The Red Shoes

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    "They're so...Th-They're so..." Lily looked down at her feet, her smile faltering a little.
    She noticed that she was still dancing, even though she shouldn't be.

    Lily's dancing only became more intense as time began to pass, except she felt like she wasn't in control anymore.
    Even Iris began to get worried, "You...uh, You really seem to like those shoes."
    "No!" Lily shouted, "I'm not doing this!"
    Iris was utterly clueless at this point, asking herself what in the world her sister could have meant.
    "I can't stop!" Lily panted, running out of breath.
    "Stop what?" Iris asked, concern and worry now mixing deep within her.
    "I CAN'T STOP DANCING!" Lily screamed.
    Iris stood up from her spot and began to walk towards her sister, "H-Hey, Lily you're kinda scaring me right now."
    Carefully walking towards her out of control sibling, Lily's pleas for help were almost agonizing. Iris only stepped back when she saw her sister's foot attempt to kick her away. Iris felt the red shoe strike her face, causing her to stagger back a little.   
    "What are you doing? I'm trying to help!" Iris shouted.
    "Oh my god, Iris I'm so sorry!"
    The cough caught both the girl's attention.
    "Pardon the intrusion," A silky voice hummed, "but I don't think there's time for niceties."
    The twins were faced with Yumi and three odd strangers. The one on the right had her hands folded neatly in front of her and she also had pretty (h/l) (h/c)-colored hair that matched perfectly with her doll-like (e/c) eyes. The one on the far right had waist-length red hair with vibrant green ones, her hand was placed on her hip and the other gripped tightly at the black ribbon belt around her waist. The one in the middle was the strangest by far. He had piercing red eyes with matching red cheeks, his red-lipped smile revealed a threatening row of sharp canines, and the gleaming silver knife in his hand didn't really give him a warm and welcoming atmosphere around him.
    "Can we just get this over with?" Vivianna mumbled, about to rip off the ribbon around her waist.
    "Just wait, Paris hasn't given an order yet." (Y/n) gently reminded.
    Vivianna only huffed, her hand still wrapped around her black ribbon.   
    "Y-Yumi? Why are you-...who?" Lily huffed, unable to understand everything that was happening.   
    "Lily..." Yumi only said, gripping tightly at her necklace.
    It pained the albino to see her usually upbeat and energetic friend in this state. Hair disheveled, sweaty and uncomfortable, and looking like she was about to drop dead at any given moment.
    "Seems as though your hunch was spot on," Paris noted.
    "What are those?" Yumi asked.
    (Y/n) spoke up this time, "Well, you usually use shoes to dance, right?"
    "But in Soviet Russia, shoes use YOU to dance." Vivianna finished in a really bad Russian accent, the cackle at the end only making it worse.
    Paris just hit her head with the blunt side of his knife, "There's a time to be serious and a time to be an idiot."
    Vivianna just stuck her tongue out.
Paris ignored it and continued (Y/n) 's explanation, "They are right, of course. Vivianna's part was even accurate. These shoes keep you dancing, and dancing until you finally drop dead."
    Yumi gasped and felt her heart rate go up, so there was a chance that Lily could die?
    Paris then held his knife over his head, "Now then, It's time to get start-"
    "WAIT!" Iris shouted, pushing him back a bit.
    Both (Y/n) and Vivianna tensed, (Y/n)) out of the genuine concern but for Vivianna it was more or less a habit that she despised.
    "What are you planning to do with that knife?" Iris demanded.
    Paris glared at the girl, smacking her hand away from his chest.
    "I'm going to cut off the ribbons and slice the shoes off, obviously." Paris sneered, holding the knife up to his face, "Though it would be much easier if I just simply cut our dear dancer's feet off."
    Iris looked horrified as did Yumi, "Paris!"
    Vivianna only nodded in agreement. (Y/n) on the other hand, was not amused by the comment.
    "A time to be serious and a time to be an idiot." (Y/n) reminded.
    "I'm just teasing again," Paris chuckled, steadying his knife, "You know my kind of humor, dearest (Y/n)."
    "Sadly, I do," You thought to yourself.
    "P-Please, just g-get them off!" Lily begged.
    "Oh, I will." Paris smirked.
    His first strike ruined due to the shoes moving back from his knife. They didn't play defense for long because they managed to block the next strike.
    "S-Sorry!" Lily apologized.
    The red shoes then began to try and kick Paris with very lethal forces stored in.
    "I-I'm sorry!" Lily apologized once more.
    "This would go faster if you let me do it," Vivianna shouted, checking her nails as her younger twin watched the scene worriedly.
