38. Mr Brightside

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By the time Sloane had added an address to the envelope that now housed her letter, along with a bluebell she picked on the way here, she could hear footsteps coming up the steps. She gave a heavy sigh and wiped away a few tears that had managed to escape before a beautiful brown owl with white spots landed next to her. It had a Hogwarts tag, so she knew it was an eager school owl. "Feel up for a delivery?" She asked the owl who hooted and ruffled its feathers as she stroked his feathers. "Great," she smiled as she tied the letter to the owl's outstretched leg. "Take your time. I am in no hurry for an answer." She said as the bird took one last look at her and hooted again before hovering into the air and pecking her on the cheek before flying off.

"Did that bird just kiss you?" She heard from behind her and turned to see a tall boy with brown hair standing at the entryway desk. Accompanying him was Pansy Parkinson who didn't look too pleased to see her.

"Uh, yeah, I think it did," she shrugged.

"Gross!" Pansy moaned.

"On the cheek, obviously, Pans." Theo rolled his eyes and chuckled as another owl flew in and landed on Sloane's shoulder. "You must either be a bird whisperer or a loveable person. I heard that owls can sense a person's personality."

It didn't help that at that exact moment another bird flew over Pansy and proceeded to land it's droppings right on her shoulder. Theo burst out laughing as Pansy screeched. "It's not funny, Theo! This jacket cost well over £300!"

"Actually, it is bloody hilarious!" Theo chuckled. "I'm Theo," he said, holding out his hand for Sloane, who shook it as the bird on her shoulder flew off. 

"Sloane Sage." 

"Ah, so you are Sloane. I did wonder who Blaise and Draco were talking about. You're new this year, right?" Theo asked, leaning on the desk and folding his arms across his chest. 

"Yeah, transferred from Ilvermorny," Sloane answered. 

"From where?" Pansy sulked.

"The American Hogwarts Pansy. Don't be daft." Theo smirked. 

"I am not daft!" She snapped and stomped her foot. "Don't you dare call me daft."

"Who is daft?" Blaise asked, and he and Draco entered the owlery. Draco had a letter in his hand. 

"Who else?" Theo chuckled. 

Draco and Blaise both looked to one another before answering, "Pansy."

Her face grew the same shade as a tomato, and she bit her lip. Sloane could tell she was hurt. "It's not as popular a school as Hogwarts, so I am sure there are loads of people who have not heard of it." Pansy looked slightly shocked that Sloane had defended her. She wasn't sure how to react. That was until she saw Draco look at Sloane with a look she had never seen him use before. A look he definitely had never given her. And she hated Sloane for it.

"I can fight my own battles, thank you." Pansy snapped.

"She is charming, isn't she?" Theo snorted. 

"Well, you hang out with her," Draco shrugged.

"Like I have a choice. She bloody follows me everywhere. It's fucking dead annoying." Theo rolled his eyes again. 

"You know I am right here?" Pansy shouted. 

"Oh, we know!" Blaise smirked. "You always hanging off one of us. It's a pain really. I am just glad it's Theo's turn." He turned to Theo. "You shag her yet?"

"Yuck Merlin no! I do have a girlfriend you know." Theo gasped. Pansy pouted. She reminded Sloane of a duck in the way she pursed her lips. 

"You have?" Draco asked sounding impressed. 

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