Chapter 26: Leaving Narnia

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The next morning, Peter and Mara woke up to gather the Telemeraine's into the courtyard. On a platform in the courtyard, there was a tree that would take them to a new life if they desired to have it. The now married couple stood next to each other as they directed people to the crowd. In doing so, they were interrupted by a woman with a baby in her arms. Mara turned to her and said, "May I help you, miss?" The woman nodded and replied, "Yes, please. You are Aslan and Aria's daughter, correct? Amara?" Mara nodded and said, sharing a glance with Peter, "That would be me, yes." The woman smiled apologetically and replied, "I just wanted to apologize for the pain my husband had caused for your people." Mara noticed that she had the same accent as Caspian and realized she was his aunt, Miraz's wife. Mara smiled softly at her and said to her, placing her hand on the woman's shoulder, "No, you don't have to apologize." The woman shook her head and replied, "But I want to. *She sighed sadly, looking at the sleeping baby in her arms* He kept so much from me." Peter only stood by and watch the interaction between his new wife and the wife of their enemy. Mara looked at the woman with sympathy and said, "I'm deeply sorry that it came  to his death." The woman smiled softly and replied, placing her hand on the young Queen's cheek, "Don't be, he brought it upon himself." With that, the woman curtsied to the newly wedded couple and walked away. Peter smiled at Mara when she turned to him and stared at her. Mara looked at him, confused, and said, "What?" Peter shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Oh,  nothing. Just can't stop thinking about how lucky I am to have fallen in love with a wonderful girl like you." Mara blushed and said, "Oh, stop it, you. You're making me blush." Peter smirked and replied, "That was my goal." Mara rolled her eyes with a smile and nudged her husband, causing him to laugh.

After the couple's friendly banter, they soon joined the others. Mara stood with her parents and Caspian, while Peter joined his siblings. Caspian glanced at Mara, nervous to address his people as King, and she smiled at him, reassuring him. Caspian took a deep breath and said to his people, "Narnia belongs to the Narnian's, just as it does to man. And any Telemeraine who wants to stay and live in peace are more than welcome to. But for any of you who wish, Aslan and Aria will return you to the land of our forefathers." A man in the front row stepped forward and said, "It's been generations since we left Telmar." Aslan took a step forward and replied, "We're not referring to Telmar. Your ancestors were seafaring brigands. Pirates run aground on a island. There, they found a cave, a round chasm that brought them here from their world. The same world as our Kings and Queens and my daughter." The crowd then began to talk amongst themselves while Peter and his siblings looked at each other. Mara looked at the ground, wrapping her left arm around her right arm. Aria looked up at her daughter from her sitting position next to her and nuzzled the young girl's leg, comforting her. She knew that soon, she would have to part with her precious cub once again.

Aslan looked over to his family and smiled sadly at his daughter who looked up at him. He then turned back to the crowds and said, "It is to that that island I can return you." The crowd then looked at each other, aphrenrsive about going though with the offer. A man then stepped forward and said, "I will go." Caspian gave the man a soft smile and nodded at him. Miraz's wife, with her baby in her arms, stepped forward and said to Aslan, "We will go." Mara looked up at the sound of her voice and her eyes met with the woman's. The woman nodded at her and smiled at her. Aslan smiled at them and said to them, "Because you have spoken first, your futures in that world shall be good." He stepped towards them and blew a puff of air on them. Mara watched as they walked into the tree then disappeared. A man shouted from the crowd,  "How do we know he's not sending us to our deaths?!" Reepicheep then walked over to Aslan and said, "Sire, if my example can be of any service, I will take 11 mice through without delay."

Peter then met Mara's gaze, so many thoughts going through his head. He and Susan had talked to Aslan and Aria and they had told them that their time in Narnia was coming to an end. When they said that, Peter had asked about Mara. He didn't care if he would return to Narnia but he wanted Mara to have the chance to. Narnia was her home, her birthplace. Aslan told him that they had already spoken to Mara and she wanted to go with him and siblings. She knew that it was her time to go and that Narnia was in good hands with Caspian as King. He also told him that Mara was welcome to come back to Narnia for as long as she wished but it was his and Susan's time to go. Peter stepped forward and said, "We'll go." Edmund turned to Peter and said, confused, "We will?" Peter nodded and replied, "Come on, our time's up. After all, we're not really needed anymore." He then took out his sword and walked over to Caspian, who stood next to Mara and her mother. Peter met Mara's gaze as he held out his sword to Caspian, who took it. Caspian held Peter's sword in his hands and said to him, "I will look after it until you return." Susan turned to Caspian after sharing a look with Lucy and said to him, "I'm afraid that's just it, we're not coming back." Lucy turned to her older sister and said, "We're not?" Peter walked over to Lucy and replied, "You, Edmund, and Mara are. At least, I think they mean you three." Lucy turned to Aslan and Aria and said to them, confused, "But why? Did they do something wrong?"

Aslan then walked over to the siblings, standing between them. He gave Lucy a small smile and replied, "Quite the opposite, dear one, but all things have their time. Your brother, sister, and Mara have learned what they could from this world. Now, it's time for them for them to live their own. However, for Mara, she is welcomed to return to Narnia as many times as she wish." Mara let out a sigh and said, "I'm coming too." The crowd gasped then began to talk amongst themselves again. Lucy's eyes widened and replied, "You are?" Edmund was just as surprised as Lucy, all except Peter and Susan who knew Mara would be coming with them. Mara nodded and said, "Yes, my place is with you all know, especially since I married your brother, that technically makes me family." She then looked over at Caspian and walked over to him, who had his head down. The Queen then took Caspian's hands into hers and said to him, "You will be a great King, Caspian. I trust that Narnia will be in your good hands." Caspian nodded determinedly and replied, "I won't let you down." Mara smiled softly and said, taking her crown off of her head to give it to him, "I know you won't. With that begin said, I pass my crown onto you, King Caspian of Narnia and Telmar." Caspian took Mara's crown into his hands, looking at it then at her. Once he had her crown in his safe hands, Mara then wrapped her arms around him and brought him into a hug. Caspian wrapped his arms around her, knowing how much he'll miss her talks.

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