45. Let's Get Ready To Rumble

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Most days, Sloane found that classes seemed to drag on, but today, for some reason, Sloane found that they went by in a flash. She couldn't concentrate. First, she had Potions, which was thankfully a theory lesson as she was sure she would have blown up the classroom if she had to produce a potion. Slughorn, although in Sloane's mind, was a great teacher, Scintillation Solution was not exactly a topic that excited her. Charms class was next, and they were having a test the following day, so they were permitted to revise during today's lesson. Sloane had to almost nip herself to keep herself focused. Flitwick was walking around the room, answering questions for students who needed help understanding something. Sloane, Draco, Blaise, and Hermione spent the hour and a half quizzing each other, which Sloane was thankful for. It was a great way to catch up on topics and revise. Then there was an hour of Astronomy for Sloane, which wasn't too bad, but again, it flew by, and before she knew it, the lunch bell rang out. She had no classes that afternoon, so she ran to the Great Hall and threw some chicken salad and chips into her.

"What is your hurry?" Blaise asked bemused.

"I am heading up to the dorm to get a bit of homework done before 3.30 pm. I also want to bring Goose some fruit." She took a little container out of her bookbag and filled it with pieces of chicken, fruit, and a few chips before closing it.

"That's not a bad idea," Hermione smiled, putting a few bits of chicken in a napkin. "Can I join you?"

"I would love that." Sloane beamed.

"We have Care of Magical Creatures," Luna said, motioning to her and Ginny. We will meet you at 3 pm."

"And we have Defence Against The Dark Arts." Blaise gestured between himself, Harry and Ron.

Draco looked up, finishing his own food. "I have a tutoring session now for 30 minutes, and then I will be up in the dorm," he said before taking off with a young second-year boy and girl.

Hermione and Sloane headed off up the stairs to the dorm. "Beth, I have food for you," Hermione almost sang as she made her way into the dorm. There was a squeak from the sofa, and Hermione leaned over to see Goose and Beth, playing chess. "You can play?" She asked as both animals nodded.

"You are both so clever," Sloane smiled, taking the container out of her bag. "But take a break and have some lunch." Poor Goose didn't need telling twice and threw himself across to the other sofa. He reminded Hermione of a flying squirrel. Both girls took out their books and set to work, chatting happily as they did. They managed to get quite a bit done, with Draco joining them as promised just over half an hour later and getting stuck into his own homework.

By the time 3 pm rolled around, everyone was now in the dorm. Hermione, Sloane, and Draco had finished their homework, and Sloane was reading to Beth and Goose. Hermione was smiling as she watched. She would be forever thankful that Sloane had come into her life like a breath of fresh air. Hermione was close to Luna and Ginny, of course, but not as close as they were to each other. Ron and Harry had a closer bond than she had with either of them. She never wanted to admit it, but sometimes Hermione felt like the third wheel. She never really noticed until they were hunting, and Ron had left. But she and Sloane had got very close, and Hermione found herself caring for the girl a great deal. Now she felt she knew what it was like to have a sister.

Harry was the last to arrive, having to speak with Professor Slughorn before heading to the dorm. As soon as he was in, he threw his bag in his room and came out to join everyone else. "Are we ready?" he asked.

Blaise held up the information booklets they had made, and Ron held up the pictures they had managed to get of some of the things they were talking about. Sloane had written to the Headmaster at Ilvermorny to get details of their surveillance system in prep for the meeting.

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