Chapter 8: Doubt

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After a couple of hours later, Susan laid awake with her thoughts running through her head, much like Mara earlier before she fell asleep. She turned onto her side to face her little sister, her gaze moving over to her older brother and his girlfriend. She smiled softly to herself when she saw them in each other's embrace, both asleep. Susan then turned her gaze back to her sister and whispered, "Psst, Lucy.....are you awake? Why do you think I didn't see Aslan or Aria?" Lucy turned on her side to face her older sister and whispered, "You believe me?" Susan shrugged I
her shoulder and whispered, "Well, we got across the gorge." Lucy sighed and whispered, "Maybe you really didn't want to see them." Susan's eyes widened in realization and whispered, "You always knew that they would be coming back?" Lucy nodded and whispered, "I hoped so, for Mara's sake. She was losing hope so I wanted them to return so her faith and hope returned." Susan and Lucy both turned to look at the said girl, who was now cuddling in Peter's arms, asleep. Peter was asleep on his back with Mara's head on his chest, her arm around his stomach with his arm around her. Susan sighed and whispered, turning back onto her back, "I've just gotten used to the thought of being in England again." Lucy smiled and whispered, "But you're happy to be hear, aren't you?" Susan scoffed and whispered, a smile on her face, "While it lasts."

Awhile later, just as the sun began to rise, Mara stirred in Peter's arms. She gently moved his arms to sit up, pulling her legs to her chest. As she looked around, she took in the appearance of her sleeping boyfriend, smiling softly. The girl looked up again and her eyes widened at the sight of Lucy's sleeping spot to be empty. She instantly reached over for her sword and walked from the group to go find Lucy. She walked around the forest, frantically searching for her missing friend. When Mara caught a glimpse of Lucy, sitting behind a fallen tree, she inched towards her. As she did, she caught another glimpse of something moving in the trees, her heart racing. Once she got close to Lucy, the older girl placed her hand on the younger girl's shoulder, startling her. Mara placed her finger on her lips, signaling to her to be quite and to stay hidden. She then walked around Lucy, her sword at the ready, and oved to go face whatever was out there. With the others, Susan was the first to wake up to notice both Mara and Lucy were gone. She stood up and shouted, startling the others awake, "Wake up! Lucy and Mara are gone!" After Susan's shouting, Peter was the first to react, reaching for his sword and racing towards the trees. Edmund, Susan, and Trumpkin raced after Peter, hoping to find the two missing girls. However, as they reached the forest, they didn't have to go farther to look for Mara or Lucy.

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