Chapter 92 (Everything to Me)

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I stared at myself in the mirror, looking over my scars. "Stop that, Kita. You're scars are beautiful."

"Scars are just tattoos with better stories. My scars tell of the hardships that I've endured." I smiled at Yaoyorozu. "I'm not ashamed of them or disgusted by them. Whenever my scars are exposed, I look at them to remind myself that I AM a survivor." I slipped on my night shirt. "Anyway, someone's waiting for me. Are Baby and Sakura giving you any problems?"

"No, Mina and Uraraka are babywearing them everywhere. So don't worry about them. Go to him, if he's waiting for you." My cheeks warmed momentarily before I ran out of the bathroom.

-Time Skip-

*Knock knock*

I waited outside of Katsuki's room, fiddling with my nighttime attire. The door opened and a head of messy blonde hair poked out. "What are you doing?!" He pulled me in shutting the door behind us.

(What the hell is she wearing?!) "What's wrong? Did you change your mind about me being here?" Kita tilted her head.

"Are you trying to make me crazy?! Wearing nothing but a baggy shirt around high school boys?!" I grabbed her wrist gently. "What if grape or dunce face saw you?" Her eyes lit up and she sighed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it would bother you that I wore this. Kaminari would never take his friend's girlfriend, but I didn't think about the possibility of Mineta seeing me. I'll wear shorts or pants everywhere from now on. Alright?" She smiled softly at me. A smile of complete adoration.

"You don't have to wear them everywhere. Just please be a little more cautious."

Kita nodded and put her small hand on my cheek. "I will. Are you still okay with us laying together? If not, we can do something else."

Picking her up, I placed her on the bed where she crawled under the covers and flipped around to stick her head out. "You know it would have been easier to just lift the blankets up?"

"You smiled though, so I'm happy."

I crawled into bed next and laid down beside her, pulling her on top of me. She immediately buried her face in my shoulder and sighed contentedly. "You're so warm, Katsuki, I might not ever move again."

"I won't make you." I wrapped one arm around her back and combed my fingers through her hair with my other hand. (How could someone be so small and fragile looking, yet such a badass? Depending on who you are to her, she's mean as fuck, sweet as candy, cold as winter, or loyal like a soldier. She's everything to me, and I don't know how or when it happened. I just know it did.)

"I hope you're my only, but I'm so glad you're my first love."

"I don't plan on going anywhere."

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