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Hey guys, so I was in 8th grade and kinda in my freshman year and now I'm in my Senior year. A lot has happened to me and I have to deal with lots of college stuff but I will be back but here are some misconceptions I wanna clean up since my middle school writing is GROSS and I played into too many stereotypes:
1. Y/n will be getting character development into being stronger and basically, feminine yet still her happy go lucky self (Ik some of ya'll aren't that happy IRL but let yourself be happy here♥️)
2. Is Vivianna a bitch? Yes. But she's only a bitch because she doesn't trust Paris, yes, they're meant to help him with the other toys and while she knows he loves her sister, she's still skeptical on whether that's enough to keep him from using them to achieve his goal and what he'll do once he's got all the other toys and it's just them. She's cautious and only looking out for her sister (and eventually Yumi) in the end.
3. VIVIANNA ALSO HAS NO INTEREST IN PARIS, SHE IS A LESBIAN (BUT SHE IS NOT A SIS CON, I SAW THAT COMMENT AND I WAS BAFFLED). She def likes women tho. But she will have softer moments in future chapters.
4. Okay, I will be deleting and re-writing the last chapters because IDK what I was doing with the plot line. I was gonna introduce a new character but after a few years, have decided against it.
5. Thank you all for the lovely comments and feedback, I genuinely appreciate it. Sorry for keeping you all on edge like that but I've decided that I wanted to get back into writing again. I just need to figure out a schedule since I do have a job now (maybe a new chapter every week). But overall, I'm really thankful you all like this series a lot!

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