Deal with the Devil

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Everyone looked at Yumi silently, looks of confusion and shock were evident on their faces.
"Yumi, what on earth are you talking about?" (Y/n) asked, albeit a bit off-put.
Yumi began to fret. She began to mumble and cover her mouth with her hands slightly.
"Oh! Uh...I mean...that it's...maybe," Yumi strumbled nervously, "If there were any ghosts of them might've seen it."
"...You lost me." Vivianna finally spoke, still looking incredulously at the girl.
"I-If a ghost did see it...thenI could try and talk to it," Yumi explained, in a quieter voice.
Once more silence fell in the room, Yumi could feel everyone's disbelief and confusion, and wondered if she really should have said anything.
Lily was the most freaked one out of all of them, "Yumi...Tell me you are pulling my leg."
"This just became interesting," Vivianna mumbled with a soft chuckle.
"I don't think even Ivan was able to see ghosts." (Y/n) replied.
Paris just watched silently as the scene played out in front of him.
" I-i just think that maybe if I just-" Yumi was cut off by Lily.
"Noooope! Nu-uh, not happening!" Lily protested, "Listen to me, Yumi, I get that you wanna help out but-"
Lily jabbed a sharp finger at the three dolls, "There no way I'm gonna let you ghost hunting with Pinocchio and those two Barbies over there-"
"Pinocchio?" Paris repeated.
"W-what?" (Y/n) stuttered, indignant and befuddled.
"Barbie wished she could look like this," Vivianna muttered.
"So you can track a toy soldier that's kidnapping and torturing kids. Which, you know, YOU are!" Lily continued on her rant.
Then she caught herself and groaned, "I can't believe that's a sentence I said."
Yumi seemed to have a reply as well. She stood up on the couch slightly and surprised both (Y/n) and Paris but Vivianna seemed to be fascinated with Yumi's sudden actions.
"B-But, Lily! I-If I don't do this then that boy might-" "I said No, Yumi!" Lily shouted.
(Y/n) shifted uncomfortably in her seat before looking at Paris, "Should we...leave? Or step outside a bit?"
"No. I have an idea." Paris whispered back.
(Y/n) nodded and silently turned her head back, wondering how in the world Paris is going to manage to convince Lily to have Yumi help them in their search for the boy. There was a part of the (h/c)-ette that actually agreed with Lily, especially since this time it had Yumi's safety in question, but she decided to put her trust in Paris. He hadn't let her down, yet.
"Come on, Kiddo, think about it!" Lily began to go off, "Just a little while ago, we were nearly killed by freaky antiques! Do you really want to go through that again?"
Yumi turned to Paris for help, "Paris!"
Paris only glanced at the girl with his red orbs before looking forward. Vivianna and (Y/n) curiously looked over at their leader, wondering what he could possibly do or say next, but Paris worked in a curious and strange way.
"No," He finally said, "No, she is quite right."
Yumi looked betrayed but (Y/n) was relieved.
Vivianna stood up, "Paris! Not helping!"
"Vivianna, it's one thing for her to help us from the safety of her home but it's another for her to actually come with us," Paris explained.
"Yup, that's right!" Lily agreed as she nodded vigorously.
Vivianna growled at her before turning her attention to Paris, "But-"
"Oh shut up, would you?" Paris sighed heavily, "It's not like that Toy Soldier ever killed anyone. It just tormented and tortured them relentlessly."
The last line then told both the (L/n) twins as odd before they realized that there was meaning to it. (Y/n) wanted to giggle, her Paris was quite clever.
"Oh..." Vivianna replied dumbfounded, sitting back down.
"But I'm sure a small child can deal with a little torture, right?" Lily frowned a little more and Yumi was noticeably shaken, "And without leads, it may just take us days before we find it."
Lily looked at the three dolls and seemed to remember what they were and what they were capable of. Paris was standing in the middle as (Y/N) smiled eerily with her hands folded nicely in her lap, Vivianna sat on the couch with one leg over the other and a smug grin curled on her face. Red, green, and (e/c) eyes looked down at Lily as a cat would look at a mouse.
"By your logic, you're telling us that you'd be fine with those red shoes had not Yumi showed where your house was." (Y/N) added onto Paris's statement.
Lily grimaced, "Why you..ugh!"
The three dolls exchanged a victorious look with one another before looking back at a struggling Lily, who was still groaning to herself.
"Fine!" Lily growled, "Fine! You can help Pinocchio and his Barbies from Hell talk to ghosts or whatever. BUT-"
Vivianna rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath, most likely an insult. Yumi had a hopeful smile on her face.
"Only if they absolutely find anything by tomorrow morning and I'll be coming with you!" Lily shouted, "And the moment things look dangerous, I'm taking Yumi home!"
Paris snickered at her behavior, or maybe because he got his way. Either way, (Y/n) began to get nervous and hoped that Yumi would be safe with them. The raven-haired dummy moved closer to the (h/c)-ette and took her hand into his, squeezing it comfortingly.
"Do we have a deal?" Lily asked, her green eyes glaring into Paris's red eyes.
Paris only smirked evilly before giving her his charmingly closed eye smile, "You drive yourself and hard bargain, but you've got yourself a deal."
Lily looked at Paris before sighing, excusing herself to use the bathroom, but when she walked past the dolls and Paris she shivered.
"I feel like I made a deal with the devil." Lily thought, trembling a little.
"That was easy." Vivianna hummed.
"It was very clever thinking, Paris." (Y/n) beamed, but had a bad feeling about the entire thing for some odd reason.
"Thank you, (Y/n)~dear, but I have to say that her determination to keeping Yumi safe is admira-" "P-Paris..."
Paris looked down at Yumi, as did the twins. It seemed as though something was bugging her and it had them all slightly worried.
"I need to talk to you."

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