Uneasy Feeling

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"I hope Grandpa was right when he said they wouldn't hurt me." Yumi whimpered.
    She was thinking to herself, of course. Yumi didn't want the dolls to think she was too scared to do this, even though she was, but she had made a promise to help them. Turning to a building, she saw the ghosts seep out of buildings and corners like white smoke from a fire. Their pale complexion and shapelessness made them look ominous. Their 'eyes' were fixated on her, sending goosebumps throughout her body.
     "Shall we go?" Paris's voice snapped her out from her state of fear.
    He had a hand on her shoulder, his red-painted lips upturned into a gentle and soft smile. Yumi meekly returned it.
    "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." (Y/n) said, still in Yumi's arms while being in her miniature state, and putting a small gloved hand on the girl's forearm.
    "Right, we don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to." Vivianna agreed, nodding at the girl.
    A light flutters flew from Yumi's heart, all of them were so polite and caring to her. She didn't want to let them down after all they had done for her, especially if it meant they'd be closer to their goal, so she tried to put on a brave face.
    "I'll be fine!" The albino girl nodded, "After all, I know you guys won't let anything bad happen to me!"
    Paris's smile only grew wider at her words, Vivianna stiffened before her porcelain face began to tint red, and (Y/n) only became more anxious. After all, Yumi was trusting them with her life and (Y/n) didn't want to betray that trust. Before the (h/c)-haired doll could voice her doubts about the idea, Yumi was already on the move and walking to a streetlight.
    If only (Y/n) could see what Yumi was seeing as they walked closer to the streetlight if only she could see the looming ghost staring down Yumi. Instead, (Y/n) could only act as the security blanket for Yumi while she faces her (literal) monsters. Yumi was almost about to forget the whole thing and run back to the safety that Paris and Vivianna offered when she heard the ghostly moaning coming from the phantom.
    "U-Um...excuse me?" Yumi called out to the apparition.
    The three dolls watched curiously. Paris's hand was on the bright red of the cap on top of the snowglobe in case he needed Vivianna's assistance. (Y/n) squinted her wide (e/c) eyes as though that would help her see the ghost that Yumi was talking to but she only saw air.
    Yumi tried talking more to the ghost, who only continued to stare her down and groan softly. The ghost inspected Yumi, trying to see if this human was really talking to it, but then he noticed the doll in her arms. The chaotic energy that emitted from the (s/c)-skinned doll was intense and malevolent, the ghost took notice of the other two similar auras. The red-haired doll in the snowglobe was surrounded by an unquenchable bloodlust, but it was the raven-haired male that was upsetting the ghost even more. The evil and darkness that wafted so strongly from him, he was a monster.
    The ghost let out an upset roar to the girl, who immediately took a quick step back, and alarming the trio of dolls.
    "E-eh?" Yumi gasped, (Y/n) letting out a surprised yelp from Yumi's jerked and sudden movement.
    "What happened, Yumi?" Paris asked, walking to the albino.
    "I-I guess that one didn't want to talk." Yumi murmured.
    "Maybe we should stop, I'm sure we can find something in the morning." Vivianna suggested, "You're probably exhausted from being out so late, too."
    "N-no! I promised to help you guys find clues! Please...let me try again," Yumi begged, "I still have that bad feeling. I-I....I need to find this boy!"
    While (Y/n) didn't want Yumi to stay out later than she needed too, (Y/n) was also moved by how devoted Yumi was to obtain information for them. So she took Yumi's side but continued to stay in Yumi's arms, for Yumi's anxieties and for her own.
    "I can't believe we're depending on an 11-year-old to talk to ghosts," Vivianna complained, massaging her temple.
    "Don't try to poke fun at the situation, Vivianna." Paris barked.
    "It's our predicament, is it not?" Vivianna exclaimed.
    The two continued to watch as Yumi ran from spot-to-spot, only to recoil back in either surprise or embarrassment like one would if someone rudely walked away during a conversation. Yumi was confused and a little frustrated, any other day the ghosts wouldn't have any problem avoid her but now they were avoiding her like the plague, and it didn't make sense to her. She tried to think about all the things that could be different, an explanation about why the ghosts were avoiding her. Then it struck her when she looked down at the doll in her arms.
    "Is there a problem?" Paris asked from behind Yumi.
    "Well...Uhm...I think it may be you guys." Yumi blurted.
    Paris stared down at her expressionlessly, Vivianna raised a single eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest, and (Y/n) only looked up at Yumi with a look of hurt and confusion.
    Realizing her words, Yumi began to panic, "Ah! No, no, no, no! I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry!"
    The three dolls only wordlessly stared at the girl, who was scanning her brain to try and find a way to correct her mistake, "I-It's just...well, there's a different...a different feeling about you guys...different from the ghosts, or any person I know....I think...."
    "I think that maybe they're scared of you guys." Yumi finally said.
    Vivianna shrugged, "Good."
    "No, it's not, Vi." (Y/n) countered, "If that's true, then how can we get the information we need to find the boy?"
    "As I said before, we can find clues in the morning," Vivianna responded.
    Paris inserted himself into the discussion, "Well, it's better to try and see if these 'ghosts' have any sort of helpful information than just waiting until morning. The question is, 'how can we speak to them without scaring them off?"
    Everyone was silent, trying to find a solution to their newest problem, but Vivianna might be thinking that they were wasting time. The silence lingered a little more until Yumi spoke up.
    "I have an idea..." Yumi chimed.
    (Y/n) had a feeling that she wasn't about to like what Yumi was going to suggest.

