Paris's Perspective

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(New Chapter! Hopefully it flows well with the rest of the story but seriously, thank you all for your feedback and I will be trying to get into a more systematic schedule!)
It was hard to focus on investigating, the sound of sewer water sloshing around his legs echoed as he traveled through the canals, but he paid it no mind. He looked for clues but in between observations, his thoughts could only travel back to her. Back to her confession, to the heartbroken look on her face to the way she still smiled so kindly towards him. It was unreal how Ivan could have created something so innocent and gentle, especially after creating something as cruel and sly as Paris. He had suspicions of her when they were first created, believing no one could be that kind and selfless, but she never failed to be anything but genuine and honest with her feelings and intentions. She was made to heal and calm those who were under attack or distressed from the aftermath of the toys, hell, he remembers times in the past when her presence alone seemed to calm the toys themselves but something was different now. He could sense it, an ominous change. This wouldn't be like the first time they hunted them down, it felt off and the worst part is he couldn't even put his finger as to why. 
      "I've been walking for quite a long time." He thinks to himself, now noticing how familiar the sewers around him were getting, "Where is that cursed-" 
     Then he saw it, the flow of broken bits and pieces of porcelain floating in the water, along with pieces of meat mixed in as well. Yet, no toy soldier remained. 
He knew it was impossible for him to have crawled away, not in the condition that he put him in. Picking up a piece of one of the shattered porcelain, his crimson eyes narrowed as an uneasy feeling created a deep pit in his stomach.
“I don’t like this,” He murmured, “I don’t like this at all.”
Journeying back to Yumi’s home, he managed to sneak in through the window, taking off his shows to try and not spread so much sewage all over the young girl’s floor. It was a quiet return, typically, (Y/n) would have been anxiously sitting on the bed waiting for his return. Her eyes lit up with relief at his safe arrival and greeting him with a bright smile. Looking over to the wardrobe where Yumi kept the snow globe, silver glitter floated against the glass dome of the globe and completely blocked anyone from seeing what was happening inside of it. 
His heart felt heavy as he wondered to himself if the (h/c)-haired doll was crying or simply was not ready to face him after his rejection. Not noticing his hand clutching his heart at the very thought of hurting her, Yumi came into the room and smiled: “Paris!”
“Ah, Yumi!” He half-smiled at the girl, a bit relieved at her entry.
They spoke for a while as he made his way to the bathroom, unbuttoning his coat and talking about the strange observations he noticed in the sewers, and more importantly: the disappearance of the Toy Soldier. Yumi’s face also began to show the fretfulness that Paris felt, a chill going up her spine when he proposed the idea it must have been taken.
“What was taken?” A gentle and warm voice entered the conversation.
Paris looked up immediately and smiled instantly.
(Y/n) may not be able to calm the toys with just a glance like she used to but she was still able to calm him. His crimson eyes softened as he stared into her (e/c) eyes and he felt a bit calmer about their situation.
“The Toy Soldier, it wasn’t there when I returned,” Paris explained calmly. Then that irritating voice interrupted the conversation, “So in other words, you failed to do your job?”
Vivianna smirked at him as she leaned on the doorframe opposite her sister. It truly was a shame that Ivan didn’t simply make (Y/n) the only doll in the snow globe, Vivianna may have been made for combat but obviously not one for teamwork.
“I failed nothing, whatever attacked you and Yumi in the alleyway must’ve snuck in and taken it right after (Y/n) and I went to find you both. So if you had been more vigilant, perhaps the night wouldn't have ended as horribly as it did,” Paris retorted trying to hide the obvious venom in his voice. Vivianna opened her mouth to argue with Paris, the smirk wiped off instantly but her next (most likely not child-friendly) words were cut off by her sister, “We all did the best we could and regardless, we can’t really change the events of last night.”
(Y/n)’s words were strong and confident, sensible but assuring, yet it still made Paris and Vivianna lower their heads in shame a little at their passive-aggressive exchange.
“Yes, you’re right, (Y/n),” Paris agreed, making Vivianna roll her eyes which Yumi couldn’t help but giggle a little at. Continuing on, Paris turned his head to look at both Yumi and Vivianna, “and it begs the question, now that we’re safe and sound…what is it that attacked you two last night?”
Yumi’s small smile upturned as she stepped closer to Vivianna, shrinking into herself as though she was back in that alley. Vivianna’s hostility seemed to fade and be replaced with a sort of gentleness as she intertwined her porcelain fingers into the girl’s white hair comfortingly.
“I didn’t see much.” She admitted bitterly, giving Paris a sense of satisfaction.
“It happened so fast,” Yumi explained, “But…I think it was…a clown?”
Paris felt his body stiffen at the mention, not noticing the way (Y/n)’s pair of (e/c) eyes seemed to notice his change in body language immediately. Thoughts began flashing into his head, memories. A crimson smile, an overwhelming amount of emotions in his chest, and the glint of his knife. So many pictures popped up into his head to create a memory he long tried to suppress.
“Paris?” (Y/n) called out to him fairly.
Her gloved hand was on his forearm, her touch as light as a feather as her beautiful features formed to create a concerned expression on her face. 
What was this?
She was already enchanting as she was before but for some reason, his nonexistent heart yearned for him to hold her even more, to close his eyes and sink into her touch. That wasn’t fair, not in the slightest, he tried to push her away with rejection not even a few hours ago, but now…now knowing she had verbalized her feelings for him (though they were already obvious) and knowing that his own was truly not one-sided, it seemed it made him want her more.
“You must have seen wrong, then.” He finally spoke, using a smile to mask the inner turmoil, “See, there is no clown doll…Not anymore.”
 "...Anymore?" Yumi frowned.
 "Yes, there used to be one…But I tore him to shreds." He explained, the whites of his eyes going black and his teeth growing sharp.
 Vivianna narrowed her eyes at his words and seemed to be intimidated, (Y/n) only looked at Paris trying to read the emotion in his eyes and despite the smile he had on his face, there was none. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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