Yumi Wright pt.1

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There was once a man, a very strange young man.

Who could build whatever his heart desired.

There was nothing he could not build but everything he built was


He didn't know, and when at last he did- It was too late.

Bought. Sold. Bought. Sold. Spread throughout the land.

What was he to do?

What could he do?

Things built to entertain, Tortured.

Things built to protect, Destroyed.

"Everything I make does the opposite I want it to do-in terrible ways!"

It struck him then-

He knew what he needed to create.

If what he made became monsters...

Perhaps it were monsters he'd have to make.

Yumi was asleep, almost.

She tossed and turned, groaning at her discomfort in her own bed.


Her eyes opened wide at that moment. Sitting up straight in her bed, she could hear something shuffling in the darkness of her room. No...it was at the end of her bed. She watched as something, something small, tried climbing onto her bed.

She felt the hairs on her neck stand up when she saw the thing pulling itself up. It was her Teddy bear, but there was something sinister about it.

"I can't move," She thought, "I can't scream."

Yumi was petrified, watching as her teddy began to slowly inch toward her.

"I'm frozen."

Soon, the Teddy was in front of her. Staring at her with it's dull and lifeless eyes. She could feel the sweat and tears beginning to arise, only increasing when the bear's mouth began to open demonically.

She closed her eyes, "Grandpa always said that if I just ignored the scary things I saw, I would be okay."

She could hear the bear's low growl above her, ready to eat her whole. She began to pull her knees to her shivering form and began to sob.

"I think you were wrong, Grandpa."

"Yu...Yumi..." A familiar voice called out. Her Grandpa's voice.

"Check the basement." He said.

Suddenly, she opened up her light purple eyes and shot up straight in her bed. She clenched her heart tightly and began to swallow breath after breath. Then she felt something next to her. Turning her head, she saw her Teddy. Eyes still lifeless and dull.

She stared at it for a bit, deciding the best course of action to take.

"Sorry..." She apologized silently to her teddy, "but after that dream..."

She made sure to put it in the farthest box and looked at it. It was a gift from her grandfather...perhaps she was being superstitious?

"Hey Yumi! Can you come down for a minute," Nora, her adoptive mother called, "Just need a quick word."

Yumi quickly darted out of her room and ran downstairs to meet her parent, her usual red hoodie/ dress and necklace was what she wore.

Nora was already ready for work in her black jacket and white work skirt, her purse hung over her shoulder. She smiled at her adopted daughter before noticing something.

"Where's your little teddy?" Nora questoned.

Yumi didn't say anything. She just looked the other way as she began to recall vivid and unpleasant images from her dream. Silence soon befell on the two before Nora smiled and leaned down to the child's level.

"Listen, Yumi. You haven't been here for long and you miss your grandpa, "Nora comforted, "But we're a family now! You can tell us anything, okay?"

Yumi was at a loss for words, only feeling her face heat up and a goofy smile replaced her silent and stoic face, "Th-Thank you, Nora!"

It was too much for Nora. The cute was just TOO strong. She engulfed the girl into a tight hug while gushing about her adorableness. When they parted, they both gave a small laugh.

"Also," Nora continued as she rose to her full height, "Lily called and said she'd be late for babysitting but I've gotta run to the store, there's a big shipment coming. Will you be fine by yourself?"

Yumi just stared silently at her adopted mother before nodding vigorously that she'd be fine.


Yumi began to wander aimlessly around the house before seeing the basement door. Yumi soon began remembering her grandfather's words in her dream.

"Right, he said something about the basement..." She began to walk toward it when she heard it.


She turned around, it sounded exactly like her dream.

"It sounds...exactly like the closet door." She dreaded, nervously fidgeting with her necklace.

"No...it couldn't be...It's an old house after all," She thought to herself, "but then why am I ...so worried?"

She walked upstairs to her bedroom, nervously peeking through the crack of the open door. Yumi felt her heart drop at the sight of her teddy bear on her bed. She was more than sure that she did not place it there.

Then it moved.

"Play?" It groaned, "Play?...Play."

Then it began to transform into something hellish. Just like the bear in her nightmares. With overgrown claws and sharp fangs that could rip a little girl like her to pieces easily. It lunged at her, Yumi quickly closing the door and making a break for it. A blood curdling roar growled from behind her. She quickly darted down the stairs but she could tell by the beast's growling that it was getting closer to her.

"It's too fast!" She thought to herself.

Reaching out to the door knob, she prayed over and over again that it wasn't locked. Her prayers were answered because she twisted the door knob and dashed in. Closing the door hurriedly behind her.

The bear's growling behind the door and felt it trying to break through the door. The only thing that kept it from hurting her. Soon it began to become silent, now whining quietly for her to open the door.

"Is it waiting for me?" Yumi thought to herself, "What do I do? What do I do? I don't want to die!"

She grasped her necklace tightly to her.

"Grandpa, what do I do?"

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