The Disappearance

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"Okay, Sweetie. Mommy will be back in half an hour. I gotta grab some veggies for dinner." Ms. Alvarez said to her son.

"Okay, Ma." The boy replied, he was laying on his back on his blue bean bag and was preoccupied with the new toy soldier his mother had bought him.

"Try not to burn the house down, okay?" The blonde teased, making her son roll his eyes.

"Gotcha, Ma." The boy replied.

Checking herself over in the mirror one last time, she grabbed her purse and opened the door. When it closed, silence filled the room. The boy jubilantly held the soldier over him, "Looks like it's just you and me, soldier!"

The soldier was dressed in a black and white 1800s British uniform. It had a Pinocchio-like nose and red cheeks and lips. The boy laughed and closed his eyes, wondering what adventure they should go on first.

A fight against enemy troops? Maybe act as a spy on the opposing side? Maybe shake things up a bit and have an adventure in space-


The boy then opened his eyes, reality snatching him away from space adventures and riveting spy missions and back into the living room onto his blue bean bag. Making him wonder what it was that fell on his face.

"Eh?" He muttered.

Then his soldier began to move. Its mouth wiggled awkwardly at first but soon opened to reveal a row of sharp teeth and its eyes dilating into nothing more than little red slits. An ink-like substance began to droop out slowly from the toy as it began to laugh. Its laughter was raspy and not enjoyable to listen to, like nails dragging on a chalkboard, but it soon turned into a maniacal cackle.


"We'll do everything we can, Ms. Alvarez." A female officer assured the mother.

Ms. Alvarez had her arms close to her chest, her eyes red and puffy from all the crying she had done. It only filled a certain (h/c)-ette with determination to find the missing boy.

"Isn't that Leslie? From 304? What happened?" A brown-haired woman in the crowd asked, question stacked on top of question.

"Yeah...I heard the police on the way out...apparently, her son was kidnapped."Answered another bystander.

"That's awful!" Someone exclaimed.

"I can't imagine how she must feel!" Another chimed.

"Do they know who did it?" A different voice questioned.

Soon they began to clamor over one another, making a certain red-haired lady dressed in a black trench coat and matching beanie rolling her emerald green eyes under her sunglasses.

"Ugh, everyone just wants the tea," Vivianna muttered.

"C'mon, Vi. I'm sure they are all genuinely worried about the kid." (Y/n) reasoned, pulling her (f/c)-colored peacoat closer to her.

Vivianna only adjusted her sunglasses, "I'm sure there are, but there are also some people who are just gonna repeat this only for the attention."

Paris rolled his two crimson eyes, the girl's conversation was hushed but not quietly enough for him to not hear it.
"You aren't exactly one to judge, Vivianna. I don't appreciate you spreading rumors to the other twins about (Y/n) and I. " Paris chimed in.

(Y/n) blushed furiously after Paris mentioned the hug they had before she had to leave for a sleepover, she actually hoped to talk about what happened with him. To try and get an answer to a question that had been haunting her mind.

"I also told them about the pumpkin thing," Vivianna smirked.

Paris didn't want to give Vivianna a reaction but he couldn't resist growling angrily at the memory of that one embarrassing Halloween. After that, they traveled in silence.

The trio continued to walk around the building, trying to act as natural as possible before Paris stopped and looked up at the windows.

"Hmm. 304, "third floor", "lots of plants", and "yellow curtains"." Paris repeated.

"This it, then?" Vivianna inquired.

Paris nodded. Then checked the perimeters to make sure no one was looking.

"How about we do this the easy way, girls?" He asked.

"No ones around, I'll be sure to warn you if there is though." (Y/n) smiled, her way of agreeing.

"Hurry up." Vivianna deadpanned, checking on her porcelain nails.

Paris placed one foot securely on the ground and used the other to boost himself, he landed smoothly and gracefully on the window sill. As a bonus, he didn't knock down any plants at all despite how close they were together.

"He's so cool." (Y/n) awed, her (e/c) eyes almost had stars in them.

Vivianna scoffed, "You're too easily impressed, sis."

Paris stood up and looked down at the two. (Y/n) made sure to check around once more before looking back up at Paris, a big thumbs up were the signal that the coast was clear. Nodding in acknowledgment, Paris held out his arm.

Soon silver glitter began to form inside his palm and then combusted, leaving a beautiful snowglobe with a red cap. He held it out the window slightly and watched carefully as silver beams shot down at the twins. They wrapped gently around (Y/n)'s waist and brought her up swiftly and gently.

(Y/n) looked at Paris with a small smile, Paris looked back with the same smile. Red locked onto (e/c) for a moment but then they quickly looked away from each other.

(Y/n) fiddled with her black bowtie for a bit, thinking about the question that had been on her mind ever since what had happened before the sleepover.

"We aren't lovebirds, Vivianna. We were just hugging as friends do." Paris huffed.

It hurt to remember those words but there was still that huge portion of (Y/n) that refused to believe them. She was about to open her mouth to ask if Paris had actually meant what he said but before (Y/n) could say anything Vivianna had been pulled up.

"Sheesh, look at this mess." Vivianna winced, dusting some glitter off her black skirt.

Paris and (Y/n) turned around, not expecting the scene in front of them.

"Well now," Paris remarked, "looks like we missed quite the party."

Plants and paintings were knocked over and black splatters could be found on the walls. It made (Y/n)'s head create awful scenarios about what could've happened to that poor boy.

"It is quite a mess," Vivianna noted, walking over to a broken picture and closely observing the damaged frame, "We just gotta try and find out where we've seen a mess like this before."

She dragged her finger over the wood and showed it to her other partners. On her gloved finger was an almost tar-like liquid.

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now