Chapter 24: The Coronation of A New King

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The next day was the coronation for Caspian, which would join the worlds of Narnia and Telemar alike. It was similar to when Mara and the Pevensie's were crowned but it was still different. Mara stood next to Peter as she smiled at the crowds, wearing a beautiful light pink dress and her crown. Caspian had walked down the aisle to her and knelt in front of her. Since Mara was the High Queen of Narnia, it was going to be her to crown him. Aria and Aslan watched from the side of the room, smiling tearfully at their daughter, proud to how much she had grown. Caspian glanced up at her, nervous for his new responsibility. Mara smiled at him reassuringly and placed the crown on his head. From beside her, Peter grinned brightly at his fiancé as did his siblings. Aslan shouted, introducing Narnia to its new king, "Long Live King Caspian!!" Everyone cheered for Caspian as he rose from his knelt position and shouted, clapping, "Long Live King Caspian!!" Caspian smiled at Mara and bowed to her, showing her respect. Mara returned the smile and curtsied to him, nodding her head at him.  After the coronation, there was a parade to celebrate the newly crowned King Caspian with Mara in the front to lead the procession. Mara rode on a white horse and waved to the crowds, smiling and waving. Beside her was Peter on a brown horse, doing the same as Mara. Caspian rode behind them with Edmund, Susan, and Lucy carrying the rear. It was a glorious occasion, since there hadn't been one when Mara and the siblings were crowned. Caspian's coronation brought peace to anaemia which would last for years to come.

That evening, to conclude the day's events, there was a feast in Caspisn's honor and to celebrate Peter and Mara's engagement. Since this would be Mara and the siblings' last time in Narnia, Aslan and Aria wanted to celebrate their engagement and have a small wedding before they left. Mara sat in between Caspian and Peter as the three laughed and talked amongst themselves. Peter then stood up and said, holding his hand out to Mara, "May I have this dance, my Queen?" Mara turned to Peter and replied, smiling as she took his hand, "Why, of course, my King." Caspian smiled at Mara when she looked at him as she stood. Peter escorted Mara to the dance floor where some Narnia's and Telemeraine's were and bowed/curtsied to each other. Caspian watched the couple as they danced in sync with each other, both smiling and laughing. He then turned to watch Edmund, who was conversing with Aslam and Aria.

His eyes trailed over to Susan and Lucy were deep in an conversation with Trumpkin, both giggling. The new King stood and walked over to the two girls. He smiled nervously and said to Susan, holding his hand out to her, "Queen Susan? Might I have this dance?" Susan looked up from her little sister and glanced between his hand and his face. Lucy nudged her sister, grabbing her attention, and gave her a pointed look. Susan smiled forcefully and replied, taking Caspian's hand, "Of course." From the dance floor, Peter had twirled Mara around, holding her hand as he did. Mara then took notice of Caspian leading Susan to dance, both smiling sheepishly. Mara tapped on Peter's shoulder and said, "Look at who's finally coming to terms with falling in love." Peter followed his fiancé's gaze and his eyes widened to see Caspian with his sister. Peter narrowed his eyes and said, almost going over to break them up, "How dare he? He didn't even ask my permission." Mara rolled her eyes and replied, "Does he need to? And you're not going over there to cause trouble. This is a joyous occasion, Peter. Do you really want to ruin it just because Caspian is dancing Susan?" Peter sighed and said, "No, not really." Mara smiled and replied, "Good, now sweep me off my feet, my Magnificent King." Peter grinned at his fiancé and spun her again.

(AN: Listen to the Kingdom Dance Epic Version from YouTube for this part)

As the music got faster, Peter and Mara had twirled themselves around, dancing in the middle of the circle that the Narnian's and Telemariane's had created. Susan and Caspian were dancing in one of the circles, holding hands as they danced. Somewhere along the line, Edmund had joined the dance with Lucy. From the sidelines, Aslam and Aria had sat down next to each other with their tails around themselves, tapping to the beat.  The crowds who weren't dancing were clapping to the beat, surrounding around the dance floor. When the music got louder and had crescendoed, Peter then lifted Mara into the air with his hands on her hips. On the last note of the music, he had placed his hand on her back and grabbed her right hand with his right hand, dipping her. Everyone clapped for the dancers, once the music had finished. Peter and Mara smiled at each other, breathing heavily from the dance, and gazed into each other's eyes.

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