Chapter 97 (From Your #1 Fan)

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I walked through the gates of Yuuei and to the dorms. My classmates' voices all mixed together and sounded far away as I silently walked to the elevator, ignoring everything around me. I was alone in the elevator, thinking about nothing and everything at once. "Hey, blondie. Where were you?" I even ignored Katsuki.

I opened the door to my room, the animals ran into the hall to greet me and went to follow me back in, but I closed the door. Shutting them in the hallway. I put on my glasses and pulled the mask from my pocket, examining it closely. Along one edge read the words, 'To my #1 hero Akaguro Chizome' the other side had a heart followed by 'From your #1 fan Yamada Miya'.

My eyes widened; I swore time stopped. Stain knew my mother! They were friends! I curled into a ball and cried, the mask securely in my grip.

~No One~
Kita's friends and family worried for the usually spunky girl. "What do you think happened?" Jiro sat on the common room couch, Spartacus's head in her lap.

"I don't know but, apparently, she even ignored Bakugo." Mina held Sakura's paws, gently pushing on the pads.

"Whereas it is rude to gossip, it is obvious something's bothering Yagi." Ida rubbed Renegade's head.

"Nevada seems really worried about her mama too." Kirishima pointed at the pacing dog.

"Anyone seen Baby?" Uraraka looked around the common room.

"Bakugo's got him."

"I am here..." All Might walked into the common room. " talk with Kita!" He looked around. "Where is she?"

"In her room. But, sir, we're all worried about her. When she left this morning, she was happy and playful. But when she got back..." Yaoyorozu looked at the others.

"She wouldn't look at anyone, wouldn't respond to anyone, or even acknowledge anyone. It was like we didn't exist." Tsuyu finished for her.

"I see. Do any of you know where it was that she went?" The students shook their heads.

"She smelled like disinfectants and bleach though."

"I know what happened."

*Knock knock* I heard the knocking, but I didn't move.

"I'm coming in." The door opened, my dad entering my room. "You went to see Stain today. Didn't you?" I stayed silent. "Just so you know, I only found out about their friendship after the Hosu incident."

"Really?" I still didn't move, but my grip on the mask tightened.

"Yes." I sat up and leaned on my dad, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I want to keep it." I showed him the cloth in my hands, running my fingers over the writing on it. "It was a gift to him, from Mama."

"I see. Did he give that to you today?" I nodded. "You may keep the mask in your possession, but you may NOT wear it as part of your hero costume."

"I know, Dad."

"To wear that mask as part of your hero would be a slap in the face to every loved one of every hero he has killed. An insult to heroes everywhere."

"Yes, sir."

"You have some friends and animals that are very worried about you." Dad stood and walked over to the door.

-Time Skip-

I silently followed my dad to the common area, where I was greeted by the animals knocking me over.

"Kita!" Kirishima was the first one to his feet and helped me up.

"Hey, guys."

"Are you okay? When you got back, you seemed so lifeless." Momo put a hand on either side of my face, looking me over.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled. "Just visited someone today. Then found out they knew my mother."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really, you'll all find out later anyway."

"Hey, blondie." A comforting voice called to me, so I turned around and jumped on him. "Whoa?!"

"Hey, hedgehog." Katsuki picked me up and carried me away.

-Time Skip-

I was sitting outside in the shade, my back against a tree and Katsuki's head in my lap. His eyes closed. "I didn't mean to worry you or anyone else."

"Who'd you go see?" His voice was calm.

"I went to thank Stain for saving my life."

"The summoning hero and the hero killer were friends? Seriously?" He opened his eyes.

"I don't lie." I combed my fingers through his hair. "My mother was the one that gave him his mask."


"I'm rather tired though, and it's a school night." I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "So, I'm gonna go to bed a bit early tonight."

Katsuki stood and pulled me to my feet. "Alright. Night then."

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