Vivianna's side

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"Hello! Hello?" Yumi called out, "Is anyone here?"

Vivianna now had her whip out just in case, "I don't think you should call out, Yumi. Just in case."

Yumi nodded, tightening her hold on the doll's gloved hand. Vivianna peered suspiciously between mirrors and tried to strain her ears as best as she could to hear anything, but heard nothing.

"Is it really just us here?" Yumi asked softly, "Well, us and our reflections."

"It seems to be that way. I don't see any entrances or exits...How did we even get here?" Vivianna asked, looking down at the albino girl.

Yumi began to walk closer to the red-haired doll, "I-I'm not sure...maybe whoever was in the alley brought us here?"

Nodding in acknowledgment, Vivianna's lips pursed into a scowl, "Well whoever brought us here is going to severely regret it."

The silence began to fill in between the two. Yumi was worried for herself but also feeling so useless for allowing herself to be kidnapped so easily, even dragging Vivianna along with her. Vivianna, on the other hand, was wondering if (Y/n) had gotten the message she sent her. Ivan told them they had telepathy of some sort when one twin cried the other could see snippets of the crying twin's location and/or see any danger or future dangers coming to the other. Typically, it was (Y/n) who'd resort to that but this was one of the very little times that Vivianna had to do it.

"Hey...when you were sleep said a name..."Yumi muttered, getting quieter.

Vivianna looked down at Yumi, "Whose name?"

"N-Nico, I think," Yumi replied before looking into the doll's green stare, "Who's that?"

Looking into the mirror, Vivianna only smiled softly before speaking softly, "Nico is short for Nicolas, he's like a brother to (Y/n) and I. You know the glitter in the snow globe? I think Ivan might've brought it to life by accident but I'm not really complaining."

"So...he's that glitter beam that heals you and (Y/n)?" Yumi wondered.

"He can help with other things but healing is his main forte, so yeah," Vivianna answered.

"Does that mean the snow globe is alive, too?" Yumi asked.

"Well...yes, I think. It doesn't speak or anything but it...feels alive," Vivianna closed her eyes as though trying to recall something, "The snow globe is like a parental-figure, despite how weird that sounds, but it keeps as safe when we're inside. It's...hard to explain since we've never had to explain it before."

"Does Paris not know that they're alive?" Yumi asked.

"He may have suspicions but we've never discussed it," Vivianna answered curtly.

Yumi wanted to ask another question when something that wasn't her or Vivianna spoke.

"H-Hello? Is someone there" a voice called out.

It came from behind, Yumi turned around and Vivianna held up her ribbon-wrapped arm protectively. The source of the voice appeared, a boy with light brown hair and wide onyx eyes. Yumi's eyes widened, remembering her dream of the kidnapped boy.

"It's you." Yumi gasped lightly.

For some reason, Vivianna felt a strange wave of déja Vu. Like she had heard those words already and knew something bad was going to happen, she just didn't know what. Then Yumi ran past her, startling the red-haired doll, and stood in front of the boy.

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now