Chapter 14: Recovery

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As they got closer to the How, Peter rushed his horse forward and jumped off when he got close to the entrance. All that was on his mind now was getting to Mara. When he got inside the How, he immediately rushed to the Stone Table room where he found Mara leaning against the cracked table. She was surrounded by a couple fauns, Susan, Lucy, and the badger. Peter's eyes widened to in panic at the sight of the bloodied towels and how Mara was slipping in and out of consciousness. He shouted, rushing towards Mara's side, "Mara!" Mara looked up at her boyfriend and whispered, as Peter took her hand, "Peter........." Peter gave her a sad smile and whispered, "I'm here, Mara......everything's going to be okay." He turned to Susan and Lucy and said to them, "How is she?" Susan shared a look with Lucy and nodded her head at her older brother, silently asking him to follow her.

Peter reluctantly pulled away from his girlfriend but followed his sister. By this time, the other  Narnian', Edmund, Caspian, Trumpkin, and Reep filed into the room. Susan turned to Peter and whispered, "Mara's condition isn't good, Peter. She's lucky that she got here in time, she had already lost some blood." Peter sighed and whispered, "Will she make it?" Susan let out a deep sigh and whispered, "All we can do is hope. What she needs now is rest." Peter nodded and turned back to look at his girlfriend. Mara was now taking a drink of Lucy's healing vial and had leaned back against the cracked table. Susan turned to Peter and whispered, "How many did we lose?" Peter just looked at her sadly, she didn't need an answer after realizing. Her eyes trailed over to Mara and whispered, "Mara's going to be heartbroken." Peter didn't respond to his sister, instead he walked back to his girlfriend. Susan watched as her brother crouched down next to his girlfriend and wrap his arm around her, gently pulling her into his side.

Mara looked up to see Peter and gave him a soft tired smile. He returned it and placed a kiss on the top of her head. The badger walked over to the couple and said to Peter, bowing to him, "I must apologize, Your Majesty, but Her Majesty needs to rest." Peter glanced at the badger then looked at Mara. Mara nodded at him and said, "I'll be okay, Peter. You go on ahead." Peter replied, hesitant to leave, "You sure?" Mara nodded and said, "I promise, I'll be fine." Peter replied, "Okay. I'll be back later." He then brought Mara into a passionate kiss before leaving her, with Susan and Caspian following behind him. Edmund was the last to follow after checking with Lucy and Mara. Once they were out of earshot, Mara let out a deep breath, wincing at the pain. The badger turned to the young Queen and said to her, "Your Majesty?" Mara replied, "I'll be alright, it just stings." Lucy turned to her friend and said, "Maybe you should sleep, Mara." Mara shook her head and replied, "How can I sleep when we're still, in a sense, battling? Miraz could walk through that entrance at any time. We need to be prepared." Lucy gave Mara a soft smile and said, "We will take care of that, Mara. You need to take care of you first." The badger nodded and said, agreeing with Lucy, "Indeed, Your Majesty." Lucy said, "I promise that I will come back and let you know if anything changes." Mara sighed and replied, "All right, fine." Lucy gave her a small smile and helped Mara get comfortable before leaving her. Of course, Mara wasn't really alone since the badger stayed behind to keep her company and a couple fauns stood guard.

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