Their Life Story

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    Rain poured down heavily, beating harshly on a plant that was positioned outside for decoration. The sound was heard throughout the house, although it was the least of Yumi's concerns at this point.

    "She doesn't have a fever, but she is definitely acting odd." Atsuko, one of Yumi's adopted mothers, stated.

    "Should we take her to the doctor's tomorrow?" Nora asked her wife, "Just in case?"

    Yumi could hear Atsuko agreeing with Nora, they soon began to move downstairs to carry on their conversation. The albino let her eyes linger a while longer and trying to strain her hearing in order to at least listen to a few of the whispered words.

    "Well, now." A silky voice broke the silence.

    Yumi stiffened and slowly looked behind her. She saw the puppet sitting limply on her wardrobe, the snowglobe next to him, but she could tell that they did not lack life.

    "Seems like they've gone downstairs." The voice continued, this time Yumi knew it was male.

    "I think now would be good to pick up where we left off, right (Y/n)?" Another voice joined, it was female but kinda burly.

    "I'm sure she has many questions that need to be answered, much like us." A third voice agreed.

    The dummy moved slightly at first but then lifted his head to face Yumi. The figurines in the snow globe stood eagerly against the glass. Yumi kinda hoped that the (h/c)-haired one was released from the snowglobe, she seemed to be much gentler and considerate compared to the other two.

    "Wh...what are you guys?" Yumi asked nervously.

    "A living puppet," Paris answered simply.

    "More like a mindless dummy." Vivianna snorted, gently elbowed by her twin in the ribs.

    It was unclear whether is Yumi had heard Vivianna's insult towards Paris and didn't know how to acknowledge it or if she simply hadn't heard the red-haired figurine.

    "" Yumi was cut off.

    "I was just teasing," Paris snickered, "I know that's not what you're really asking."
    Vivianna sighed, "You scold me whenever I'm teasing but it's fine whenever you do it."

    "In all fairness, Vi. Your 'teasings' are mostly just blatant insults." (Y/n) pointed out, earning a withering glare from her sibling.

    "Girls," Paris said sternly, almost like a father would to his misbehaving daughter's, "May we give Yumi the explanation she deserves?"

    Vivianna wordlessly turned her attention back to Yumi, who could see the manikin's green eyes piercing her red-looking ones. (Y/n) uttered a small apology and also had her own (e/c) orbs locked onto Yumi.

    When Paris was sure he had directed the girl's attention he then began to go back into his past. Apparently 80 years back, he told the story of an idiot who could create anything he wanted, but with a catch. Things he made that were to comfort, help, or entertain did the exact opposite instead. They tortured, destroyed, and terrified.

   "So, the idiot set out to create a monster, something made for destruction and rebellion," Paris then put his wooden hand to his chest, "Me."

    "A monster..." Yumi repeated to herself, her mind wandering back to her traumatizing teddy bear attack, "W-wait! So-"

    "Huh, she caught on faster than expected," Vivianna smirked, impressed with the girl, "She's a smart one."

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now