The Nightmare

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   Just like the night before, Yumi had a hard time falling asleep, but this was due to the guilt she felt for lying. The thought made her stomach tie itself up in knots, making her squeeze her pillow tightly.

   "Grandpa...." She thought to herself, "Did I do a bad thing lying to them? About how I knew to go to the basement?"

   She then internally confessed her sins to her grandpa who she hoped was hearing her, "Paris saved my life after all and the girls were really nice to me but...if I told them about the things I see, the things I dream....would I get sucked into it?"

   The thought of it scared her. She barely survived that bear attack, which wouldn't have happened had not her grandpa warned her, and she didn't want to think about what would've happened to her had she not listened.

   "NO! NO!" Yumi felt herself screaming in her head, "I just...I can't! I just want to pretend that today was just a bad dream..."

   It wasn't until after she finished her train of thought did she realize she was falling. Black orbs falling with her, she squinted and was surprised that they were actually beads. It seemed to form again, looking less and less like a bead."

   "It almost looks like-" Yumi gasped, tears began to prick at the side of her eyes.

   In front of her was Lily, except it didn't look like her. Her green eyes were now dull and her face was now lifeless. Everything about her was colorless and dull, except for the bright red shoes she wore on her feet.

   "LILY!" Yumi shouted, trying to reach out for the still dancing girl.

   She felt something wrap around her wrist, "W-Wha? What is this?!?"

   Yumi looked down to find a red ribbon constricting around her arm, she struggled against the ribbon but it was too strong for her.

   "Hee-hee!~" A familiar voice giggled.

   Yumi turned around to find that Lily was behind her, only she knew that it wasn't her Lily. She began to cry and felt her heart hammering against her chest when she felt the fake Lily's clammy hands reaching for her head.

   "Won't you dance with me..." The zombie-like Lily whispered out, "Yumi?"

   Then, much like with the bear, Yumi's eyes opened wide. She could still feel hot tears dripping from her eyes. She sat up, the sunlight hitting her pale face.

   "A dream...." She told herself, "It was just a dream..."

   Yet, she couldn't help but wonder if it really wasn't just a dream. If it wasn't, then there was a big chance that Lily could be in trouble. The memory of that zombie Lily was still fresh in Yumi's memory.

   "(Y/n)! Vivianna! Paris!" She shouted, jumping off her bed.

   She could hear a clink from the snowglobe, one of the sisters said 'ouch' and the other began to curse like a sailor, and Yumi was pretty sure she knew which was which at this point.

   "PARIS!" Yumi called out again, standing in front of the dresser where the dummy was resting.

  "Hmm? Oh, good morni-" "RED SHOES!"
   (Y/n) looked at her sister, Vivianna only shrugged in response, and both of them turned to watch the rest of the scene unravel.


   Paris only stared at the girl concernedly. Whispering the words under his breathe before his eyes widened in remembrance.


   "DANG!" Lily exclaimed in delight, "Iris! These are...they are just gorgeous, man."

   Iris only giggled at her twin's behavior, "Happy birthday, doppelganger."

   "Maan! You play dirty." Lily frowned, still upset that she didn't get her sister anything for their birthday, "Miss 'Let's not do gifts this year'!"
   "Whoops!" Iris chuckled.

   Lily then looked back down at the box, the shoes glimmering beautifully and the shade of red was so enthralling.

   "I can't get over how pretty these are!" Lily admired, "Such an amazing color, too!"

   "Hurry up and try them on!" Iris urged.

   Lily abided by her sister's wishes. Slipping on the red shoes while singing a tune that was stuck in her head, she began to lace up the red ribbons up to her legs.

   "They fit okay?" Iris asked anxiously.

   Lily stood up, a huge smile on her face, and began to spin around gracefully around the room.

   "Hah! It's a perfect fit!" Lily laughed happily.

   "Yay!" Iris cheered happily.

   Practicing a few more moves. Lily was so happy, "They fit like a dream!"

   "They're so...Th-They're so..." Lily looked down at her feet, her smile faltering a little.

  She noticed that she was still dancing, even though she shouldn't be.

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