Ghost Talk

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    "A Toy Soldier?" Lily said.
    (Y/n) nodded in confirmation, "Indeed."
    "And it just straight-up kidnapped a kid?" Lily asked, looking at Vivianna.
    "Yeah, basically." Vivianna hummed.
    Lily trembled in discomfort, "That's so creepy!"
    "Yes," Paris agreed, "Not to mention just absolutely vile. I'd recognize that noxious drool anywhere."
Vivianna gagged," I touched it with my finger! Ew!"
"You had gloves on, Vi." Yumi reminded.
"I know but now I'll have to burn them. That stuff is easily washed off but the odor still stays." Vivianna shivered, combing her red hair with her gloveless hands.
"Wait, what's the purpose of a toy soldier?" Lily asked, "Like teddy bears were meant to comfort kids but your maker made things do the opposite they were made to do, so his teddy tried to kill a kid."
Yumi gripped her legs closer to her chest, remembering her own run-in wither her teddy bear. (Y/n) noticed and hugged Yumi closer to herself, rubbing her back in a comforting fashion, and it made Yumi snuggle closer to her for comfort.
"Then those shoes," Lily recalled bitterly, "They were made to dance with, so they almost made me dance 'till I dropped dead, right?"
At the memory of those shoes, Lily began to rub her ankles that felt like they were sore at the mere mention of the memory, and Vivianna rubbed both of her arms. (Y/n) frowned as well, those shoes were very troublesome and caused a lot of trauma among the group.
"So then what is the purpose of a toy soldier?" Lily finally finished.
Paris leaned on the door frame, watching as (Y/n) was holding Yumi close to her form and comfortingly rubbing circles on the girls back. Admiring how kind and motherly she was to Yumi, he'd be lying if he said that the albino child didn't manage to touch his nonexistent heart with her sweetness and innocence. It was like having a younger version of (Y/n), if the three had a child, of course.
"I'd say that its original purpose was...entertainment." (Y/n) guessed.
Vivianna nodded, "Sounds about right. Then if that's true then 'torture' is probably what it is doing."
Yumi stiffened as did Lily, the both gulped and looked at the twin dolls nervously. It was morbid but it was true, except it was still too unfathomable to think about.
"But it's strange, isn't it?" Paris finally spoke, "It's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed."
"Maybe it managed to get smart as time passed, perhaps?" (Y/n) suggested meekly.
"Not unless it was made to be completely dumb. So I don't think that's the case, here." Vivianna responded.
The two humans in the room were incredibly confused, the trio of dolls that were talking over their heads soon became silent as though trying to form their own theories about what was going on.
Paris's mood soured, "I'm surprised it would even think to take the boy anywhere! Given how sloppy it was back in the days."
"T-Then," Yumi stammered, "W-we really have to hurry up and find him then, right? What if it's planning something really bad!"
"We appreciate the enthusiasm, Yumi-dear," (Y/n) noted calmly, except there was no smile on her face, "but when you really think about it..."
"There is no trail, no witnesses," Paris continued, "It's not like that fool is here to point the way either."
"So the best lead we have is another of Yumi's psychic dreams?" Vivianna snorted, "There's no way that it could be in time, Paris."
"Yeah, she can't force herself to have spooky- future seeing dreams, right?" Lily agreed.
(Y/n) could hear Yumi murmuring words under her breath and strained to try and hear what she was saying.
"It's true. I'm not quite clear on the limitations of Yumi's, But it's not like we have much of a choice, right now." Paris informed.
Then Yumi jolted, as though she had come to a realization. The girl's sudden movement had startled (Y/n) so much that she actually jumped slightly.
"One of them probably saw it!" Yumi exclaimed, almost trance-like.
Everyone in the room just looked silently at the albino girl

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