Chapter 94 (Doggy Bath Time)

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My alarm woke me and I groaned, Katsuki slept soundly next to me. Getting out of bed, I kissed his cheek and left the room. Not before stealing a hoodie though. (Next, get pants and take the animals outside.) I stumbled down the hallway and over to the girls' wing. "Alright, pretty babies. Time to go outside." The dogs and Baby jumped off my bed to run past me. Sakura just stared at me, so I put on a pair of pants and picked her up. "Spoiled girl."

-Time Skip-

"If the dogs don't smother me, you two are gonna be the death of me." I had just finished picking up waste, when Baby and Sakura decided they weren't done. They did this twice. "I'm gonna make you each your own litter boxes. It'll be a pain in my ass, but I'm not picking up shit every morning and night." (I'd have to come up with a design and find the right materials though...)

"Seems like you're having fun."

"Dad! What brings you out this early?" I picked up Sakura and Baby, setting them each on a shoulder.

"Thought I'd come check on you. How's the fox's shelter coming along?"

"Oh! I finished it yesterday, come look!" I dragged him over to my little creation. "I dug him a burrow and then covered it with a waterproof canopy, so it won't get muddy and Baby stays dry. My next plan is to make a litter box for him. And the other animals."

"Baby?" Dad smiled. "Sounds like you're really adamant about keeping him."

"Yeah, I am. But I realize he's a wild animal and I can't keep him forever. So, if I make it as a pro, I want to set up a reserve or a wildlife habitat. For him and any other animals I summon. That is, if I can summon more."

"You're a good kid, Kita. I'm proud of the young lady you've become. And I'm sure your mother is too." Dad put a hand on my head and ruffled my hair. "You'll make it, just keep at it."

"Thanks, Dad. I need to go inside and get ready for the day. I love you."

"Love you too, kiddo."

-Time Skip-

I knelt beside a tub and rinsed the soap out of Spartacus's coat. "You're being such a good boy and I'm almost done." Today was Baby and Sakura's first bath. "Shake, then go sit." I shut the sliding door and Spartacus shook the excess water from his fur. I opened it and the dog plopped in his kiddie pool. I was glad the baths were spacious, because it made bathing large animals easier. Without waiting for a command Renegade jumped into the tub.

"They like bath time?" Mina was standing behind me.

"Yeah, I've been bathing them once every two weeks since they were puppies. But I'll still be a bit, sorry for the mess. I thought I had gotten up early enough to be done before the rest of you girls woke."

"Don't worry about it. But I really want to help." Mina looked at me with big eyes. Uraraka looked over the pink girl's shoulder.

"Me too."

"You girls are life savers. Spartacus needs to be towel dried, then blow dried. But when you blow dry him, wrap that little sweat band looking thing around his head and over his ears. Nevada and Renegade still need baths. I'll bathe them, Uraraka towel dry, and Mina blow dry?"


-Time Skip-

"Thank you so much for your help! Now I can shower with Sakura and Baby. It's their first baths today, so you'll probably hear a lot of hissing and squeaking. Again thank you!" The girls smiled and went to take their own showers, while I prepared for the battle ahead.

*Hello. I know I've strayed from the storyline a bit, but I thought a little fun and some mundane activities would be nice. Happy reading.*


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