Yumi's Past

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    Two figures were walking down the street. One had a grey flowing jacket and the other was a lot smaller in height but had a red hoodie. The taller one held a snowglobe with one had, the figurines looked nervously down on the ground.
    "I won't drop you two." Paris sighed heavily.
    (Y/n) only nodded nervously, "I-I know, I trust you, but I'm still scared."
    "I don't think you'll hurt me as long as (Y/n) is here but you are quite unpredictable, Paris." Vivianna hummed lightly.
    If it was only Vivianna, Paris would've violently shaken the globe, but he, when he saw the nervousness on (Y/n)'s face his face, began to soften.
    "Do you want to go on my shoulder?" Paris asked, watching you nod meekly.
    Yumi looked up at Paris with a confused look on her face, "You can do that?"
    Paris nodded, "The snowglobe gives them their transformation powers, so they really just choose whatever form they want to take before they leave the snow globe. Typically they choose to be in their more human forms but they can appear in their doll ones, too."
    Unscrewing the cap, the glitter storm wasn't as grand or flashy. Instead, a small silver beam flew near Paris's shoulder as softly as the wind. When it passed, a smaller (Y/n) was sitting cozily on Paris's shoulder and looked at Yumi with the same warm smile on your face and waved at her, she waved back. Vivianna huffed and leaned on the glass.
    A few minutes of silence had passed as they all continued to walk down the dimly lit streetlight. (Y/n) enjoying Paris's close proximity to her and subconsciously nuzzled into him, Paris was the first to break the silence.
    "You know..."He began, leaning his head gently onto your small form, "You never really struck me as the 'sneak outside at night type', not that I'm complaining."
    "Maybe Vi rubbed off on her." (Y/N) suggested jokingly.
    "Yes, that could be it." Paris chuckled.
    Vivianna indignantly glared up at the two through the glass dome of her home and prison, "Oh shove off! I'm an amazing role model!"
    Yumi decided to intervene before they ended up arguing and attracting attention, "N-No, I'm not. I-It's just I had a bad feeling that if we waited for tommorrow...then it'll be too late."
    The softness of her voice made her last sentence all the more ominous.
             "A bad feeling?" Paris asked, "not a dream this time?"
    Yumi nodded shyly, "Y...yeah..."
    "Did your grandfather get bad feelings, as well?"(Y/n) asked, nuzzling her tiny form into the crook of Paris's neck.
    It tickled a little, yet he managed to hold in a chuckle. Instead, he only leaned his head a little onto his shoulder, only squeezing the little (Y/n) resting on his shoulder.
    "Oh... I think so..." Yumi thought about it, "Apparently my mom and even his mom could, uh, see and feel things, too. Grandpa said it ran in the family. Kinda like our skin and eyes, I guess."
            It was at that moment that (Y/n) noticed that Yumi actually had light violet eyes instead of crimson ones. Amazing how colors and light angles work.
    "Oh, wait!" Yumi suddenly exclaimed, "I think my mom had black hair. So I guess it's not the same."
    Vivianna perked her head a little, "...' had'?"
    Yumi nervously looked to the side before speaking up a little, "My mom and dad got into an accident when I was a baby so my grandparents took me in. But Granny got sick and I don't have any cousins or anything...so it was just me and grandpa..."
    (Y/n) was suddenly teary-eyed as she looked down at the little girl. She was so sweet and young yet she went through so much pain, (Y/n) began to have second thoughts about having Yumi help them. She knew for sure that she wanted to shield Yumi from any harm but she also knew that Paris wouldn't allow her, she had a job, after all.
    Vivianna shifted uncomfortably in the snowglobe, not really used to hearing about things, and actually decided not to say anything for fear of being insensitive. Paris only looked at the girl with a mixed look of confusion and concern. Yumi noticed his stare and smiled nervously.
    "I-It's okay! Grandpa liked to stay in his study and he'd take me to the library, a lot so I wasn't lonely!" Yumi added quickly.
    Paris stayed silent before speaking once more, "So...are you lonely now?"
    This questioned made Yumi reform back to her stammering and shy self. All three dolls leaned in to hear Yumi's response.
    "N-no! That's not what I meant! I have Atsuko and Nora and Iris and Lily and..." Yumi only shyly looked down at her feet, "It was nice being friends...with you guys."
    Paris stiffened at her words, Vivianna only looked at her before mumbling something under her breath along with the words of 'I will defend this child'. Vivianna put her porcelain hand over her mouth to try and hide her blush. (Y/n)'s compassion finally combusted as she suddenly jumped from Paris's shoulder onto Yumi. Thankfully Yumi caught her and only giggled nervously as (Y/n) began to sob passionately.
    "AW! Yumi!" (Y/n) whimpered.
    Yumi only looked away nervously to try and hide her reddened face from the other two dolls that weren't hugging her. Paris only looked at the scene before cracking a smile, then laughing a little, and soon it became hysterical.
    "He's finally lost it!" Vivianna cheered.
    Yumi only stuffed her face into (Y/n)'s a smaller figure, making (Y/n) look at Paris with a disappointed look as she began to pat Yumi's albino hair.
    "Oh dear, *hee-hee* I'm sorry, I-I'm just thinking....h-how sweet that was...I'm not laughing at you!" Paris assured, covering his wide toothy smile with his red glove.
    (Y/n) could feel her heartbeat accelerate at the sight of seeing Paris's smile, the way it brightened up the darkness of the night. He looked so cute and handsome, making (Y/n)'s stare soften.
    "It's the idea...of a human calling us friends is just so..." Paris didn't get to finish his sentence but continued to laugh.
    Yumi only continued to scream softly in embarrassment as they continued to venture down the dark street.
    The trio stopped in front of the building where the boy was reported missing. Paris was still holding onto the doll in the snowglobe as Yumi was holding (Y/n) who bit her lip nervously at the sight of the building once more.
    "It really looks just like my dream." The albino girl awed.
    "Mhm, so tell me, Yumi," Paris began, "This idea to talk to ghosts or spirits or however you cal-"
    Vivianna only interrupted Paris, "You can't offend ghosts, they're not real. Anyways, he's asking how do you plan to find one?"
It was kind of ironic that Vivianna didn't believe in ghosts, given that dolls aren't supposed to talk or fight, but her twin didn't share the same ideology as her. Yumi also had a sneaking suspicion that Paris had some doubts about the existence of ghosts.
"Oh...um that..."Yumi turned around.
(Y/n) peeked over the girl's shoulder to see what she was looking at but could not find anything. She looked questioningly up at Yumi but saw how awfully frightened she looked.
"That won't be a problem."

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