Sister Talk (Revised)

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After that, Paris sent the twins to escort the children home while he stayed behind to investigate further the mirror and the Toy Soldier. Now, (Y/n) held the snowglobe in her hands as Yumi stood anxiously at her side, a silver beam was currently carrying Vivianna to the window sill of the home where the entire case first took place, the unconscious little boy cradled in her arms. Both (Y/n) and Yumi's eyes waited anxiously when Vivianna silently crept into the house but was filled with relief as soon as she walked out and used her whip to swing down from the building ledge.

"Let's head home now, I'm tired." Vivianna yawned, stretching her arms high above her head.

The other two tiredly agreed and yawned along as well. When they began to move towards Yumi's house, (Y/n) noticed that the albino was stumbling a little with every step she took and smiled softly.

"Here hold this," (Y/n) stated, handing the snow globe to her twin and then picking up the little girl, "You can fall asleep, I'll wake you up when we get there."

Letting out a weary 'thank you', Yumi rested her head on (Y/n)'s surprisingly clean shoulder and began to snore softly. Vivianna's green eyes scanned over the sleeping girl as if to check if she really was asleep when the red-haired doll was sure she then began to speak.

"Are you okay, (N/n)?" Vivianna asked her twin, whose eyes seemed to be dull and distant.

"O-Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" (Y/n) spoke quickly.

Vivianna raised one brow, "Just because I was out of it, doesn't mean I suddenly went deaf. I heard Paris's bloody rejection."

(Y/n)'s fake smiled faltered a little and suddenly had her eyes on the ground, her (l/c)-painted lips quivering and her (e/c) eyes becoming glassy. Vivianna regretted the harshness of her words and tried to find a way to remedy it.

"Don't feel bad, everyone gets rejected at some point." Vivianna shrugged.

"How would you know that? You never felt love before." (Y/n) spat, a bitter tone foreign in her voice.

Vivianna winced a little and looked at her, slightly hurt and betrayed. Realizing her hurtful words, (Y/n)'s temporary anger didn't last long and she stared at her twin apologetically.

"Viv! I am so sorry, I-" Vivianna held up a hand to silence her, "It's fine, (Y/n). I...know what you mean. I don't...experience the same things you do, especially when it comes to, you know, the kissy romance love, I guess. But, you are wrong. I do feel love for you."

Relieved that her sister wasn't mad at her and cheerily replied, "I love you too, Vivianna!"

"And I don't blame you for snapping, it's been a hard night for everyone. First, we're battling a toy soldier, then some reverse Bloody Mary crap with the mirror, and then you got rejected." She teased lightly but noticed the way her sister's smile fell and realized that it was definitely too soon.

"Not that...I'm happy about that." The red-haired girl adds. (Y/n) laughs a little, "Yeah right, you've hated Paris since forever."

"I know, I know. It's just...You're the only person I fully trust, okay?... Yumi's making her way up that list," She glances down at the white-haired girl who slept in your arms, "and while I still think that Paris is a shady, suspicious waste of wood-...I think he does love you."

The younger (L/n) only shook her head dismissively, "He likes me but not in that way. You heard what he said down there..."

"I did," Vivianna admitted, "but I can see just as well as I can hear, I can see the way he looks at you. The way he acts when you're around, the way he acts when you're not. It's quite obvious that he's straight-up infatuated with you."

(Y/n) felt some hope surface in her heart, "R-Really? You think so?"

Vivianna nodded and that seemed to make (Y/n) smile, soon that smile fell into a frown. Not a frown of sadness but one of confusion.

"Wait, why are you...helping him?" (Y/n) mumbled, with every right to ask that question.

After all, she had seen Vivianna purposely butt heads with Paris for years. Constantly getting in the middle of moments that (Y/n) frankly wished she'd butt out of sometimes (not that she would ever say that to her sister's face). Viviana's nose scrunched at the question, "Helping him? You'd have to stick me in that snowglobe for a few more years before I ever do anything for him. I'm just stating a fact-" and because I hate to see you sad, Vivianna briefly thinks to herself before continuing on, " weren't...built like Paris and I, okay? That's why I've gotta protect you, I think that's why he rejected you as well. Because-"

"Because I'm too weak?" (Y/n) finished, her voice barely a whisper.

Viviana did not say anything and deep down, she didn't need to. She wanted to come up with a half-baked lie to assure her sister but instead, she fell silent because it weighed too heavily down her throat like an anchor. The air felt heavier around them, their footsteps and Yumi's soft snoring being the only things that could be heard.

"You can say it, Vivi. We've all known it."

"Yes, weren't built for comb-"

"I know, but...I wanted it to be different this time. I'm supposed to be a healer but instead, I feel...I feel like a liability." Words could not describe just how intensely (Y/n) was feeling at the moment...but she had to try and get them out, "I wasn't much help during the Teddy Bear incident, I was useless with the red shoes but tonight...tonight made me realize it. Something big is going to happen, this isn't going to be like last time, and I...I want to get stronger."

Vivianna's bright red brows furrowed at her sister's words, a chill going down her spine as she remembered the strange occurrence of how she and Yumi ended up in those sewers. To the person she saw Yumi talk to down in the alleyway before they got knocked out, that energy, it felt like Paris's couldn't have been him. She decided to keep it to herself, a lot happened already and she needed rest before she could try and piece any of it together.

"That...might not be a bad idea." Vivianna agreed, "But, I'll be training you. Got it?"

A happy nod from her sister caused the corner of Vivianna's lips to quirk into a smile, but then her urge as the older twin to ruin every sweet moment by being obnoxious kicked in as she pressed her shoulder against her sister's to bump her a little.

"Who knows? Maybe you'll impress Paris with your new badass fighting skills and he'll reconsider his rejection."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes but...her sister's words did renew some hope in her heart. After all, even if Paris did love her, it's clear that she'd just be another thing he has to protect and be mindful of in battle. Perhaps she was naive and sheltered from things but she knew her feelings well; her love for Paris was not a simple crush or infatuation and it only grew stronger with their separation. She wanted to support him, help him, and make him feel reassured that he didn't just have to take this burden by himself like how he usually does.

Vivianna could tell her sister was in Parisland already and chuckled, relieved she was feeling better. However they both snapped out of it upon seeing Yumi shiver in (Y/n)'s arms.

"We should hurry up and get her home." (Y/n) said, as Vivianna comfortingly rubbed her hand on Yumi's back to try and shield her from the cold.

"Yeah, I'm beat."

(Lol, had to revise this one. I'm also gonna revise one other chapter but let me know what you guys think of this!)

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