Chapter 5: Trumpkin

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Deciding to ease tension, Peter stepped in to introduce himself. He gave his hand to shake for the man to shake and said, "High King Peter, the Magnificent........" Lucy smiled and said, causing everyone to around her smile as well, "Could've left out that last bit." The small man chuckled and replied, "Probably." Mara smiled and giggled, causing Peter to smile at her. He then drew his sword, slightly pointing it at the small man. Mara's eyes widened slightly and whispered, a warning tone in her voice, "Peter......" Peter ignored his girlfriend and said, "You might be surprise." The small man narrowed his eyes and replied, "Oh, you don't want to do that, boy." Peter smirked and said, handing Mara his sword then nodded at Edmund, "Not me......them." Mara's eyes widened and said, "Peter, you've got to be kidding me........I can't do this....." Peter smiled and replied, "You're one of the best swordswoman in Narnia, Mara. I believe in you." Edmund nodded and said, smiling at Mara, "Besides, it's been awhile since we sparred with each other. Doesn't hurt to practice, Mar." Mara sighed and said, "Alright, just doesn't seem fair with two against one." The small man took the sword that Susan gave him while Edmund prepared his.

Mara and Edmund stood next to each other then jumped slightly when the small man started to clash his sword against theirs. Then, Edmund and Mara sprung into action. Mara clashed her sword against the small man's sword, ducking when the small man moved his sword above her head. After trying to get her to fall from the top and the same for Edmund, the small man went to sweep his sword underneath their feet which caused them to jump. Peter watched with slight worry but knew his girlfriend and brother had it covered. Just then, the small man moved to do the same to Edmund and ended up hitting him in the forehead, causing everyone to gasp. Lucy called out, worried for her older brother, "Ed!" The small man smirked and said, sarcastically, "Awe, are you alright?" Mara glared at the man and said, clashing his sword against his while Edmund tended to his forehead, "Alright, that's it!" She flashed her sword against the small man's with a lot of force and ended up knocking him off of his feet. When he sat on the ground, shocked, Mara took the chance to take his sword and pointed it at his neck. In doing so, it caused the small man to freeze and his eyes to widen. The small man raised his arms in surrender and said, his voice wavering, "You are exactly what they call you, Your Majesty. Fierce, protective, and the true Queen of Narnia!" Mara smiled and replied, giving Peter his sword back to help the man off of the ground, "Well, you can thank my father for that." The man took Mara's hand and said, "Beards and bedsteads! Maybe that horn worked after all." Mara's eyes widened and she turned to Susan, giving her a knowing look. Just then, Susan's eyes met Mara's in realization. Susan stepped forward and said, "What horn?"

After explaining to the group of young teenagers with what had happened, the group then ventured into the forest by boat on the river. Mara walked over to the boat, following the others, and said, "We never did catch your name, sir." The small man helped Lucy into the boat and replied, "It's Trumpkin, if you must know, Your Majesty. Watch your step now." Peter gave his hand to his girlfriend, smiling at her, and helped her in. Mara returned the smile and took her seat next to Susan, with Lucy in the middle. Once they were boarded, Edmund and Peter began to row the boat. As they rowed down the river, Lucy took in her surroundings and noticed how the trees weren't moving. She had a confused look on her and said, "They're so still." Trumpkin turned to the young girl and replied, raising his eyebrow, "They're trees, what do you expect?" Lucy said, "They used to dance." Trumpkin looked around and replied, "It wasn't long till after you lot left. Those who survived retreated to the forest. And the trees, they retreated so deep into themselves that they haven't been heard since."

As Mara looked around, guilt engulfed her and her face fell into a solemn expression. Susan noticed and rubbed her friend's back, comfortingly. She wishes she could do something to help her friend with her guilt and regret but she was at a loss. Lucy sighed and said, "I don't understand. How could Aslan or Aria let this happen?" Trumpkin scoffed and replied, "Aslan, Aria? Thought they had abandoned us when you lot did." Mara looked up and said, defending her parents for once, "Hey! My parents would never abandon Narnia! They aren't like that, they love Narnia!" Trumpkin scoffed and replied, "You did, love. Figured they decided to follow in their daughter and her friend's footsteps. Sensing Narnia wasn't worth fighting for." Mara glared at the small man and said, "You're asking for it, jerk face, if you don't watch what you say about my mother and father." Peter said, trying to diffuse the situation before Mara lost her temper, "We didn't mean to leave, you know." Trumpkin rolled his eyes and replied, "Makes no difference now, does it?" Peter's eyes landed on his girlfriend who was now being calmed down by Lucy and Susan. He wanted to make things right, not only for Narnia, but for Mara. He looked at Trumpkin determinedly and said, "Take us to the Narnians and it will."

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