    "I don't like this." (Y/n) stated.
    The doll trinity was now on the roof of a nearby building, all of them in their human forms, and watching the albino girl below closely. Paris was sitting neatly on the ledge, (Y/n) was sitting behind the ledge with her knees brought close to her chest, and Vivianna was just pacing around the roof. The snowglobe laid in front of (Y/n).
    "Well, you want to find the kid, don't you?" Vivianna asked.
    (Y/n) stayed silent for a minute before sighing heavily, "Yeah..."
    "Then let Yumi do her thing and then we'll find the kid!" Vivianna exclaimed, bending down to her sister, "theoretically."
    Looking up into her older twin's green eyes, (Y/n) felt comforted by Vivianna's tender grin, and hugged her close. (Y/n) noticed that she felt she and Vivianna have been somewhat distant from each other since they were freed and she wanted to remedy that.
    "Alright, I'll have more faith in Yumi." (Y/n) beamed.
    Paris spared a moment to look away from Yumi and look at his twin partners. He shouldn't have felt so jealous, they were twin sisters so it was only natural they'd be close, but he couldn't help the bubbling envy inside him. Eventually, he just turned back to Yumi and tried to fit himself into the conversation.
    "You also have to admire the surprising bit of moxie she's showing," Paris commented.
    "I guess. She's grown up a lot since the bear attack, I've noticed." (Y/n) chimed, releasing her sister from her hug and turning around to observe Yumi.
    "Geez, what are you guys? Her parents?" Vivianna joked, standing next to her twin and leaning her hand on the ledge.
    The (h/c)-haired doll blushed furiously but Paris was never one to let Vivianna have the last word, "I think that (Y/n) and I would be amazing parents and I'd be more than happy to adopt Yumi if I was a human."
    Vivianna emitted a low growl from her throat and was about to snap at him when she heard little footsteps running. Both (Y/n) and Paris turned their heads when they noticed Vivianna's lack of response.
    "Y-Yumi!" (Y/n) cried, watching as the young girl began to run.
    "I thought she was going to call us down when we got a lead!" Paris exclaimed.
Vivianna already had one polished Mary Jane on the ledge, quickly taking out the black ribbon tied around her waist, and felt the end of the ribbon snake up her arm. With a little grunt, she flung onto a lamp post and swung down from the roof. (Y/n) was about to shout after her sister when she felt something roughly grab her arm and jerk her away.
    Vivianna landed with a soft 'thud' on the ground and tied the ribbon around her waist while simultaneously chasing after the young girl. She watched in confusion when Yumi stopped and walked into an alleyway.
"This late at night? Has she even seen a horror movie?" Vivianna thought.
She was about to call out for Yumi before hearing her laugh at something....or someone.
Vivianna decided to lay her back flat against the wall, inching ever so slightly to hear what Yumi was saying and who she was talking too.
"Remember when I said you guys had a different feeling?" She could hear Yumi clearly, "It's actually pretty neat!"
It wasn't hard for Vivianna to realize that Yumi must've mistaken the stranger as one of them, which only worried Vivianna further. Whatever, or whoever, was in the alleyway with Yumi had the same energy as Vivianna and her cohorts. Dangerous and evil energy.
"YUMI!" Vivianna shouted, running to the girl.
Yumi turned around, "V-Vivianna?"
The albino girl looked back at the figure, no longer smiling, and stepped back into Vivianna's embrace.
"S-So, you're not-" She was interrupted when Vivianna began to run away with her in her arms.
"Damn, I don't have enough time to take out my whip and I don't see Paris or (Y/n) anywhere." Vivianna's green eyes flicked over to the roof where she jumped off but suddenly she came to a stop when she no longer saw Paris or (more importantly to her) her sister.
Then something pulled them back, Yumi shrieked loudly as Vivianna looked helplessly at the roof ledge. As they were being dragged to some unknown location, Vivianna tightened her grip on Yumi and was determined to not let her go.
I failed at protecting you, Yumi...
I am so sorry.

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