Chapter 25: A Wedding

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The next day, Mara stood in her chambers of the castle, wearing a white dress. Her parents were persistent on having a wedding for her and Peter before they left. If they were leaving, her parents wanted to have a part of their wedding whether it would be in Narnia or in their world. There was a knock on her door, startling the young Queen. She turned to see her mother walking in with Susan and Lucy behind her. Her mother wore a crown and a beautiful jewel necklace that had emeralds on it. Aria looked at her daughter and said, tears brimming her eyes, "Look at you, my precious cub! So beautiful." Mara smiled and replied, placing her hands on her heart at her mother's compliment, "Oh, Mummy........." Susan smiled at her soon-to-be sister-in-law and said, "Peter's going to pass out when he sees you." Mara replied, chuckling, "I hope not, I'd like for him to at least be conscious for the vows." Lucy shared a look with Susan and said, "You and Peter prepared vows?" Mara snorted and replied, "Well, we were married before so of course, we're going to have vows. I don't know what his vows are but I know mine." Aria chuckled and said, looking at her daughter and the two girls, "Whatever the case, I'm sure they will be beautiful." Mara smiled at her mother then looked up at the sound of knocking on the door. Reep opened the door and said, his eyes closed, "Is it safe to enter, Your Majesties? I wouldn't want to enter without permission." Susan looked at Mara, who nodded at her with a smile, and said to Reep, "It's alright, Reep. You may enter."

Reep opened the door and Asian entered with Edmund and Caspian. Aslan smiled softly at the sight of his daughter in her wedding dress and walked over to her. Aslan felt happy tears brim his eyes and said. "You're so beautiful, my darling. *He looked over to Aria* Just like your mother." Mara smiled at her father and replied, "Awe, thank you, Daddy." Edmund and Caspian shared a smile, agreeing with Aslan. Mara turned to Edmund and said to him, "Have you seen Peter yet? How is he?" Edmund snorted and replied, "We just came from there, actually. He's pacing back and forth, nervous as a tick." Mara's eyes widened in worry and said, "I sure hope that he's not having any second thoughts." Caspian stepped forward and replied, "If I may so, Your Majesty, Ed and I can take care of him if he does." Aslan chuckled and said to Caspian, "I'm sure that won't be necessary, Your Majesty." Caspian looked down, sheepishly, and replied, "I don't think I'll ever get used to that title."

Mara smiled at Caspian, giggling at his sheepishness and nervousness. She knew he would get used to it eventually. Edmund walked over to Caspian and said, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder, "Better get used to it, my friend." Mara chuckled and said, turning to her parents, "As much as I love the company; Mum, Dad, you two need to head down the aisle." Lucy turned to Mara and said, "Aslan's not walking you down the aisle?" Mara smiled and replied, "As much as I'd love to go by traditions, I think it would make it even more special if my father officiated Peter and I." Lucy said, "Then who's walking you down the aisle?" Mara then looked at Edmund, giving him a pleading smile, and said, "Edmund?" Edmund's eyes widened and replied, "Me? You want me to walk you down the aisle?" Mara nodded and said, "I can't think of anyone else more deserving of that role. Sure, my father but he has a much more important role." Edmund grinned at his soon-to-be sister-in-law and replied, "I would be honored." There was another knock on the door, grabbing the group's attention. A faun entered the room and said, bowing to the Kings and Queens in the room, "Your Majesties, they're ready for you." Caspian turned to Mara and said to her, "I suppose I should head out to join Peter, he asked me to be his groomsman." Aslan then walked over to Caspian and said, "I shall join you, the wedding won't start without me." Mara chuckled and said to her father, "Dad, I think you mean the wedding won't start without me. Go on, you two." Aslan chuckled at his daughter and escorted Caspian out of the room. Aria turned to her daughter and said to her, "I suppose I should join them and make sure that they don't get in trouble." Mara smiled and replied, "Of course, Mum."

Susan and Lucy then took their places in front of Mara and Edmund after making sure Mara's dress was in place. Edmund stood next to Mara and held out his arm to her, smiling. Mara smiled back and said to him, taking his arm, "I appreciate this, Ed." Edmund replied, as they walked down to the hallway to to the precession, "Of course, Mar, you're like a sister to me, you're also my best friend." Mara just smiled in response and turned to face forward. As they walked to the courtyard, they were mesmerized by the number of people who had came. Edmund turned to look at Mara, smiling at her shocked face. They stayed back some, allowing Susan and Lucy to go first. Mara let out a shaky breath, nervous. Edmund turned to her and whispered, "It's going to be okay, Mar." Mara whispered, "I know, I just need a moment." Edmund looked at her concerned and whispered, "You're not second guessing yourself, are you?" Mara shook her head and whispered, "No, never! There's just a lot of people." At the alter, Peter stood in front of Aslan with Caspian beside him as his groomsman. He had his hands clasped behind his back as he waited for his bride. Lucy and Susan stood on the other side of Aslan where Mara should be but hasn't arrived. As time passed, Peter was beginning to worry and thought that maybe Mara was having second thoughts. Seeing that Peter was beginning to feel distressed, Caspian knew he needed comfort. He leaned over to him and whispered, "She'll come, Your Majesty. Just give her a moment." Just as he said that, Edmund and Mara appeared in the walkway. Caspian lit up at the sight and nudged Peter, grabbing his attention. Peter looked up at Caspian then followed his gaze and his eyes widened at the sight of Mara. To him, she truly did represent her title as the Jewel of Narnia.

As she and Edmund got closer to the alter, Mara and Peter's eyes met and they smiled softly at each other. Mara and Edmund finally made it to the alter, allowing Aslan to smile at his daughter. He said, glancing around the room, "Who gives this young woman to this young man?" If it were any different, Aslan would give his daughter away but she had asked him to do this role. Edmund smiled and replied, giving Mara's hand to his brother, "I do." After giving Mara to Peter, Edmund took his spot next to his brother, in front of Caspian as the best man. From there, the wedding began. The entire time, Peter and Mara only had their eyes on each other. When asked, they gave their vows and exchanged rings. Aslan smiled tearfully at the couple and said to the audience, "If there's anyone who objects this couple to not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace." Peter and Mara looked around, daring anyone to object. When no one responded, Aslan grinned brightly and turned back to the couple. He looked at Peter and said, "By the power vested in me, I pronounce you: man and wife. Peter, you may now kiss the bride." With that, Peter placed his hands on Mara's cheeks, cupping them, and brought her into a passionate kiss. As they kissed, everyone stood and cheered for the now married couple.

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