Chapter 18: Planning/Reconciliation and Proposal

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After getting some time to think, Peter walked back to the stone table room to find the others surrounding the stone table as they planned their next strategy. He did notice, however, that there was one person missing from the group and his heart sunk.......Mara. He turned to look at Susan who only glared at him and shook her head. Even his sister didn't want anything to do with him at the moment. Soon after coming up with a plan, Trumpkin was the first to disagree. He turned to Peter and said, "Cakes and kettledrums? That's your plan? Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest? Alone?!" Peter sighed and replied, "It's our only chance." Susan took a step forward, agreeing with her older brother, and said, "And she won't be alone." Trumpkin turned to Lucy and said, "Haven't enough of us died already?" The badger stood next to Edmund and said to Trumpkin, "Nikabrik was my friend too but he lost hope. Queen Lucy hasn't and neither have I." Reep turned to Lucy and said, bowing to her as he raised his sword, "For Aslan." A bear, who stood in the room as well, nodded at the young girl and said, "For Aslan." Trumpkin walked over to Lucy and said, "Then, I'm going with you." Lucy shook her head and replied, placing her hand on his shoulder, "No, we need you here." Peter nodded his head and said, "We have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back. I would ask Mara to go with them to keep her out of the line of fire but....." Edmund placed his hand on his brother's shoulder and replied, "I will tell Mara, Peter." Caspian stepped forward and said, "If I may? *Peter and Edmund nodded at him* Miraz may be a truant and a murderer, but as King, he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people. There is one in particular that may buy us some time."

While everyone waited for Edmund to return with news, Caspian walked around the fortress to look for one missing Queen. Soon enough, he found her, now back in her human form, shooting arrows at targets. With each arrow Mara had shot, she had made a bullseye. The young Prince walked over to the Queen and said, "You're quite the archer. You could surpass Susan." Mara jumped as she turned to see Caspian and replied, "Well, I wouldn't say that. I prefer sword, this......just allows me to......" Caspian said, "Let your emotions out?" Mara nodded and let out a deep sigh, placing her bow and arrows down. Caspian walked over to her and said, "Have you spoken to Peter any? He's pretty distressed about the argument you had." Mara wrapped her arms around her and replied, "So, you two talked?" Caspian shook his head and said to her, "No, but I could tell that way he acted and spoke. I don't want to overstep but I would talk to him. He's about to have a duel with Miraz if Miraz accepts the offer." Mara's eyes widened, here she was being mad and upset but her boyfriend was planning to fight with their enemy. Caspian said, "Please, talk to him. It might be your last chance to." With that, Caspian walked away, leaving to her thoughts.
After her talk with Caspian, Mara walked around the fortress once more but this time in search of Peter. She soon found him with his armor set in front of him, preparing himself. The young teenager walked over to her boyfriend and stood in silence for a bit. Peter stopped at the sound of footsteps and turned around to see his girlfriend, causing him to freeze. As he and Mara looked at each other, guilt and regret washed over Peter's face. Mara stared at Peter and slowly walked over to him. She knew that she had limited time left with him and she didn't want it to be filled with anger or animosity towards him. Once she got close, the young teenager wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck, bringing him towards her. Peter instantly wrapped his arms around Mara, pulling her towards him, as tears brimmed his eyes. He regretted what he had said about Mara's parents, including the impact it had on her. He'll never forget the hurt and pain in her eyes the moment she roared at him in her lioness form. Peter whispered, his voice breaking, "I'm so s-sorry, M-Mara. I didn't mean what I said." Mara whispered, tears brimming her own eyes, "I know you didn't, Peter. It was just the heat of the moment and I don't blame you. I don't want our possible last moments to be full of hate, anger, and animosity." Peter pulled away and said, placing his hands on her cheeks, "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Mara smiled tearfully and replied, "Not lately but I would like to hear it." Peter smiled softly and said, "Well, then........I love you so much, Mara." Mara giggled and replied, "I love you more, Peter Pevensie."

Peter stared into his girlfriend's eyes with so much love and adoration. He knew right then and there that she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. So, he reached into his back pocket for a box. When they first arrived in Narnia earlier and when they had found their chests, Peter had found the ring he had proposed to Mara with the first time they came to Narnia. Ever since they begun their journey, Peter had went through his head on how he would propose to her. Edmund was the first he had told about his intentions and he was very supportive in his decision. He wanted to tell Susan but it seemed that she too was also angry at him. Mara watched with intrigue as her boyfriend searched for something in his pocket. Peter looked at Mara and said, holding the small box in his hand, "Mara, the entire time we have been in Narnia, I've put a lot of thought about the future and who I would like to spend it with. *At that moment, Mara's eyes widened at what he was saying* And the more I thought, you came into my mind. You're my better half, you keep me grounded and you always find a way to help me be my best self. Not only that but you fit in with my siblings, treat them as your own. That made me realize, you were made to be in our family. So what I'm trying to say is.............*He then got on one knee* Mara, will you marry?"

Peter watched hopefully as he waited for Mara's answer and reaction. Mara's hands went to her mouth in shock as happy tears appeared in her eyes. She tearfully nodded and whispered, "Yes......" Peter smiled brightly and stood from his knelt position, placing the ring onto his now fiancé's finger. Once he was back on his feet, the young King pulled his Queen into a passionate kiss. The couple stayed that way for a moment until either of them pulled away. Mara was the first to do so and she smiled brightly at him. Peter let out a breathless chuckle and said, "You do realize that we're going have to do this again once we get back? For my mum and siblings?" Mara chuckled and replied, "I'll do it all over again for you. Now, let's get you ready, hmm?" Peter allowed his fiancé to help him with his armor. He looked at her and said to her, "I know this is short notice but I would like you to go with Lucy to get your parents. You'll be safer with her." Mara shook her head and replied, "No, my place is here with you. I want to look at Miraz in the eye and tell him that he can kiss Narnia's arse if he wants to take the throne. My parents showed themselves to Lucy for a reason. She will know what to do better than I." Peter sighed and said, "Alright, as long as you stay next to Edmund." Mara smiled and replied, "That I can do." Suddenly, Edmund came racing into the room to find Mara putting on the last piece of armor on Peter. He cleared his throat, startling the couple, and said, "They're ready for you." Peter turned back to look at Mara who know held his sword in her hands. She nodded at him with a determined look and said, "Go show them to what a true King of Narnia is made of." With that encouragement, Peter straightened his composure and gently took his sword from his fiancé. Then, with his sword secure, he made his way towards the entrance with Mara by side and Edmund followed shortly after. With Edmund's status,  he had may be a King but Mara and Peter were the High Queen and High King Consort of Narnian, making him a slight step below them.

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