Angry Paris

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(Y/n) was careful to tread lightly when walking through the sewage and staying quiet as Paris's angered footsteps made little splashes in the potent wastewater.

"Come out... Come out..." Paris coaxed in a very threatening tone.

(E/c) eyes darted from every corner. If the Toy Soldier came after her first, then there was always the chance he'd do it again, but she was wrong.

"Wherever you ar-" The (h/c)-haired doll noticed the white hand reaching out for Paris's pant leg, "PARIS! BEHIND YOU!"

Taken aback by your sudden words, the soldier seized the chance to grab his leg and pulled him down into the sewage. (Y/n) walked over, concerned when something tripped her over and sent her falling on her behind into the raw sewage. Paris was about to get up and help her when he heard an angry growl from in front of him.

"Y-You..."The now deformed soldier rasped, "You did this! Y-your fault!"

(Y/n) gasped lightly when she saw just how damaged the Soldier had become. Even when Paris was interrogating him up on the roof he wasn't doing anything that would cause the deranged toy in front of him to literally be falling apart. (Y/n) wondered if maybe the fall from the rooftop damaged him but then she remembered how fast he was, Paris couldn't have done it since he seemed to hold back his more violent side from the younger twin, and then a chilling thought dawned on (Y/n).

"Someone else did this..."

She didn't have time to ponder on this thought when she saw Paris seize the Soldier roughly by its face and standing up. Her heart shattered when she saw how badly damaged the Soldier was, his entire lower body was ripped from him.

"I...was so looking forward to crushing you to bits, you know," Paris's tone became dark and malevolent, "but it seems as though somebody beat me to the punch."

He used his other hand to unsheathe his knife and brought the blade to the Soldier's neck, "So my wretched dear, care to explain?"

It was excruciating for (Y/n) to hear the choked and pained sounds that the Soldier made when trying to speak. She wasn't sure whether to stop this and calm him down or to allow him to continue his vicious assault on the poor Toy Soldier. The Toy Soldier curled its tiny fingers into a fist before yelling at Paris, it's voice more unpleasant than sandpaper.

"You did this!" It accused, "All of this is your fault!"

"My fault...?" Paris repeated.

"What does he mean by that, P-Paris?" (Y/n) asked, bringing the snowglobe close to her chest.

Her question was dulled out by the Toy Soldier's vague and venomous accusations, its voice becoming angrier with every word. Eventually, Paris sighed and became bored with the meaningless persecutions and repetitive claim that whatever had happened to the soldier was 'his fault'.

"SHUT IT, YOU PEST!" the raven-haired puppet finally snapped.

The Solider silenced itself and (Y/n)'s (l/c)-colored lips let out a fearful whimper that Paris had heard, trying to block it from his memory and feeling guilty that he was the cause of it.

When he was sure that the Toy Solider was silent he spoke up again in a more cheerful and composed tone of voice, "Now that's a good toy. While I can...ah...see your reluctance to cooperate..."

"I'm willing to give you one more try. With one more question," Then he leaned into the Soldier's ear just so (Y/n) couldn't hear them, "I'll consider just throwing you in a box if you answer nicely instead of just crushing you into nothing but dust, sound fair?"

(Y/n) wasn't sure what Paris was saying to the Toy Soldier but it either must've been very calming or horrible terrifying since the Soldier uncurled its fists in a defeated manner. She was curious about what Paris had said but remembering that the whites of his eyes were now pitch black, she decided it'd be better for her mental health not to know.

Paris noticed the Soldier's act of compliance and smiled charmingly, "Ah, an excellent choice!"

"Now...where did you take them?" Paris asked.

The Toy Soldier struggled to speak at first before pointing further down the sewer, "Back there...down, down, down...above water...past pipes...up the the darkroom..."

A dark room?

"And...Is that all you have?" Paris questioned.

Comically, the Soldier shrugged with the arm that was still able to move.

"Well...I guess you weren't entirely useless," Paris chuckled, dropping the soldier back into the raw sewage water, "Thank you, I'll be back for you later."

Dusting off his hands he turned around and faced his (h/c)-haired companion, "Shall we, (Y/n)?"

Paris extended his arm out, which (Y/n) nervously linked her own arms with her own. They were about to walk when Paris's eyes lit up with remembrance and looked at the pathetic and injured Toy Soldier.

"If you lied to me or I find out this was a trap of some sort..." Paris gave him a menacing fanged smile, "I'll still be back for you."

The Soldier remained silent and (Y/n) softly reminded Paris that they needed to find Vivianna and Yumi.

"All right, we're off," Paris then waved to the Toy Soldier, "Be a good toy, now!"

The pair of dolls walked through the sewage, following the Toy Soldier's directions, but (Y/n) was still worried. Whether it be about Paris's brutishness or Vivianna and Yumi's safety was still yet to be decided, but it still left her silent. Noticing her silence, Paris blamed himself and his behavior but tried not to say anything. It made him frown, the thought of (Y/n) fearing him, she was supposed to feel safe around him. The question felt like fire in his throat when he tried to bit his tongue so he eventually gave in to his curiosity.

"Did I scare you?" Paris asked, looking at the doll.

The whites of his eyes did not come back yet she knew if he was angry, that it was not directed at her. (Y/n) shifted uncomfortably, not because she thought he was going to hurt her but because she wasn't sure how to answer him.

"Well...somewhat," (Y/n) mumbled silently, meeting his gaze and smiling meekly, "but that's just because I'm just more squeamish than you and Vivi. You don't have to worry about it, anyways. I could never be truly scared of you, Paris."

"And why is that, my dove?" Paris inquired, the corner of his lips upturning slightly.

"Because we both know you'd never hurt me, you care about me too much," (Y/n) involuntarily laid her head on his shoulder, " and I care about you...more than I should."

Paris couldn't hear the last part of the (h/c)-ette's sentence, he was to engulfed in relief and happiness. Despite the fact they were in the sewers, it was like they were a normal couple just taking a nice stroll. Their arms linked and her head laying on his shoulder, it only made him lean his own head on top of hers. At some point, they had to separate in order to get to the room, but the light fluttery feeling in Paris's chest stayed. (Y/n), on the other hand, felt as though her heart was going to beat out of her chest.

When they finally reached the door, Paris unsheathed his knife and put his arm in front of (Y/n) and turned his head slightly to look at her.

"Be ready for anything, okay?" He asked, smiling at her obedient nod.

When he turned the doorknob, he was surprised to see that it was unlocked. (Y/n) felt shivers run down her spine when she heard the ominous creaking of the door.

"What do you see, Paris?" (Y/n) asked anxiously.

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now