    "Enough, already! Your apologies are wholly unnecessary and are your comments are not helping, Vivianna!" Paris snapped.
    Vivianna only put her arms above her head dramatically.
    "It seems," Paris thought, "That I'll be having to take those feet."
    Then three people flashed into his mind. A man, the creator. A child, Yumi. and a woman, (Y/n).
    "Paris." They all chorused in tones of anger, fear, and disappointment.
    He froze, giving the shoes a perfect opportunity. All he saw was a red blur coming at his neck, then a sickening crack filled the air. Everyone watched as the dummy's head began to fall on the floor.
    "Finally!" Vivianna cheered, ripping off her ribbon sash from her skirt.
    The ribbon extended and seemed to layer itself, black ribbon wrapping itself snuggly around Vivianna's wrist. The redhead charged at the girl who was still petrified at the sight of Paris's decapitated head but the shoes were not as distracted as the girl was.
    "PARIS!" (Y/n) shrieked, running over to the head.
    Yumi only watched as (Y/n) cradled the decapitated head, Yumi began tugging harshly on her necklace.
    "Shit, how am I not winning?" Vivianna growled.
    She was attempting to whip back the shoes and trip them but they were just too fast for her. At some point, she began to have the upper hand. Whipping them back to a corner, all Vivianna had to do now was to just whip off the laces loose and try her ber best to go from there.
    "I-I'm *Sniff* sorry for being so useless...P-Paris." (Y/n) sobbed.
    If there was anything that could ever distract Vivianna from battle, it was her sister. She turned her head slightly to see (Y/n) cradling Paris's head in her arms. Vivianna felt her heart wrench painfully, not sure if it was because she felt bad for her sister or because she was jealous of Paris, but it didn't matter either way. The shoes kicked her back, she managed to soften the blow a bit by putting her arms in front her so she didn't meet the same fate as Paris. But she did hear a crack when the shoes kicked her arm and she fell back into a wall, her vision began to blur a little and heard two dull thumps from either side of her.
    (Y/n) and Yumi stared wide-eyed. Both Paris and Vivianna were out of action. Paris due to obvious reasons and Vivianna because of the shoes actually breaking her arms off. Yumi tugged harder at her necklace, causing beads to fly everywhere.
    "E-eh?" Lily gasped, then she fell back on her butt.
    Nobody noticed Paris's body twitch and beginning to lift itself up.
    "Got you.~" Paris, or his head, sang mockingly.
    (Y/n) jumped up in surprise before turning her head to the fight. Paris's body had managed to get a lace that was made loose by Vivianna's previous attacks. The headless Paris then took the opportunity to cut the ribbon off.
    (Y/n) looked from Paris's head to his body. Confused on why he was still alive, happy he was still alive but still confused. She had to look from Paris to his body before she could piece it together.
    "I've been in that snow globe for too long." (Y/n) mumbled, causing Paris to chuckle lightly.
    Yumi looked at the scene in front of her, trying to comprehend what was going on. "So my necklace broke," Yumi thought to herself, "and...Paris...doesn't have a head...Vivianna doesn't have her arms...a-and..."
    "LILY!" Iris shouted, running towards her twin.
    Lily laid on the ground, catching her breath. She began to cry tears of joy when she realized that she was no long dancing.
    "Lily!" Yumi shrieked, trying to run towards her friend before she tripped on a bead.
    "Easy, now!" The headless Paris warned, "I can assure you that your friend will be fine."
Yumi looked up at Paris, "B-but what about your head? Are you okay?"
"He's fine, Yumi." (Y/n) sniffled slightly, Paris's head still cradled in her arms, "Decapitation is not fatal for us nor is losing our limbs. Just an inconvenience."
The (h/c)-haired figurine then applied the head back to Paris's body. Paris gently set Yumi down and looked up to find an unconscious and armless Vivianna. Walking up to her, he held out his hand that began to have a silver glitter like substance swirl within it. Soon, the snow globe was magically in his hand and he began to twist the cap off.
"You did a good job, Vi." Paris smiled slightly.
Vivianna just lay motionless on the ground, her chest lightly rising and falling was the only surefire way that let everyone know the redhead was still alive.
It pained (Y/n) to see her twin in such a state, despite knowing she's looked worse. That was the thing about sisters, deep down you felt hurt when they were hurt.
Facing the snow globe towards Vivianna, her arm with the black ribbon/whip around it turned into a mist of silver glitter and wrapped lightly around Vivianna's waist, and pulled her into the snowglobe. The other arm also turning into glitter and entering the snow globe.

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