Chapter 105 (Found Someone to Love That Loves Him As Well)

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Four days had passed, and Katsuki was allowed to come back to class. "So we had a conference about potential work studies for first years yesterday. Plenty of teachers, even the principal, said, "Don't even think about it."" Uncle Shota actually sounded awake for once.

"Huh? Even after that whole demonstration we got?!" Kirishima hit the desk with his fists, startling the dogs awake. Nevada rushed to him and sniffed him excessively, worried he might be hurt. "I'm sorry pretty girl. I'm okay, I promise."

"It makes sense, though, given what led to the dorm system in the first place..." Kaminari played with Ojiro's tail. (I want to play with his tail too...)

"Take that!!" Katsuki yelled from his seat, probably excited not to have Best Jeanist doing his hair and treating him like a child again.

"But!" The class quieted down and gave our attention back to our teacher. "Some were of the opinion that the overprotective direction we're going in won't foster strong heroes. As such, we will allow agencies with proven track records that offer work studies to take on first-years. That's our decision."

"Crap!" I looked over to Katsuki and the look on his face made me giggle. "Beast girl!"

"Oops!" I got up and ran out the door, the dogs following.

"Get back here!"

~No one~
"Bakugo, Kita! No running in the halls!" Aizawa yelled after them, but then he just sighed. "Class dismissed."

The class began packing up their stuff.

"Those two are just too cute." Mina and Uraraka squealed.

"I'm just happy that Kaachan found someone to love that loves him as well." Midoriya left the classroom somewhat in a hurry.

"I wish that was me, to be honest." The rest of the class looked at Ojiro like he grew a second tail. "I don't mean I wish I was the one Bakugo loved. I meant that I wish I had what they have. Someone I love that loves me the same. Someone that I can run around with like that."

"Same." The others nodded in agreement.

(Where the hell did she go?) I had run out of the classroom after Kita, but I lost her. "I'm going to find you, beast girl!" (She's probably in her tree.)

I made my way over to one tree in particular, where she could usually be found.

This school year has been crazy. With meeting All Might, the entrance exam, meeting Kita, the USJ, the Sport's Festival, the training camp, falling for Kita, getting kidnapped, getting a girlfriend, the dorms, and the provisional license exam. I almost didn't believe it was real. I'm still aiming for #1, but I have other obligations and other people that I care about now. Lost in thought, I kept walking absentmindedly. Something soft touched my forehead, which made me stop in my tracks.

"Hey, Katsu." Kita's smiling face hung upside down in front of me.

"Hey, beast girl." I smiled softly and climbed the tree to be with her. I then found a spot in the tree where the branches make a perfect seat of sorts and leaned back, pulling her on top of me.

"I've missed cuddling these last four days, but are you comfortable like this?" She looked into my eyes and tilted her head a bit. (That was way too cute.)

"It's surprisingly pretty comfortable. For a tree, I mean."

"Why don't we head to the dorms and cuddle in an actual bed?"

"That sounds like a better idea."

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