Girl's Night

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     "May someone please explain to me why I have to stay here while you all go to Lily's house?" Paris grumbled.

    (Y/n) helped Yumi pack things for tonight, Vivianna setting the snowglobe snuggly between Yumi's pajamas. Eventually, (Y/n) turned over her shoulder and smiled softly at Paris.

    "It's a sleepover. Apparently, Lily invited us to her house for one." (Y/n) explained.

     It had been a few weeks after the shoe incident and Yumi hadn't gotten any strange dreams lately. Her mothers did not know the real truth about the dummy and the snow globe, which Paris said was for the best, but they had to be extra vigilant when roaming the house, specifically the naturally loud Vivianna.

    Back to the subject of the sleepover, the (L/n) twins actually began to befriend the Lalah Twins. It made Paris happy that the two were adjusting okay but it was also annoying that there were two human girls who knew their secret, and Paris knows how chatty most teenagers are.

    "Right. So while you go off and do trivial human things, I'll be here worrying about the other creations running amok and still not having any leads." Paris deadpanned.

    Vivianna clicked her tongue, "Thanks for understanding, Parry."

    Paris only glared bitterly at Vivianna until (Y/n) shooed her sister off before she finally pushed Paris off the edge. Vivianna only went to the bathroom to help Yumi pack up essentials they may need over there, leaving her younger twin and Paris alone. (Y/n) looked back over at Paris, her smile still soft and sweet.

    "Don't think of it like we're leaving you, we're just giving Yumi one night of normality before we end up dragging her down the rabbit's hole with us." (Y/n) hummed, her wide (e/c) eyes staring into Paris's crimson ones.

    Paris stiffened when (Y/n) put her hand on his upper arm in an attempt to try and comfort him. He could feel his face heat up when he noticed how close she came to him, the smile never leaving on her face.

    "I also thought...maybe you'd want some time alone," (Y/n) added on "It wasn't a walk in the park last time we had to do this and I feel like it won't be any better now. Especially being mindful of having a child accompany us."

    Paris only simpered at her kind and caring heart before remembering that this was (Y/n)'s biggest flaw. Her heart displayed so shamelessly to those who were even the slightest bit upset, her gentle look and warm tone of voice that soothed Paris no matter his mood. Her heart was one that was willing to accept anything, even monsters like Paris, but he knew that not all monsters would appreciate the (h/c)-haired doll's heart. Not like Paris did, no. they'd just want to either take advantage of it or destroy it. Which was something that Paris prayed would never come to pass, ever.

    "Promise not to be too lonely without us." (Y/n) teased lightly, wrapping her arms around the dummy's waist.

    Paris did not hesitate to return the hug, "Have fun and make sure that Vivianna doesn't get into trouble."

    (Y/n) laughed softly, "I don't think I can promise that."

    Once more, Paris was staring into those (e/c) eyes of hers. Their arms still wrapped around each other and faces were oh-so-close. (Y/n)'s cheeks flushed a little as Paris brought his hand to her cheek.

    "I missed you," Paris muttered.

     "I missed you, too." (Y/n) beamed.

     "And I missed it when you two lovebirds were separated." Vivianna gagged, interrupting the two.

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now