Chapter 102 (Should be Interesting)

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I knelt in front of my mother's grave, smiling stupidly. "I did it, Mama. I got my provisional license." I held the card in my hands. "Are you proud of me?"

"I'm sure she is."

"Uncle Hizashi?"

"Hey, kiddo! I heard you passed."

I held up my card and showed him. "Yep, with a near perfect score."

"You're so much like Miya." My uncle pulled something from his pocket and handed it to me. "This was her provisional license."

People always tell me I look more like my mother than my father, and I could see it. "I wish I could talk to her again." I leaned my head against Uncle Hizashi's shoulder.

"Me too, kiddo."

-Next Morning-

"What are you two doing?" I had come out of my room the next morning, to see Katsuki and broccoli cleaning. "And what happened to your faces?"

"We were out fighting, after dark."

"I see." I went behind them and smacked them both upside the head.

"What the hell, beast girl?!"

"You both need to behave yourselves, instead of running around fighting like baboons and disgracing our school!" Flipping my hair, I stalked outside.

-Time Skip-

It'd been three days since the fight between Katsuki and broccoli hair. I sat in the back of the classroom with Baby Red, Sakura, and the dogs.

"Now that Midoriya is back..." Uncle Shota looked around the room, before settling his gaze on broccoli hair. "...let's talk about work studies for real. Come on in."

With my interest peaked, I looked toward the door.

"Here to tell you how work studies differ from internships..." The door began opening. "...are some people who've gone out there and experienced it all. They're taking time out of their busy schedules to be here, so give them your full attention. Out of all the students at U.A., these are the top three reigning third-years..."


"We call them... ...the Big Three."

I took in the site of the three students. I recognized one of the two males, Togata Mirio, he was blonde, tall, and very built. The other male with dark indigo hair and of average height. The third student was a short blue haired female. "This should be an interesting class."

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