Alls Well That Ends Well

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    "Oh, Lily!" Iris sobbed, "I'm so glad you're okay!"

    "Thank goodness, thank goodness. You're okay!" Iris kept chanting.

    Paris smiled, "Seems everything ended well, It could've been much...messier."

    Paris chuckled at his last sentence which Yumi and (Y/n) chuckled too as well, except they were both visibly uncomfortable with the idea. Yumi went silent for a bit, remembering why no one died today, and felt as though the trio of dolls had the right to know about her abilities. Especially after the fight, they put up to prevent having to do anything drastic to get the shoes off Lily's feet.

    "Paris...(Y/n)...I lied today." Yumi admitted, shamefully, "I'm sorry...but it wasn't just a hunch, I had a dream of it...I-I can see scary things that others can't see. Things I don't even want to see."

    Paris listened, intrigued by Yumi's words, but (Y/n) felt her heartbreak at the sight if Yumi's crestfallen face and words.

    "I-I just wanted them to go away...t-to leave me alone." Yumi continued, "b-but...If seeing these things means I can stop these things..."

    Yumi looked both toys dead in the eyes, "Then please, let me help you!"

    (Y/n) bit her lip nervously, it seemed as though she had gotten quite attached to this child despite the short amount of time they'd known each other, and she already knew she would never be able to forgive herself if Yumi had gotten hurt because of their mission. Paris only put a hand on (Y/n) shoulder, making her look at him in his crimson red eyes with her doll-like (e/c) ones. He gave her a soft smile, which she eventually returned.

    "She'll be fine. She has me, you, and Viv. I highly doubt she'll get hurt." Paris comforted.

    (Y/n) nodded then looked down at Yumi, "It was very brave of you, for what you did today and what you admitted. I'm sure it wasn't easy."

    Yumi only grinned at (Y/n) widely, making the (h/c)-haired figure 'aw' internally.

    "Well, then..." Paris bowed in front of Yumi, (Y/n) did her curtsy, " We would be honored for you to join us."

    "Thank you!" Yumi beamed, soon tears began to form in her eyes.

    Paris's face then twisted into a bewildered and worried expression, "W-Why are you crying?"

    (Y/n) laughed softly, Paris was never good with children, but it was cute seeing him so concerned over one. Yumi let more tears fall from her eyes before (Y/n) crouched in front of her.

     "What's wrong, Sweetheart?" (Y/n) cooed.

     "I-it's just...It's the first time I'm thankful for being about to see those things." Yumi smiled, "A-and I'm just so happy everyone is okay."

     Paris smiled, "Well, I'm-"

     "But this was super scary!" Yumi sobbed, cutting off the puppet.

     Paris stared blankly at the child before turning to (Y/n).

     "Help me." He begged.

     (Y/n) only giggled before engulfing both of them into a big hug, "I swear you two are so cute!"

     Two green eyes peered at them through the snow globe. Vivianna's arm was being magically repaired but she cared less about that right now. She glared at Paris with those big green eyes of hers, eyes that revealed hatred and jealousy towards the raven-haired puppet.

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now