I be excused please?"

"We still have 10 minutes left."

"It's too distracting to train when there's not only an incompetent teacher with no sense of time barging in, but also an obnoxious jealous piece of shit maniacally laughing and trying to tear us down."

The B class teacher sputtered and Uncle Shota sighed. "Go."

-Time Skip-

I laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling. "Let's go outside." I heard the dogs scramble for the door, so I got up and let them out.

"Ochaco?" I heard Tsu's voice once I got off the elevator. Then I saw Uraraka spit something.

"You're being a real space cadet." I walked up to the group.

"It's love."

When Mina mentioned love, I continued walking and opened the back door. "I'll be outside."

The fresh night air felt nice. I sat on the ground and looked up at the star filled sky.

"Come, sit. It feels nice." I felt Katsuki's presence behind to me.

"What are you doing out here, alone?" He sat and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I just wanted to be outside." I sighed. "I'm worried that I won't pass the provisional exams."

"What're you worried about that for?"

"I want to make my parents proud, but..." Tears pricked my eyes. "It's a lot of pressure."

"You're strong enough to do it."

"My quirk is Beast Tamer. As a hero, I would just be an over glorified zookeeper. I have a nasty temper, my patience is next to non-existent, and the beast is too hard for me to control." The tears flowed freely. "I don't know what to do."

Katsuki pulled me into his lap and held me close. One hand on my back, the other combing through my hair. "You carry too much by yourself, Kita."

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