Chapter 6: D.L.F (Dear Little Friend)

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After moving through the river, the group made it to land. Trumpkin was the first to get out of the boat, followed by Lucy, Susan, and Edmund. Peter was the last to get out and helped Mara out, offering her his hand. Mara smiled softly at Peter, which he returned, and took his hand, allowing him to help her. She could do it herself but she loved it when Peter tried to act all chivalrous around her. Just as she took his hand, she slipped, causing Peter to reach out to grab her. With the others, Susan watched the moment with a small smile. Trumpkin turned her and said, "Are they always like that? All lovey dovey?" Lucy smiled and replied, "I like it when they're like that. It shows that they really love each other." After that, she walked away, seeing something in the distance. As she got closer, she spotted a bear taking a drink from the river. With the others, Peter and Mara had joined the group after sharing a kiss. Mara was the first to notice Lucy walking towards the bear, worry and fear overcoming her. She inched towards Lucy and said, "Lucy! Step back, slowly." Lucy ignored her friend and said to the bear, as it stood on its back legs, "Hello, it's alright. We're friends." Mara's eyes widened in fear and froze when the bear stood. Trumpkin turned to the girls and said to them, causing Susan, Edmund, and Peter to rush over to him, "Don't move, Your Majesties!" Susan shouted, pointing her bow and arrow at the bear, "Stay away from them!"

Feeling protective of his girlfriend and little sister, Peter drew his sword and inched towards them. Just then, the bear roared at the girls and the others, causing Lucy to shriek. After the bear roared, he started to run towards them. Edmund turned to Susan, scared for his sister and friend, and said, "Susan, shoot!!!" Susan didn't need to be told twice and released the arrow, making a perfect shot at the bear. Peter was able to reach Mara and he grabbed her towards him, shaking her out of her frozen stance. The bear fell to the ground after the arrow shot him, dropping to the ground dead. Edmund rushed over to Lucy and said to her, wrapping his arms around her, "You alright, Lu?" Lucy nodded at her brother, shaking, and replied, "Why wouldn't he stop?"' Trumpkin walked over to the young girl and said, "I suppose he was hungry, Your Majesty." Edmund said, as Lucy clutched to him, "He was wild." He turned to Mara, seeing her still frightened as Peter placed his hands on both of her cheeks, and said, "Are you alright, Your Majesty?" Mara nodded and replied, her voice shaking, "I will be, thank you. I suppose that when he stood, I froze and blacked out for a second." Trumpkin said, "You had a right to do so, Your Majesty. Can't you turn into a lioness though? Like the stories?" Mara shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I haven't used my lioness form in years so I don't know."

Susan walked over to the bear and took her arrow out, looking at him sadly. She then walked back to the group, standing next to Peter and Mara. Peter sighed and said, pulling Mara to his chest, "I don't think he could talk at all." Trumpkin turned to Peter and replied, "Get treated like a dumb animal long enough and that's all you become. You might find Narnia to be a savage place than you remember, Your Majesties." After the bear incident, the group carried on into the woods with Peter in the lead. Mara walked next to Edmund and ducked underneath a fallen tree limb when Edmund raised it for her, ducking underneath it himself. Lucy looked around and said, "I don't remember this way." Peter turned to his youngest sister with a slight smug look and replied, "That's the problem with girls, you don't carry a map in your heads." Mara rolled her eyes and said, smirking at her boyfriend, "That's because we have something in them, darling." Susan snorted and replied, causing Mara and Lucy to giggle, "Yeah, brains." Peter groaned and replied, "Now my girlfriend's ganging up on me? Not fair." Mara chuckled and said, "I think it's pretty fair, love. Now, move along before a certain someone gets cranky." Peter let out a sigh but listened to Mara and moved forward. Susan leaned over to Lucy and whispered, "I wish he'd just listened to the D.L.F in the first place." Edmund turned to his older sister, confused, and said, "D.L.F?" Lucy giggled and replied, "Dear little friend." Trumpkin turned to Lucy and said, "Oh, that's not patronizing, isn't it?"

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