The Aftermath

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The three dolls trudged through the sewers in their somewhat human forms, Vivianna cradled a sleeping Yumi in her arms, Paris had the kidnapped boy slung over his shoulder, and (Y/n) was doing a close inspection of the snow globe to make sure it wasn't damaged in the fight.

"I wouldn't really waste my time checking for damages, (N/n)," Vivianna mused in a quiet voice as to not wake up Yumi, "after all we've been through that thing hasn't gotten even one bloody scratch."

(Y/n) shrugged, "True but you never know what could happen."

"I think it's quite smart to be careful," Paris added.

"Too bad no one asked what you thought, Paris, and shouldn't you be investigating the rest of the clues?" Vivianna huffed, facing forward.

(Y/n) was also curious as to why Paris was escorting them. After all, she knew the way out and now that Vivianna was here she was sure that they didn't need the extra protection. Then (Y/n) remembered the Toy Soldier and it's god awful condition, a shiver then crept down her spine.

"Because I'm not sure if there could be another creation down here. After all, something had to have injured the Toy Soldier." Paris sighed.

Vivianna looked back at the two, temporarily stopping to look at (Y/n) and Paris. There was an odd expression on her face, one that wasn't really common to see on Vivianna Elise (L/n), and that expression was fear. For a moment, (Y/n) was able to catch a glimpse of fear on her sister's face, as was Paris.

" everything alright?" Paris asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah, it's's just I..."She struggled to find words.

"You what?" (Y/n) chimed in, walking closer to her sister.

Vivianna stepped back a little before replacing her fearful face with her usual tough one," I just wanted to be the one to stick it to that stupid Soldier."

Then she turned on one heel and continued to walk down the sewer, "C'mon! We've got to get these guys back home before Yumi's parents wake up."

Paris opened his mouth to say something but was stopped when he felt (Y/n)'s gloved hand on his shoulder, he looked to his side to stare into the doll's (e/c) eyes with his red ones and began to feel his face heat up slightly.

"It's probably best to not talk to her right now. You saw how Yumi reacted about that mirror and we can't exactly be sure what happened to Vivianna in there either." (Y/n) gently reminded.

Paris sighed, "Right. I'll investigate first and then ask about it when they're in a better mood."

(Y/n) smiled and continued to walk with the snowglobe held in her hands. Though she was deeply concerned about her twin, she knew that Vivianna needed space right now. The three walked wordlessly through the sewage but Vivianna could feel their worried looks burn into the back of her head, she wasn't sure why she felt so scared. Was it because of how easily the other Yumis had restrained her? What would've happened if she wasn't so hesitant to hit them? Was she getting soft?

These insecurities flowed through her head. (Y/n) had insecurities as well but they were about something else. Her (e/c) eyes guiltily flickered to her sister, now that Vivianna seemed to be a bit shaken...maybe it was a good time to talk to Paris about the whole 'hugging as friends do' thing that happened right before this entire thing started.

"Hey Paris, do you...remember the hug we had before I left for the sleepover with the Lalah twins?" (Y/n) questioned softly, her face becoming red.

Paris seemed to have stiffened, "Perhaps...why?"

Trying to find the words, (Y/n) had to will herself to speak her next sentence.

"Did you mean what you said about us...just being friends?" the doll inquired, looking to the side with a flustered expression.

Paris's red orbs looked at her from the corner of his eyes. He really wanted to say 'no' that they weren't just friends but then he remembered something. (Y/n) was fragile and easily scared of things and even though they had been together for quite a long time, she's never truly seen how scary Paris could be. Whenever he was around her, Paris often felt like he had to try and be on his best behavior, but there were some times (like tonight) that he'd slip up, and he was scared that one day he might do more than slip up. He was afraid he'd make the glass shatter into millions and millions of pieces.

"(Y/n), listen..."Paris began, stepping closer to her so Vivianna couldn't hear him, "I like you a lot...I really do. But I'm not sure if I should be the one you entrust your heart with."

(Y/n) looked at him, the heartbroken look on her face made a torrent of emotions hit him like rough waves to the shore. He wanted to hold her, to pepper her in kisses and to confess the love he had for her, but it just haunted him that he was too dangerous for her. It pained him to say those words, it really did, and he could only hope she was willing to still talk to him after this.

"A-Alright...I understand," (Y/n) nodded, her voice breaking, "I thought that maybe you felt something for me like I do for you but maybe it is best to keep things the way they are."

"We will still be friends...right?" Paris asked, not sure what he'd do if she said 'no' but it wouldn't be like her if she did.

"Of course, Paris! I'm just glad that you still want to be friends after my confession." (Y/n) hummed happily, despite the tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes.

The two then realized they had fallen behind when they saw how far Vivianna was and then walked a little faster to catch up. Little did they know that somewhere else in the sewers, the place where Paris and (Y/n) had left the Toy Soldier, that something or someone from Paris's past was tying up loose ends.

"D-Don...Don't wan...Don't wanna go..."The Toy Soldier kept repeating as he tried his best to crawl away, "No...Don't wanna go back..."

Then it sensed Him.

It tried its best to crawl faster but now it could feel his eyes on it, his footsteps becoming closer and closer. Except, nothing could save the poor Toy Soldier from his cruel fate. A hand had roughly seized him from behind and held him like a raggedy-ann doll.

He inspected the glass carefully, noticing the clean and quick cuts on it. It had to be Paris, who else?

Then there were the scratches on some glass shards, scratches that could only be caused by something hitting them...or whipping them. He wanted to crush the glass shard in his hand in anger but his attention was diverted to the pleading Toy Soldier.

"Too dark! Don't wanna go back! Don't wanna go back!" It cried out loud but no one could hear it.

He crushed it, quite fed up with his pathetic pleas for mercy, and let it fall limply to the ground. He brought one gloved hand to his face as he began to laugh, at first it was quiet and calm almost like one chuckling to oneself, but then it became unstable and maniacal.

"So it really is you...and it seems as though...I've been replaced." The clown cooed, "Oh, Paris...

"You miserable failure."

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now