Unspoken Guilt

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When all three dolls carefully crept through a window for the second time tonight, they entered the dark bedroom and took off their coats.

"Let's be quiet. We don't wanna wake up, Yumi." Paris said in a hushed tone.

Both twins nodded in agreement. They tried to creep quietly outside the room to return Yumi's mother's coats but then the lights turned on and brightened the room.

"You guys are back! Are you okay? Are you hurt!?" The albino girl exclaimed.

Paris only stared at the girl in shock as she began to ask question after question if her dream was correct and helpful in any way. Vivianna only chuckled at the girl's concern and (Y/n) began to go into mother mode.

"Yumi, have you been up this entire time?" (Y/n) asked, kneeling down to the girl's level.

"W-Well, I..." Yumi trailed off nervously.

Vivianna only shrugged, "It's fine, Sis. Yumi was just concerned. She also deserves to know what happened."

(Y/n) only looked back at the girl worriedly before managing to replace her concerned frown into an endearing simper, "Well...from the top, I suppose."

"Yes, we're just fine," Vivianna answered question A.

"No your dream was spot on," Paris replied to question B.

"Yes, it was one of those but we, unfortunately, didn't get it." (Y/n) responded sorrowfully to questions C and D.

Yumi only frowned as Paris continued, "By the time we got there, it was already gone, as was the child of the house. Kidnapped, apparently. We searched most of the night but had no luck on finding anything."

"We all had the same idea on which cockalorum it was." Vivianna spat venomously.

Yumi looked over at (Y/n) quizzically, wondering what a 'cockalorum' was. All that (y/n) replied with was that Vivianna's materials were mostly shipped from London and that there were theories she and Paris made upon how that affected Vivianna's personality.

"Anyways, it was quite strange...." Paris muttered.

Quietness soon enveloped the room as everyone began to drift away to their own thoughts and ideas about the matter.

"I'm sorry," Yumi mumbled, breaking the quiet.

"Now, why on earth are you so-" (Y/n) was quickly cut off" Because, if only I had dreamed it happening sooner. Then maybe you guys could've gotten there in time, B-but I had to-"

Yumi was silenced when she became engulfed in a big hug by the two twins and Paris putting a gloved hand on her head. The albino blushed from the attention and affection she was receiving.

"You're such a strange girl." Paris chuckled lightly.

"A little cutie, too.~" (Y/n) hummed.

The redhead and (h/c)-ette let go of the girl once they were sure she wasn't doubting herself or going to interrupt again.

"Plus, it's not like any of us had psychic abilities. All our creator did was just point out where the little bugger was and left us to do the dirty work." Vivianna shrugged.

"Honestly." Paris sneered bitterly, making (Y/n) sad and unnerved at his behavior.

"If it wasn't for you, Yumi. We wouldn't even have the slightest idea to start." (Y/n) added on.

"You are truly a great friend for helping us. We are tremendously grateful for your help, Yumi." Paris thanked.

The compliments were very overwhelming to the girl. Her blush darkening and body was rigid from embarrassment. Even when Nora or Atsuko told her that she was loved, she never really truly felt that love until these three came into her life.

"Well...You saved my life...and Lily's too! And now you guys are trying to save someone else's!" Yumi beamed, "I'll do anything I can to help!"

(Y/n)'s smile faltered at Yumi's words, Vivianna coughed nervously and tried to avoid Yumi's gaze. Only Paris was able to speak.

"..."Saving lives" isn't..." Paris began absentmindedly.

Vivianna looked at him incredulously and (Y/n) frowned. These three were supposed to avoid as many casualties as possible, except that wasn't exactly at the top of their priorities, but what would Yumi think if she knew about that?

"She'd think we're monsters," (Y/n) thought, "Which isn't really too far from the truth..."

"..."Isn't"...?" Yumi repeated, waiting for Paris to continue

Both Paris and (Y/n) jolted from their thoughts, Vivianna only tensed before laughing a little. She patted Yumi's snow-white hair as if trying to physically assure her that she didn't need to worry.

"The longer you know us, the more you'll realize that Paris often thinks to himself out loud," Vivianna then glowered at him," and it may be something he should fix."

Paris sighed, "It's true, I do often think aloud. So, please don't worry about it Yumi."

Maybe it was the smile or the fact that she was a child, but Yumi felt no need to go into it any further when she looked into Paris's smile. It was reassuring to her and those three have been truthful so far, they wouldn't lie to her right?
She was their best friend...right?

"Yumi! Lily's here!" Nora shouted.

Then Yumi's eyes widened before she remembered, "Oh yeah! We're going to Lily's again!"

Vivianna cheered, "Girls Night: part 2!"

"Except I'm not a girl." Paris monotoned.

Vivianna glared at him but then smirked, "You're an honorary girl, tonight."

(Y/n) didn't want to laugh but it was kind of funny. She managed to reduce it to a giggle as Vivianna kept antagonizing him about tonight.

"I will be whatever gender I am comfortable with, which is male!" Paris finally shouted.

"Is there someone up there with you, Yumi?" Atsuko asked, footsteps walking up the stairs.

Paris covered his mouth, Vivianna looked just about ready to strangle him, and (Y/n) grabbed the snowglobe and opened it. A swirling void of glitter wrapped around her and her sister before finally, the snowglobe had engulfed the two, and they were now in their regular position. Holding each other's hand cheek-to-cheek.

Paris reverted back to his puppet form and laid limply om Yumi's bed. Just in time, because Atsuko had opened to door. Glancing suspiciously around the room, her gaze landed on Yumi.

"Are you ready to go?" Atsuko asked, a small simper on her face.

Yumi nodded, "I just need to grab Paris and my snowglobe."

Atsuko nodded, "Be quick, Yumi, your mothers got an important sale happening at the antique shop."

Scooping up Paris and the snowglobe, Yumi ran outside her room and waited patiently for both of her mothers to be ready to leave. Vivianna detached from her sister and went to the closest area next to Paris.

"I will be whatever gender I am comfortable, which is male!"She whisper-shouted, repeating Paris's previous words.

From her point of view, she barely saw Paris's crimson eyes glaring at her. Yumi and (Y/n) only tried to hold in laughter at Vivianna's imitation.

"I will kill you one of these days, Vivianna," Paris growled quietly.

"Now, now." (Y/n) interject, "Let's be civil."

Then Nora and Atusko came out from their room. Dressed in their usual business attire and purses.

"Are you excited to see Lily, Yumi?" Nora asked, unlocking the door.

"Yup!" Yumi nodded before walking out the door.

There were some important things they needed to discuss with Lily, anyways.

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