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"I didn't get to introduce myself, did I," the puppet's tone was now composed and even, "My name is Paris, Paris the puppet. And I was made in the year of 1932-"

The bear head growled when Paris held it in between his hands. Paris gripped it harshly and ripped it in half with just as much malice. Causing a small squeak from the (h/c)-haired female and a groan from the red-haired one.

"To deal with the things my fool of a creator couldn't control." Paris finished.

"We get it, Messiah," The taller woman sighed, "but don't forget you're not so special Puppet."

"Right, meet the Twins." Paris lazily gestured to the duo.

The (e/c)-eyed one politely curtsied at Yumi and smiled warmly, "I'm (Y/n)! (Y/n) (L/n)."

"I'm the older twin. Vivianna (L/n), nice to meet you, hun." Vivianna greeted, ruffling the girl's choppy albino hair.

Yumi only froze as she began to try and assess her situation. First, she finds a walking talking dummy and two women literally just appeared out of a snowglobe, how did this even happen? Did Nora know about this? Why were they in the basement? Did the dummy just kill the teddy bear? Weren't the girls just mini figurin-

Then she felt something on her shoulder, returning her to reality, or what was at least left of her reality. She looked up to see Paris's red eyes, (Y/n)'s (e/c) ones, and Vivianna's green ones staring down at her.

"What did you say your name was, again?" Paris asked politely, holding out his hand.
"It seems we all got too caught up in Paris's little temper tantrum to remember it." Vivianna hummed softly.

Paris glared at the red-haired girl who only smirked in response, the (s/c)-skinned one only tapping their shoulders and returning their attention back to Yumi.

"Y...Yumi Wright." The girl stuttered, shaking Paris's extended hand.

"A pleasure to meet you." Paris complimented.

Yumi nodded, suddenly feeling incredibly light-headed. The Twins were quick to act by running behind the girl and catching her, both girls laid her on their laps and checked her over to make sure she wasn't injured during the bear's massacre.

"That's a shame, I wanted to chat more," Paris spoke.

"True but even then she might've not been in any condition to chat. The human mind is very fragile, Paris." (Y/n) noted.

Paris only smiled fondly at the figurine, "Only you can be so passionate and understanding, (Y/n)."

The girl's response was looking away, a visibly red blush on her face. Vivianna only scowled at the scene in front of her, coughing lightly to get both her sister's and Paris's attention back to her.

"It can wait Paris, we should probably get her out of the basement. I highly doubt that girls her age just play around in a dark room." Vivianna deadpanned.

"I begrudgingly agree with you, Vivi." Paris remarked bitterly.

Soon, they were making their way upstairs. Paris leading the way, Vivianna glaring daggers at the back of his head, and (Y/n) curiously looking at the home's decor and layout. Paris gently laid the girl on the couch and stretched his arms over his head.

"I'm quite tired, how about you two?" Paris inquired, looking at the Twins.

Vivianna nodded and (Y/n) yawned, making both Vivi and Paris 'awe' internally. Paris then held out his hand, a silvery mist surrounding it, and soon the snowglobe was in his hand.

Vivianna frowned, "I don't understand why you're able to summon our snowglobe."

"Well, It's more convenient for me in case I need your help." Paris replied, twisting the bright red cap.

"Right, We're just the back-up." Vivianna mumbled bitterly.

This wasn't the first time that they had this conversation and it would never be the last, (Y/n) moved closer to her sister when she saw how genuinely upset her twin was but was soon swallowed up the silvery mist. Vivianna was soon next after her sister. Paris twisted the cap on and looked inside the snowglobe.

Two figures were hand-in-hand and cheek-to-cheek, both of them smiling happily and warmly at each other, but Paris was only jealous of one of the figurines. Deciding not to dwell on it further, he transformed into his doll form and fell asleep with the snowglobe on his chest.

A while after, that's when the sound of a door opened. A girl with black hair and green eyes walked in.

"Yumi! It's Lily! Sorry, I'm so late!" The teen apologized.

No response was heard, Lily then began to venture around the house to try and find her charge.

"Where are you, Kiddo?" She called out once more, "Are you in the living room?"

Peeking inside the living room, that's when she was greeted by the most precious sight. Yumi was sleeping much like a cute little cat on the couch.

"Aw. Must' a got bored waiting for me, huh?" Lily chuckled softly.

She did not notice the dummy holding a snowglobe that was sleeping peacefully by the white-haired girl.

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now