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The door opened, leaving both the raven-haired puppet and (h/c)-doll standing in the doorway. (Y/n) tightly hung onto Paris's arm, who seemed to be observing the room very carefully before walking in.

"I-Is this it?" (Y/n) frowned, obviously disappointed with the barren room.

"It does seem rather empty, " Paris observed, "Nothing but old machinery and pipes."

(Y/n) separated herself from the dummy before walking around the room herself, "At least, there are no signs of a trap."

"But there's no sign of Yumi or Vivianna, either. I swear if that rat lied-" Then Paris went silent.

Noticing his sudden pause, (Y/n) looked over her shoulder and to her puppet companion with a concerned glance.

"Paris?" (Y/n) called but got no response.

She watched as Paris began to stride across the room, "That inky gunk..."

(Y/n) walked over by him, observing curiously as Paris's red-gloved hand reached out for a raggedy tarp, and noticed the inky handprint on it. All in slow motion, he grasped the corner of the tarp and pulled it away.

Vivianna had messed up, she knew this very well. Her back against the mirror with her hands tied in front of her with her own ribbon, she glared venomously with her emerald green eyes at the reflections of Yumi. Because of her hesitation, she had put her and Yumi in even more danger.

"Such a shame that the other twin didn't come, she's so much prettier," The evil Yumi sighed dreamily before glaring down at Vivianna, "but beggars can't be choosers."

In all honesty, Vivianna didn't give a damn about her looks, but she did give a damn when someone mentions her younger sister. Especially in the creepy tone that the evil Yumi had spoken in when recalling the memory of (Y/n). The red-haired doll only gritted her teeth and tried to untie herself. The other reflections seized her roughly by the arms to prevent her from struggling.

"It seems your little friend is proving to be difficult in catching so it seems I'm in need of something to pass the time," The evil Yumi leaned over Vivianna who sat on the ground, "how about we see how hard I have to hit you to break you."

"Do your worst." Vivianna snarled through gritted teeth.

"Oh, I'll try!" Yumi's imposter beamed.

She was about to hit her when she tensed, making Vivianna's brows furrow in confusion, but then shivered when she saw the malevolent smile creeping on the evil Yumi's face.

"Well, well. We just found her! How about we visit her?" The evil Yumi cackled.

Vivianna's emerald eyes widened when she realized the full gravity of those snide words, she didn't have time to express her thoughts when she felt the fake Yumi's foot jab her into the stomach and back into the mirror. The redheaded doll expected to crash into the mirror but found herself falling into it. It didn't last long because she landed on the ground, letting out a grunt of pain when her chest hit against the hard floor roughly.

"V-Vivianna!" A voice called out, making Vivianna lookup.

Yumi was on the ground, her elbows propping her up as she stared helplessly at Vivianna. Her albino hair was ruffled and messed, through her red hoodie, Vivianna noticed her chest rising and falling rapidly as if Yumi had been running for a long time, but it was the girl's tears that told Vivianna this was the real Yumi.

"Yumi! I promise I'll try to save y- AH! You dodgy pansies!" Vivianna growled as mirrored Yumi's began to appear from the mirrors, dogpiling on her once more.

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now