Halloween Special

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    (Y/n) hummed a little tune to herself as she hung up cobwebs in the corners of the living room. Vivianna was upstairs and rigging up a harmless prank she concocted for Ivan, although considering this was Vivianna, (Y/n) wasn't exactly sure how 'harmless' it was really going to be. When she noticed that she had hung one cobweb higher than the other, she stepped on her tippy toes and tried to even it out, but she went to close to the edge and tipped the stool over.

    She was about to let out a shrill scream but was silenced when she felt two arms catch her falling form. (Y/n) looked up only for her (e/c) eyes to look into a certain pair of red ones, her heartbeat becoming faster and faster.

    "Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Paris asked, tilting his head in concern.

    "M-Me? Yeah! I'm fine! Thanks for catching me!" (Y/n) stammered, not really making any eye contact with him anymore.

    He set the doll down gently, "Do you need me to help?"

    "I should be fine by myself, just gotta be more careful, y' know?" The (h/c)-haired doll chuckled nervously, twisting a loose strand of hair.

     Paris smiled kindly, a smile that made her heart beat faster than it already was.

     "Please allow me to help. It'd be a shame if you got hurt." Paris insisted.

    (Y/n) gulped deeply. She was already weak to that smile he had but the gentle tone of voice he used on her, she wasn't sure if she could handle it. (Y/n) thought about it for a bit and soon gave in.

    "Maybe you can help, you are a lot taller than I," She hummed, "Maybe you could help me by evening out the cobwebs?"

     Paris nodded, then walking behind (Y/n). She was confused but let out a squeak of surprise when she felt Paris's hands grab both sides of her waist and raise her up to the cobwebs.

    "P-Paris!" She squealed.

     He then moved his head a little to meet with her eyes, "I'm sorry. Was this not what you meant?"

    (Y/n) only felt her face heat up even more, "No, It's fine! You just took me by surprise."

    Paris only chuckled, "Then I promise to give you a warning next time."

    (Y/n) could feel her heartbeat spike when he said 'next time'. After all, when were they ever going to need to in this position again?

    "Um...are you gonna even out those cobwebs, (Y/n)?" Paris chuckled, causing her to redden even more.

    "Right!" (Y/n) hissed softly, obviously embarrassed.

    A little while later, (Y/n) managed to get the cobwebs even with another. Just to make sure, she looked them over a little more just to make sure they were perfect, or to try and preserve her and Paris's position a little longer. The first part, mostly.

    "I've never seen someone so attentively hang up cobwebs." Paris mused.

    "You've never seen anyone hang up cobwebs in general." (Y/n) shot back playfully.

     Paris set the girl down. (Y/n) turned around and smiled brightly up at him. They ended up staring awkwardly at each other until they heard a high-pitched scream come from the kitchen. The two of them raced to the kitchen to find Ivan in the corner cowering behind Vivianna, who was whipping back...an evil overgrown Jack 'o Lantern?

    "What happened?!" Paris demanded, unsheathing his knife.

    "Dear old diddums, here, decided to help me carve a pumpkin!" Vivianna shouted, cracking her whip as a warning for the pumpkin to back up.

    "Well, it's not like I made the pumpkin itself! I just made the face!" Ivan shouted in his defense.

    "When are you gonna learn to just stop making things!?" Paris growled, he began to charge at the giant pumpkin.

    When he tried to slice into the pumpkin, the knife was too weak for the pumpkin's thick layer. It turned around, the carved smile on its face let out a raspy chuckle of some sort and then expanded it's mouth to a monstrous size. Paris's crimson eyes widened, realizing that he was to close to pull back.

    "PARIS!" All three people shouted when the pumpkin ate him.

    (Y/n) stared wide-eyed at the spot where Paris was eaten, Ivan stared in shock at the pumpkin, and Vivianna wasn't sure whether to mourn his 'death' or laugh about the way he died. At some point, they could see something slashing desperately inside the orange fruit, which meant that Paris wasn't dead.

    "Vi! I'm going to sing to it, you hit it while it's distracted!" (Y/n) ordered.

    Vivianna nodded, gripping her whip's handle tightly.

    You see, Vivianna was built to help Paris when creations were too strong for him to handle. (Y/n) was created to be the distraction, so Ivan gave her the opposite of a screechy and horrendous voice, thus allowing her to have the voice of an angel. Paris was the leader, Vivianna was back-up strength, and (Y/n) was the peacemaker (if possible) and decoy.

    "Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange?" (Y/n) sang beautifully, her voice layered with soprano but some bass could be heard as well.

    Vivianna looked at (Y/n) with a single brow raised. It was the kind of cliché 'really' look one would give to another when they either did or said something stupid. If only (Y/n) could've spared a breathe to explain that it WAS Halloween after all, but she sang a bit more shakily when the pumpkin turned over and began to charge at her. Using its feet as roots.

    "Come with us and you will see, this our town of Halloween. This is Halloween, This is Halloween. Halloween, Halloween, Halloween." (Y/n) continued, only for a green vine to wrap around her waist and lift her up.

    "V-Vi!" (Y/n) squealed loudly as the vine rose her above the pumpkin's now elongated mouth.

    "Chill out, I'd never let you get hurt," Vivianna mumbled, allowing her ribbon-whip to expand.

     The redhead managed to wrap her whip around the pumpkin a few times before finally tugging on her whip tightly. The pumpkin had only reacted by roaring loudly and dropping (Y/n), causing her to grunt a little on impact. Vivianna tugged harder on the whip, this time making the pumpkin explode on everything. (Y/n) looked around through the pumpkin shells and orange goop.

     "Eurgh! This is going to impossible to get rid of!" a voice that (Y/n) could identify anywhere complained

     Quickly, (Y/n) whipped her head into the direction of the voice and saw Paris trying to wipe off the pumpkin from his suit. Euphoria had overcome the doll as she ran over to her partner and hugged him tightly.

     "W-Wha? Hey! (Y/N), don't hug me! You'll get pumpkin all over you!" Paris struggled against the doll's grip until he realized how tightly she was hugging him.

    "I don't care." (Y/n) laughed, except her tone was shaky.

    Paris looked down at the doll in surprise, "W-Were you worried? For me?"

     (Y/n) only nuzzled into his pumpkin covered chest and laughed, "Of course, Paris! I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

     She could feel him stiffen, making her look up curiously to her raven-haired crush. Then she felt his arms wrap around her and nestled into her (h/c) hair.

     "Thank you, (Y/n). I promise not to make you worry like that again." Paris assured softly in the doll's ear, making her blush.

     In the corner, Vivianna was being held back by the creator.

     "C'mon, let this happen!" Ivan shouted.

     "NEVER! HE'LL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER! BIG SISTER DOESN'T APPROVE!" Vivianna protested, her hands scratching wildly at the air in front of her.

    Ivan sweatdropped, not knowing how long he can hold the angered red-head back from hurting poor Paris.

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now