Chapter 86 (Why is There a Tent?)

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I ran until I was back at the track where Uncle Shota had me train. I wore a black sports bra and a pair of black booty running shorts. I noticed my shoes coming untied, so I placed my foot up on the bottom bleacher. My dogs ran and romped around, so I ignored the sounds around me.


Someone had smacked my ass, causing me to yelp and whip my head back. My blonde hothead was standing there smirking at me. "Katsuki! What the hell?!"

"I couldn't help it." He came up and wrapped his arms around my waist. Then whispered in my ear. "You look hot like this."

I felt my cheeks burning, so I buried my face in his chest to avoid his gaze. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you, so I went by Aizawa's house and he told me where you were. But why is there a tent?"

"Before Yuuei's entrance exam, I trained with Uncle Shota to get stronger. He had me make that, so I could drag it from his house to here everyday, and back, for ten months. While he, Spartacus, Renegade, and Nevada all sat in it." I pulled myself from Katsuki's arms and walked over to the tent. "Sure it was hell for the first two months, but after awhile it wasn't bad. It actually helped me focus on something other than my anger and hurt." My dogs noticed me walking to the tent, so they each ran over and entered the tent, ready for me to pull them home. "I've kept doing it even after I was accepted."

Katsuki poked his head into the tent and looked. "It's actually really big in here." I watched him as he bent over to get in. (Revenge would be so easy right now...)

"Yep." I grabbed my hand towel from my bag, wiping away my sweat. "I finished my workout today, so let's head back and I can take a shower. Then we can do something. Yeah?" He got out of the tent and took the ropes. "Whatcha doin?"

"Get in, I'm gonna pull you back."

"My dogs are rather heavy. Why don't I pull them, while you walk beside me, and you can carry me or pull me around later?"

"Fine." Katsuki grumpily put his hands in his pockets as we began the walk back.

"Hey, Mr grump. Look at me."

"I am not-- Hmm?!" I willed myself to not be embarrassed and kissed his cheek.

"Quit pouting."

-Time Skip-

Every time I get in the shower, I always forget my damn underwear. Every fucking time! So, wrapping myself in my towel, I snuck down the hall to my room. Trying to avoid getting Katsuki's attention. I opened my door and entered the room quickly. (Mission successful!) Upon exiting my room, I looked around the corner and saw my boyfriend playing with Sakura. (Eeeee! So cute!) I pulled my phone out and snuck a few quick pictures.

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