Chapter 96 (Hospital Visit)

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I had gone to ask Chief Tsuragamae about Stain's whereabouts, it turned out he was still at the Hosu City hospital. "Hi there. Can I help you?"

"I'm here to see, Stain." A woman looked at me as if I had asked her to hit me.

"For what? You know who he is right?"

"Yes, he's the hero killer. But he saved my life, and I know he won't lay a hand on me. Even if he could."

"Whatever. Right this way." The lady led me down a few long flights of stairs, before stopping in front of two large iron doors. She opened them and stepped aside. "Go left, he's at the end of the hall on the right."

I nodded. "If anyone comes for me, don't let them know where I am."

"Your funeral."

I walked until I arrived at my destination. There was a window looking into his room, but I was positive he couldn't see out. I knocked three times, before entering and remained otherwise quiet. Soft breathing and beeping were the only sounds in the room. I set the vase I brought on the stand next to Stain's bed, then placed some flowers in it. The man began to stir and I instinctively froze. "Who's there?"

"You might not remember me, sir, but, two months ago, you saved my life."

"Ingenium's friend."

"Yes. I am, Yagi Kita, the daughter of Yagi Toshinori and Yagi Miya. Daughter of the symbol of peace: All Might and the summoning hero: Bestia Summosa."

"Why has the daughter of such worthy heroes come to see the hero killer?" Stain shifted, but hissed in pain. He wasn't looking at me.

"Because you saved my life. And I'm certain you weren't thanked for it." I watched uneasily, before making up my mind. "May I help you sit up?"

He finally looked at me, with dumbfounded confusion evident on his face. "Are you alright upstairs?"

I don't know why, but his words made me chuckle. "I often ask myself that question. But my mom used to tell me, a true hero always lends a hand." I approached and gently placed my arm around the man to use as support. "No matter if the task is as simple as walking someone across the street, or as difficult as getting a citizen out of a burning building. Every living creature is just as important as the next."

"Thank you."

"I understand your thoughts about the heroes today." I slumped my shoulders.

"What do you mean?"

"No one does anything for anyone anymore. Not unless there's a reward involved." I sighed. "It sucks that the world my mother and father worked so hard to protect, has become so selfish and greedy. Because, now that my father is retired, only a few good heroes are left." Stain remained quiet for a moment, before holding something out to me. "Your mask? But it blew away."

"A follower brought it to me, but I want you to have it." I accepted the ratty piece of cloth and wrapped my fingers around it. "You are a hero worthy of your title, Yagi Kita."

The door slammed open, scaring me. "What are you doing here?! This isn't a playground for children!"

I shoved the mask in my pocket, then whispered to Stain. "Thank you, sir, for saving my life. You're my hero, Stain." I turned around and left without another word.


Stain remained looking at the door, long after Kita left. Then he turned to the look at the side table by his bed. "Roses. Those always were your favourite, Miya..."

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