Unfortunate Circumstances

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TW: Suicidal thoughts, Slight mentions of abuse.

As HERO pulled BASIL inside, a wide smile spread across his face before he closed the door behind them.

'Mom! I'm home!', HERO says.

The loud clinking of dishes could be heard from the kitchen.

'Mom?', HERO seems to be confused about why his mother isn't responding to him.

BASIL backs away slightly, that kind of behavior was similar to POLLY's. He looks around, he hasn't been in KEL's house in a while. Everything looked relatively the same except for the family portrait. The father's face had been crossed out in black marker. BASIL looks at HERO who was approaching the kitchen.

HERO peeks through the big doorway and sees his mother scrubbing away angrily at the dishes.

'Hey, Mom! Do you need any help with the dishes?', HERO smiles. He walks next to her.

HERO's mother slowly turns her head and looks at her son. Her gaze was cold and unnerving that even BASIL was freaked out by it. She turns off the sink and dries off her hands.

'I got a call from the hospital today. You and KEL had a little fight.', She glares at HERO.

Hiding behind the wall, BASIL recoiled as he thought about KEL's mom. Unlike POLLY, who was always mean, KEL's mom could switch from nice to angry in a split second, and this terrified BASIL.

'Huh? A fight? Mom, I'm not violent toward anyone! Wait who is 'KEL'?', HERO looked confused.

'Don't act coy with me, HERO. KEL is your younger brother whether you like it or not. As much as I wanted to abort him, your pathetic excuse of a father said no.', She rolls her eyes with disdain.

'W...What? Abort? You mean...you wanted him to die?! That's awful!', HERO covers his mouth in horror at what his mother said.

KEL's mother sighs in annoyance.

'I've told you many times, dear. You are forever my favorite child and because of that, you'll get better treatment. That DOESN'T mean I won't kick your ass though.', She grabs HERO by the collar, making him bend down so he could be at eye level.

BASIL felt nervous about her behavior towards HERO. He knew how she could be but he didn't know she was this...terrifying. Her unpredictability scared BASIL, he wanted to leave but he didn't know how.

'M..Mom? D...Did you have a bad day..? Is that why you're acting like this?', HERO said innocently, he really didn't know what was going on.

'Bad day? Oh, honey! You're such a jokester. Now now, go do your chores like a good little boy or you know what happens.', She smiles menacingly before turning around to continue washing the dishes. 'Oh, and remember NO GUESTS. You know that I hate unexpected guests in this house.', She added.

'O..Okay..', HERO backs away before turning around. He spots BASIL cowering in the corner.

BASIL looks away, slightly shaking.

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